I got my iMac!!!

  • warzone (oct 8-12) signup begins in...


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
WTF are you talking about, not only does it work great. But Apple officially supports it, you can install a dual boot on ANY intel mac and when you turn it on you will get an option to boot to either Windows or OSX. Apple even wrote windows drivers for everything. For more info check out bootcamp


WTF capt. obvious...

if you've read the previous post (by steezo) then you'd know i was talking about booting anything besides osx from ext hd which is absolutely not supported.

your's truly,

(ex tierII support @ apple)


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I think its retarded anytime someone big ups a mac on this forum, it always becomes a huge debate...If you like your PC, awesome. Do you. Ive owned and used numerous PC's my entire life up until the last 5 yrs when I copped my first Mac. Im also no computer tech, however Im savy enough to solve and fix any problems that have come my way in the past (the majority, if not all from the windows platform)....mind you thats just my personal experience. I could give a shit if you owned 30 PCs that never crashed or froze once, etc...dope...good for you. Thats not why I give my mac praise, I give it dap simply cuz its become the right machine for my needs. I find it amusing how anyone that appreciates a Mac these days gets dubbed as a "fanboy" instantly....that shits laughable. Clearly there are some challenged individuals out there that cop whatevers hot & new from their brand, but those idiots exist in both camps.

And to folks like KonceptG - I know your a really educated dude that knows his computers & technology, Im not even debating the things you pointed out cuz your right, i just dont see the point of the debate anymore. Thats all. Carry on folks, I got work to do.



ill o.g.


you spelled it wrong...


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I hereby forbid any Mac vs PC threads, and while I'm at it, I forbid anyone to have their own opinion. If your opinion isn't based on my opinion then your opinion is WRONG! Let's just forget that people come here at different levels of production. It doesn't matter that some people are new to this whole Mac vs PC debate and actually would like to learn the pro's and cons of both. All irrelevant! - What a joke!

@ dp - that was cool of you to apologize for misunderstanding what was said. Way to man up bro!

@ Sucio - Congrads on getting your first Mac and most of us are genuinely happy for you but see what you started? LMAO! From now own, you have to PM us with good news...hahahaha peace!


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
@ dp, no probs lol. yeah, worked for them bastards..not opening that can of misery.

@ dac.

-> fact; smallest latency achievable on a daw is on osx with an ssl setup(madi) @ 0.9ms - 24/192. Recording wise, mac is the way to go but but they're still screwing up loads of code on either osx/logic.

Their pro line of products is also not what it should be, at least their not getting the most out of it if i match benchmarks from my mbp3,1 to the macpro 8 core recording 32 inputs (running a heavy environment).

So far ive seen;
-"Disk Slow" messages followed by white noise bursts @ -18dbfs due to improper coding in osx/core audio. Thats completly retarded seeing that on a mac pro 8core 2.26Ghz/12Gb/4Tb having good hardware inside (im assuming it is good hardware).
ow yeah...white noise burst @ -18dbfs can cause hearing damage or a heart attack as a result of it or destroy your nearfields. To clarify it a bit more, it means noise at peak level from whatever your monitoring from (near- or farfields or headphones, as in, the headphones that band you'd be recording are using). That's serious stuff.
Dont run osx audio from your audio interface whilst running your daw. i.e. Run logic and safari or itunes as the core engine has trouble processing those streams triggering this. This is not the solution though, as this error should never be possible, ever. Whatever it is they done, our old environment, equally as heavy did perfectly fine on a G4 running older version of logic. Logic's environment capabilities has always been rock solid, part of Logic's awesomeness...

-Idiot like cpu spikes while clicking somewhere on empty background in logic (runing our environment).
-Logic now has a default saving path for your projects that you cannot change, even though they recommend streaming/reading to a seperate disk aside from system disk. You can solve this by making aliases but how well this goes with Logic being dependend on spotlight i have no clue, but its not really clever nor efficient.

Another retarded fact, did you know that when recording you only use 1!!! core. You could have a gazillion cores and the latest Pro kit update and see one core in the cpu monitor go ape. This is logical though since they cant write code yet to sync the cores in order to use multicore recording... still looks stupid though.

Anyway, this mostly concerns professional recording, if you're making just beats and recording just one track for vocal takes you probably wont run into it. For us its issues with logic, but the issues are with other daw on osx too, even in final cut. We've sent our environment to Enterprises@Apple and it crashed all their mac pro's in the lab. But..just post production on my mbp, never had any issues ever! lol and considering most of you here are not running their own recording studio, osx is still prefered above the rest if talking performance.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I didn't start anything, I was just comparing my own computers...not mac/pc in general.

