How to split Accapella from Intrumental?

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ill o.g.
Hey guys?

How do you split Accapella from a song ? . Or how do you do ?
plzz help , i need to know how to get accapellas from songs ?



The Moose With The Most.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
pretty much impossible. have a look for accapellas online or if u have turntables, then alot of hiphop vinyl has accapellas. but u can try eq'ing the beat out. i just dont like your chances


willing vic to the music
ill o.g.
well actually you can do this. You ca strip the vocals out by having the instrumental and the full song its self. Load them in cubase,sonar or an app like that. inPhase the instrumental and mix it with the original. the Frequencies should cancel out the music leaving you with the vocals.


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
^^^^You tried that? Intheory, it should work, but does it really work great?

(and, I'm guessing, but if you can find the instrumental of a beat, you can find the accapella too... right?


sYgMa said:
^^^^You tried that? Intheory, it should work, but does it really work great?

(and, I'm guessing, but if you can find the instrumental of a beat, you can find the accapella too... right?

Thats an good point. also, in that threory theres a tut in the forums at it's in the tutorial section.


Miss C.C.
ill o.g.
To save u time and a headache jus download the accapella and da instrumental. Wit da internet growin and technology gettin crazy u could prolly already get da songs u wanted chopped up fo you already. Jus download it papi or mami will have to give u a spankin!! LOL but good luck fam


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Its called sample inversion.

get the instrumental. invert its frequencies
put it over the regular song in multitrack view and the identical frequencies (althouh inversed) cancel out. but they have to be lined up PERCISELY!


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
^^^^that's why I was asking... the instrumental and the beat got to be identical ofr that to work...

And as I said, I'm guessing that finding a acapella is as hard as finding the exact beat in instrumental... but I may be wrong...


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
im guessin that if u can find the exact instrumental (meaning the whole trak not just a loop)
then u can find the instrumental

Equality 7-2521

concider that the phase inversion might not work cleanly if the files have been put through conversions e.g. sonverted to mp3. this is because not every wav to mp3 converter will process the sound in the same way. this is just one example of many which could change the sound. and if the sound is not EXACTLY the same in both version (the only difference being the vocals on one version) then the phase invertion trick wont work perfectly.


ill o.g.
KurtisRich said:
Theres no way in the world you can rip an accapella from a song. It has to be seperate. Both vocals and the instrumentals.
actually there not knoe how to actaually do it but i do knoe that if u take the instrumental version and the real version and do sumthin wit that the phase cancellation will take effect meaning all the sounds will cancel each other accept for the vocals cuz the vocals our not in sync( wave- wise )wit the beat so all ull get is the accapella..


ill o.g.
Yes It's possible, but the quality won't be as good as the original acapella.
Trial and error is yo friend (If ur willing 2 try)

Knox Raw

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Yeah,inversion is pretty easy once you get it down packed. If you're interested, check out NFX did a tutorial on making acapellas using inversion. You gotta register to watch though. It's a pretty effective method if you got time on your hands.


yea mann you cant pull out an acapella from a song unless you broke into the studio of the person that recorded the song and hope they still got the back up files on their comp and do it that way but THATS NOT GONNA just download them or sumthin .....ya mean