I HATE Hip Hop!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Okay, maybe I dont! What I mean is,,,,,

I'm sick of all this tired-ass shit I keep hearin! I remember there was a time when I would put on Hot97(Tri-State Hip Hop Station) and hear: Tribe, De La, LONS, Naughty, Cypress,,etc. Now, there's no variety with these new kids. Everybody is rhymin about the same shit. Everybody's tryin' to sound like someone else! WHY!?!

Sorry for rantin' but lets look at the reality of things. Degradin' woman, gun totin' violence, and the "Thug Factor" all sell records. Why? I know. And I'm gonna tell ya...and fellas,,,listen up. Now, since the dawn of time, every man thinks he can't be beat in a fight. Shit even I do. BUT, this isnt the case. But the tuffer ya feel, the better ya feel.(stick wit me)The tuffer ya are, the more respect ya get from ya peers. Now this is the same thru the Hip Hop game as of late. Everybody has to be the tuffest, thug that no one can step too. Because for some reason as men, we think this attracts women,,,especially after a few drinks. This may be juvenile, but thats just it. These cats on the radio and mainstream,,,,they are still growin up even though some are older then me. BUT, its still cool to them to be looked at as a "Gangsta" because other younger idiots look up to them. Even some women are turned on by this and well, thats were the degradin women part makes sense....to a degree. Bottom line is, cats are gettin' paid to put on a tuff role, spit some wak rhymes over even wakker beats, and get laid on top of it. Put all these elements together and ya got a Hit Record, and a Superstar in the Rap game.

Hip Hop lost its original 4 elements and gained new ones:
1) Money
2) Machismo
3) Bitches
4) Un-originality

First we cloned a sheep, now its rappers!!!!:headbang: :headbang:


ill o.g.
I feel what you saying cause I went through the same thing about a year or so ago. I got over it eventually and now I love hip-hop more than ever.

tony needles

ill o.g.
Thats real talk stress, thats the state of hip hop right now, and as long as it keeps selling and making money for execs, ish aint finna change


ill o.g.
Yes, the radio is weak right now, but I think you're wrong about what's on it. I don't hear any violent rap right now on the radio(at least that i can think of). I hear about clubs, dubs, or some love song to some bitch. I'd be happy if the radio played some hard shit right now, cause honestly im tired of hearin this pussy shit like Chingy (even though the holiday inn beat was sick!). But hell yeah the radio needs to mix their stuff up some, get all types of rap. I don't know how bootsie ass bustas like Chingy get on the radio, It sucks! It's like the Brittany Spears of Rap: Can't sing but is attractive physically, which i never thought would happen to rap and its a damn shame. I know im just ramblin' on, but Im trying to express my frustration and its hard. Whatever.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Stress homie, I agree...those 4 elements arent new to tha game tho...that shits been runnin how and what gets sold in tha rap game for days now, in my opinion it jus keeps mutatin'....I think its unfortunate as well that people are basically displaying a level of intelegence that a fuckin 6 grader would have but thats what sells i guess??...U cant tell people how to be or what to think, but u can make an example of what can be done instead of degrading yourself as well as our female counterparts....Honestly, i agree with every word - all tha way to tha period...but this thread makes me remember when i first joined tha illmuzik site and thats all i would rant about cuz it made me so fuckin irritated...im not saying thats specifically what yer doin, i jus realize now that even if i write a novel - things arent gonna change and people are still gonna act a fuckin fool...ya know!? I figure tha only real definite thing you can do iz try to make waves on yer own and stay tru to what yer sayin there up above when ever tha time comes when those cats over at tha "big record label" want yer john hancock...Be you and stay you, thats so much more of a REAL REPRESENTATION than anything else you can display or immitate on MTV....



50 Million Year Trip
ill o.g.
True words Stress, the way I see it is put down your radio and do yourself a compilation, pretend its '93 again, cause there's no getting over this "I'm harder than you" shite.
I been listening to A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing by Black Sheep a lot and it's damn funny satire, sends it all up perfectly. So fuck em, do your own thing and screw all this hardness bollocks


ill o.g.
look past what you see on MTV or hear on the radio and there is HEAPS of fresh hip-hop music right now. Even some of the commercial stuff is dope to me right now. As an example here are just a couple of hip-hop albums that are dope and in my rotation right now;

1) Kanye West - College Dropout
2) T.I. - Trap Muzik
3) Hilltop Hoods - The Calling
4) Pete Rock - Soul Survivor
5) Murs - Murs 3:16. The 9th Edition

Hip-Hop is alive and well!!!


ill o.g.
i know HH is alive and well, and i know it will be for some time to come, but i gotta say that the only real shit out there at the mo and perhaps the only genre that has constantly reinvented itself is rock. im a total HH cat but ive also been into the rock scene, and yup i gotta give it cred...its been real for yonkers now. watch 6 HH videos, and youll get my point about cloned recycled fraff.


ill o.g.
Just ignore all that bullshit on tv and the radio. Like many of hip hops trends, it will eventually pass. Maybe history will repeat itself and we will be reintroduced to the daisy age of De LA Tribe pharcyde. I cant lie I love that gangsta shit too, only if the kids spitten are good (ya know Mobb deep, MOP etc.) Word up Stress!

