How To Automatically Fade Out A Beat

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TheSol' Kidd

ill o.g.
I know how to do it manually, which is pretty tedious at times.. Wanted to know if anyone knows how to do it automatically.

TheSol' Kidd

ill o.g.
In the past I've been lowering the velocity levels on everything manually. Now I do it in windows movie maker, but it doesn't fade out until the last 3-5 seconds. Where does it allow me to do that?


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
There are several ways to do it but none of them are simple, the way youre doing it is just about the best way without spending money. But Im gonna look more into it.

Personally, I just let my songs go out with a hit or an echo.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Noooo I said theres no easy way...Heres one way...after you finish your song...

1. right click on the master channel and choose open audio editor, this will open edison.
2. Hit RECORD in edison
3. Hit your main PLAY, this will record your whole song in edison.
4. Highlite from where you want your fade out to begin to where you want it to end, then push the fade out button in edison.
5. Save your song from edison.

The problem with this is your have 2 copies of your song which imo is a waste of space, RAM, everything...its ALOT of work just to do a simple task.


ill o.g.
tdp is right ... the simplest way to do it is to right click ur master channel vol control (mixer) and create automation clip ... simple ...


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
lol according to js you can, but I didnt see it, let me look again.

UPDATE: Yup you can, I was clicking up at the top (and you cant do it

Now the question is...what next? I clicked "create automation clip" but it didnt do anything so let me work on that.

UPDATE: Ish I dont know what thats talking, my way is looking better! maybe js will come up with something.


ill o.g.
yeah @daca .. when u select create automation clip it creates an automation clip in your playlist for the full length of the track (in the top one where your audio clips go etc) u can then move the line up/down to control volume .. u can also choose edit events and open the event editor for the slider .... or just hit record play the song and manually reduce the volume where required ... when played back all automation will be there ... simple ... and these 3 methods work for most sliders/knobs in fl studio @ tdp FL Rules !!!


Mad Beats, No Angry Vegetables
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 10
go to your mixer, right click the volume bar for your master track, select create automation clip...keep the clip at 100% throughout the beat and at the end make it lower gradually...or u can have the intro fade in as well doing the same just vice-versa'll see the automation clip inside of your playlist (if you don't know about automation clips this is a good time to learn...) this methods also good for can turn them on and off w/ automation clips and increase / decrease them throughout the composition..let me kno if u dont understand ill make a video for it