How Would you spend a Grand

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ill o.g.
classic said:
I already have nephew ;)


Classic man, your a class act bro

best of luck with your music and life in general mate, u deserve to do well

as for me, I'd buy an MPC2000xl or Pro Tools / Mbox or invest it



ill o.g.
If its 1000 american i would ask my mom for some of her $$$ out of her settlement she got from some store she slipped and fell in , and then i would buy a MPC 4k

and yea Classic thats good shit homie Karma gonna throw something good your way 1 day.


DJ Will Kill
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
I Have An MPC-2000, Proteuse 2000, Just Copped the MoPhatt. I think im leaning more toward the new computer. that triton Formant found is tempting. but i think i would want the keys and the touch screen also. my pc is a POS. now im trying to decide if i should do mac or pc. i might also get a larger mixer.


ill o.g.
10% to my church and the rest i would use to clear as much of my samples as possible :p

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
classic said:
my money situation is pretty cool so if i got a G out the air i would
donate it to the green hill school for underprivlaged children in uganda

thats what is, "keepin it real". Class, we may not have the same interests in music, but you my dawg! Great minds think alike. If i was financially stable enuff to hit up charity with a G,,,,I would give it to abused children societies. Bein that I was abused as a child(not sexually you perverts!) I know what these kids go thru. These poor kids get taken from there homes and thrown into orphenages and such.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
an mv 8000 is double what he has, and he already has an mpc 2000. dont be decieved by thinking the dough will get pput back cause he has that piece, if he aint makin dough with the *very* solid setup he currently has, then he wont be makin it *suddenly* just cause he copped an mv.

i say, get that pc- build it yourself if you can.

motherboard and cpu- $2-300 (2 for athlon, 3 for P4)
120 gb hard drive- $90
floppy and cd burner drive- $60-80
Mouse/keyboard- $20

depending on your specs, $6-800 sounds about right, but then i recommend the following:

SELL your emu modules. you should get around $250-300 apiece.

COP the Emulator X- or proteus X, which is cheaper, but the Emulator X Studio will give you the 8-in, 10-out breakout box with adat and spdif. Both come with the exact same sound and feature set of the proteus 2000, and allows you to add their other libraries which are forthcoming- including the mo phatt and virtuoso. dont worry about loss of quality too much, as the emu cards have the same converters that the high end pro tools HD systems use.

what is your current recording application?

BUY the Vintage Keys Library.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
Thanks for the props everyone just to clear up the situation i gave roughly $400 of my persnal money and raised the rest(600) from friends and family.

I dont want yall to think im some saint, i love gear,liquor and women just as much as the next man.

i dont give for regonition, that shit just feels good.
when u truly give, u get a feeling that no amount of hardware can give you. That shit is better then sex man, on the real!!!!


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
... better then....

an MPC 4000 w/a motif es fully expanded with mLan connected to Nuendo on a P4 3.0 and 3 gb

better then that?

lol, yeah, i hear what you are saying. it has been a season of giveing for me too.

remember to tip your waitresses and waiters as well! lol

sammy beats

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
I don't know about you but Im a software guy and if I had 1000 bucks, I'd definitely buy myself Logic Pro 7. Its like Reason 8.0 plus its got mastering capabilities and a much better sequencer. Im drooling just thinkin about it.


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
yup its only on mac, but like cold said, put that g towards a pc, and if you build it your self it would be cheaper, because you already got the mpc, and if you don't like your sound modules you already got, sell them, for more money because if you build that comp. you should at least have a 100 left over, and if you sell those modules and you should have an est. of 600 to 700 hundred dollars, you can either get the emulater -x with the break out boxes or cubase sx 3.0, but i would go with the emulater-x with the break out boxes