Oh yeah check out Whoo kids new mixtape with Mobb DEEp. That shit is bananas. All produced by the alchemist. It also has a hiddden track by Nas called Star wars. ONE!

Craig Gantt

Microphone Violator
ill o.g.
Stress I feel it seems like hip hop goes through stages and the one we in is ugly as hell, I watched MTV yesterday (somethin I dont normally do) and all I saw was bullshit out of the 3 hours that I watched the "hip hop" portion of MTV not one dude had anything to say out of the 50 sum odd videos I saw and its sickenin really but what can we do until the real hip hop heads out buy the mainstream kids or the mainstream kids get bored of hip hop its going to keep being pop

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
name names homey

yo dog... i hear you... kind of... you should name names though... as far as some gangsta shit i dont see it on the radio as much as i see some pussy ass pretty boy shit and bullshit tracks with a bullshit r&b collabo.... cats is poppin bout money and hos and shit... for instance check out the diplomats shit... cam and them be basically talkin bout sellin coke on every track, and personally im happy to hear it... you dont hear cats rhymin bout sellin drugs or street shit so much anymore... commercial cats are mostly rhymin bout how rich they is and hoes and shit... muffuccas forgot the streets and forgot that most cats are broke and tryin to get by.... i cant relate to ballin out of control and havin 5 cars and shit... but i can relate to bein on the grind like a muffucca and sellin drugs to get by and shit like that... anyways... you should name names so we know who you talkin bout... peace


ill o.g.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i dont know if i'm even thinkin about "the streets" because what "the streets" want doesnt look any better...

some moron posted up at okayplayer and was like "the roots is makin philly look bad. they made us look soft, thank goodness guys like cassidy are bringin the realness back, the crack and shottigs....."
which is a paraphrase, but that seems to be the general consensus of whayt i hear from everyone that talks about "the streets"....

so, instead of corny club rap about girls, lets make songs about turning those girls into crackheads! lets talk about killing people and make you think you have to be the hardest dude on the block!

yeah, gram, i am sure you can relate to slangin to get by... but is that a POSITIVE thing? how is that any better than chingy saying "right thuuuurrr" for 4 minutes?

i cant relate to slangin rocks; what i can relate to is growing up with nothing and being mom, dad, and big brother and doing my own share of stupidity to help my family because my mom was busy BUYING ROCK. i CAN relate to getting shipped around from foster home to foster home and going awol and living off and on the streets doing any odd job i could find for years.. even after i aged out.. BECAUSE MY MOM WAS BUYING ROCK from guys "that can relate to selling drugs to get by".

i can relate to busting my ass at countless B.S jobs and paying far more rent then i should have been to sleep on a damn couch and half the time a floor........... and getting 3 hours of sleepo because the "good friends" i lived with were loud, loud, LOUD, and..........

that whole "the streets" mentality is the mentality that gets people like my little brother locked up about 5 years total time from age 9 to 18 and COUNTING because he has to prove his little white ass DAILY, adding more time....

the mentality that almost got me killed because i "wasnt gonna be a bitch" and decided to stand up to a gang that decided to show up at my foster home with 5 cars full of people and weapons....

the point being? hip hop didnt cause ay of these problems, but to glorify the things that set people up for these problems is ignorant, and to continue to propagate these things after countless things happen that should wake us is SELF DESTRUCTIVE.

so when will we wake up?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33

Why do people front and act like they dont get that shit!?!?....Its pretty fucking elementary to me, but fools cop these bullshit attitudes as if you aint REAL ENOUGH or somethin if you dont wanna advocate some ignorant shit??!!, And it is IGNORANT PEOPLE!!!!....That fucking boggles me, it honestly does??...It is self destructive, and it is fucking negative...and people still wanna front and not jus be open to tha fact that by advocating this kinda shit we are simply heading in a downward spiral as well as NOT BEING REAL TO OURSELVES...Its either that, or people want to jus lie to themselves and tell themselves its tha other way around, or better yet tha muthafuckers are jus plain dumb!....In my humble opinion tho, you cant save these people...Its like tha food chain man....Tha bird eats tha worm regardless.


WESTSIDE CONNECTION - So Many Rappers in Love. Thats all I got to say.


Mox of Blazin'

ill o.g.
Hip Hop lost its original 4 elements and gained new ones:
1) Money
2) Machismo
3) Bitches
4) Un-originality

yes sir lol. i like hip hop, i hear folks like Q-Tip sayin' hip hop is DEAD! That's crazy.. it may not be what it use to back then but it is mos def not DEAD.