How to remove high end hiss from this

I just had a listen and see what you mean, sometimes hiss can add character, especially to sampled stuff, but if you really feel it must go, you might have to filter off the high end, and try to replace the sounds you are losing, like hi hats and hi end frequencies with composed ones. You could try using Waves X-Hiss or something and see if that helps, its part of the waves mercury and diamond bundles.
At least I think thats what its called, I havent used it in a while.
Even Dolby can take away frequencies, sometimes there is no way of losing the hiss which is pretty frequency specific, without losing other notes/sounds on the same frequency. The only way to compensate in that case is replace the lost frequencies with other instruments. The worst sort of hiss is the hiss that starts pretty low on the frequecy spectrum, trying to eliminate that could really badly affect to sound of the sample. Sometimes there really is no way to solve all the problems, thats when you just roll with it, or try another sample.