How many Boston police officers does it take to change a lightbulb?


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Ok formant... I dont deny you all that at all, but what are you going to do with the reality ?
You gonna keep telling a populace that doesnt believe you or go rouge?... I mean what is the end game for that?
Crazy people(not you guys I mean like really crazy p noid people) totally dont help in these scenarios.
relic, relic, relic me old chum. firstly gun control is no theory. they are actively pursuing it. its admitted, although the reasons are dubious. there is no doubt anywhere that they seek to get your guns. as for what i said about govt didnt necessarily mean civil servants. the govt has become a front for the unelected elite of the military industrial complex. just like the troops fighting wars of aggression for corporate profit in the name of patriotismand "national security" they are just as in the dark as you are. a bank teller doesnt know the plans of the banks ceo. the real criminals are the unelected elite, and the elect that go along willingly for their own selfish gain. the govt is just the tool used by the elite to do it. thats why they cannot be trusted.
here we go again....


ill o.g.
So what if they want to get your gun.. Not everyone ins canada has a gun.

I think the people calling others sheep are themselves sheep to the theorys

but I mean its all good and its great to discuss.
So what if they want to get your gun.. Not everyone ins canada has a gun.

I think the people calling others sheep are themselves sheep to the theorys

but I mean its all good and its great to discuss.
no they dont. canada is like the uk. the criminals do though.
criminals by definition do not obey the law. personally i prefer the term lemmings over sheep.
as for the common throwing around of the word theory in conjuction with the word conspiracy...
a conspiracy is a group conspiring and plotting a criminal act.
a theory is using circumstantial evidence to provide a possible answer to any given problem, which is then independently peer reviewed/tested to later be proved or disproved. just like the big bang theory or the theory of evolution.
todays conspiracy theory is either tomorrows fact or crackpot idea or both.
the word conspiracy when paired with the word theory seeks to discredit what could be a very real conspiracy. the use of words is very important...words like insurgent, and as highlighted earlier WMD. just saying the bomb was a wmd is psychological manipulation to make it sound worse than what it actually was. this use of words was very much highlighted in 1984.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Ok formant... I dont deny you all that at all, but what are you going to do with the reality ?

Knowing is half the battle hehe

Im not "doing" anything with the reality since i live in Europe. The reason ive read and dug into numerous papertrails was to conclude for myself how things work. The thing that triggered it was not grasping the fact how giving all contracts for the reconstructions of iraq to Haliburton would benefit the Iraqi people. Then slowly understanding the money machine behind that war and the international political ties, the nature of military industrial complex in practice. Its not something you read about in a day and ive had a lot of talks about it with people in US. The more they read into it, the more depressing it got for them and it didnt take long after to find similarities in other memorable events.
I was not talking conspiracies, im very carefull with that, im talking about making conclusions for yourself when going over reports, interviews, paper trails and figures.

But here's the point to it all i think;
If everyone would be aware of the reality then you can reason about the motivation for gun control. If you'd understand that your government has made profits for wealthy jews, arabs and asian clients few others upon YOUR tax money.

Being at this crisis right now which can still get much worse and when it really pops you have a big chance that more people will revolt having no faith in the gov.
I think that is a condition that has been on minds of the people in power if you consider the measurements taken over the last few years (Martial law, fema etc) and how thin the line is for the US in regards to stability of economics. It doesnt take much to turn the US into 3rd world country right now and the number of poor is actualy pretty insane in the US.

You gonna keep telling a populace that doesnt believe you or go rouge?... I mean what is the end game for that?
Crazy people(not you guys I mean like really crazy p noid people) totally dont help in these scenarios.

?! Relic, whatve you been boozin, i dont really know what youre saying here. Im telling the people to draw their own conclusions, use their brains for once instead of assuming that which is easier to digest.

Normal, crazy... you know what they say right.. sometimes the craziest people seem more normal than "normal" people.

kind regards,

not normal :)


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Yeah I was! LOL
But yeah see you guys make sense I wont deny that I do believe what you guys are saying here, I just cant jump to the conclusion that spec ops planted bombs at the Boston marathon.

Neither can/will i jump to conclusions, i cant possible know.
But the evidence presented to us are not conclusive and just as speculative in regard to the presence of Craft International (or was CST, if so, why is CST personal wearing Craft caps ?!?!).

Here's something i dont understand from facts given;

FBI had been on one of the suspects ass for several years and never found anything. This is what their mother or aunt stated as to having been talking to them aswell as part of it. Either the FBI is not doing their job very well or there really was nothing, i'd assume they have the potential to find out if he's involved into anything extremist.
That being said, supposedly he had been to Europe for some time prior to this and there's speculations going that he might've been influenced by during this period. If that was to be true, i expect any intelligence agency to find out but so far (afaik) nothing conclusive aswell.

If i'd take a prejudice turn into non factual things that i found remarkable.
Have you ever seen the homes (interior) of radical extremist muslims ? From all the family interviews ive seen i gathered that these are not the so traditional conservative muslim jihadist but very modernised and adapted to the western culture. Its been said that they couldnt adapt to the US way of life but somehow i cant blame them since the US probably has one in for most Muslim people but its been pointed at as possible motivation by their estranged uncle. The only reason he stated them to being losers is because he defnitly ruled out extremist motivations. Also i take it from the interview that he doesnt directly calls their nephews losers but those who did this. He simply doesnt know if they did but he is ashamed because he's obviously a proud barer of the family name.
I think thats to easy to assume that IF they did this, it would be because they couldn't integrate into the US society.Add to that, that their whole family clearly states that such extreme actions from their religious perspective is out of the question. You should take into account that all the extremist get motivation due to praise and honor from familie for their dedication as to how the Quran is interpretated in that region.

Also, if they were to be unfluenced and had taken part in a terrorist cell during his stay in Europe, then regardless of who did it, it always follows through with a message of the terrorist group openly claiming responsibility. Even in the face of death they wouldnt be hesitant to name and claim responsibility. All the terrorist groups so far have not claimed this attack or have stated that they had nothing to do with the boston bombing.

Just... not typical at all...
Yeah I was! LOL
But yeah see you guys make sense I wont deny that I do believe what you guys are saying here, I just cant jump to the conclusion that spec ops planted bombs at the Boston marathon.
Anything crazy coming out of the Iraq war I believe though.
yes i agree. i havent yet come to any conclusion as to who actually planted the bombs. i simply havent seen enough evidence.
i have very strong suspitions it was a false flag event. but havent seen anything that proves it. just a lot of circumstantial evidence which is building daily. didnt they say they had footage of the suspect planting the bomb? and if so where is it?
also there are many contradictions in the official story. like who actually ran over tamerlan. police accounts of the shootout have been contradictory. and whether there ever was a shootout at the boat where the younger brother was found.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Maaan I wish you would come to the US for a sec. But I know your scared of it. I dont blame you me too.
I have to wear a gun to go to the mail box.

Literally when the wind blows in the US there are bullets in it .
We buy so many video games so we can learn how to get that bullet time thing going on.
I mean you cant even pay a bill in this muhfuh without some bussa ass mark ass punk as foo trying to shoot you right in the rich section of town no less round here in the US!


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Dudes, you should check russia haha, gun violence is part of traffic incidents there.

And yeah, Europe and the netherlands for a big part are to blame haha