My PC was old and it was a laptop......So i had to make the change. I wanted something that didn't attract viruses so much as well. Yes I am aware that Mac has viruses out there...but it's like 100000:1 ratio for PC viruses to Mac. (not literally, but I know there's a vast difference) In terms of a good Linux platform, I'm all about that, however I can't build a decent PC at Best Buy (where I bought my mac because they offered 2 years no financing, plus all the programs I had for Mac, already. I purchased it not because I'm some kind of fanboy, I purchased it because I felt that it was something I needed for my everyday use and can be totally badass when it comes to music production. I also needed something that I didn't have to completely upgrade in 2 years. I'm looking at keeping this computer at least 3 years...SO this is an investment...

If you don't like the Mac/PC, fine. Don't get one, plain and simple.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
@Sucio - You actually thought I was serious when I said that this was all your fault?

@Formant - great info! Thanks, you should hang around more with all that knowledge.

@everyone - I too fall into the category of "whatever floats your boat". Currently I have 2 Macs and 1 PC in the lab, and 1 PC at home. I'm about to buy another PC for home as a Christmas present to myself. I like them both for different reasons, I feel like a Mac has its place and a PC has its place as well. I understand why cats get so passionate over this debate, what I don't understand is why you can't talk about it without someone getting pissed off, offended or whatever.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Dont forget that in 95% of those discussions people dont bring real facts to the table aside from existing issues and spilling they´re guts out with complaints (probably not understanding whatever it is). Or talking out of experience which doesnt mean a damn thing to most topics or issues. Im always open for debate upon which is better and why, but i shoot down anyone coming with half/assed complaints or rants and degrade em to a noob...

you know me..bring specs and bring em all then talk


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
You're right! And we also have to remember that opinions aren't necessarily based on true facts. It just may be true to them only, I mean you never know. Besides, illmuzik is for the beginner (like myself) all the way to the guru's (like Relic) who can break down the physical properties of every component in a Mac. My whole thing is, lets talk about it, not get mad and form our own opinions from what we discussed.

I know how frustrating it is to try to share factual knowledge with someone who believes that what they believe is 100% right. I deal with that everyday. We just gotta put it out there and let them make their own choice. Beating our ideas into someone will usually end in running them away and from the way I see it, we've had too much of that already. I'm not saying that you do that. I'm just saying in general.

I don't claim to be the best at it but I try to leave room for a different perspective. That should always apply to the student as well as the teacher.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
For the record, all I did was compliment Sucio on his new computer when he first started this thread and noted some cool things I discovered you can do after I bought mine a while back. I wasn't starting a debate. I wasn't saying you cant efficiently do the same things in Windows. Then came the comments about holy crusades by mac users to prove people wrong to the death. I simply refused the pointless challenge since this thread was just about Sucio coppin his new computer anyways and I just came to say congrats.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Again, i welcome any discussion between the two :) not to prove which is better but to point out current flaws on either system or daw tied to the os.

This is important to know for businesses that depend on it and the research on it is much time consuming. So if you're just doing production...whatever...imo either system or daw is fine if it enables you the most intuitive workflow. In the end (as a business) you'd want a reliable system if your money is on it and thats mostly not the case with most people that troll the fora. I mean face it, most of us here are making beats and a little recording for fun or as an artist. There's probably 2 or 3 people on this forum that actualy benefit from the debate and the rest just tags along. I think that if only those 2 or 3 would have the debate, the rest might actualy learn something from it aside from defending their purchase. You'd get an actual view on the current pros & cons.

The real problem upon the often asked question is the current flaws on all systems. If you'd open a topic dedicated to which is better it would go on forever because issues come and go. Some issues are intermittent, some are neglectable and some render a setup useless for the purposes they're meant to do. As i previously said before and as much as im an advocate of Mac pro/osx, white noise burst issue renders the best mac pro, regardless of which daw, useless!! as there's a potential to damage your customers ears. If you deal with any respectable bands or musicians you can say bbye engineer/studio rep and in the worst case expect a lawsuit.

Now ^^^^ if none here has dabbled over such issues then dont ever get into such a debate about what is better. If you ask me which is better, then do you ask from a producer perspective or from a recording engineer's perspective ? Im capable of shooting down osx/logic/mac in the same conversation where i would recommend logic on my humble macbook pro for making beats lol. So it about knowing of which you speak of, dont know ? whatever happened to just asking. What i personaly hate is comment's just saying "hey i never have this problem on my mac...", like everytime someone has a question or a problem one can only contribute THAT ? I spoke to enterprises@apple about logic/osx issues and i shot down the support dude by saying the same thing, like wtf dude, you tested it on the same model mac ? OFC YOU DIDNT...*mumbles something about specs n stats...

Steezo, dont be affraid. WE HAVE MODS! Sucio have fun, whatever you want to know, just ask. You might run into a small debate BUT WE HAVE MODS! Delete bs and leave the good info there. @mods at Illmuzik...you dont have a clue how valuable such threads are, keep em tidy and make sure people bring specs...not opinions