How many Boston police officers does it take to change a lightbulb?

All of them plus the army plus the feds plus Dhs. who shut the whole town while they do it.
Too soon? maybe. But i find the congratulations of the police highly offensive.
As it took all of the above to catch a lone teenager, i find that highly embarassing for the depts involved.
Martial law and no one batted an eyelid.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
2good! IllMuzik's resident conspiracy nut!

Man, I've said from the beginning that those 2 guys are innocent. The whole story makes no sense whatsoever. Don't get me started.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
I dont get why people ccant except the truth as it is.
Why does everything have to be a govnt conpiracy?
I work for the gov and I can tell you that most people are dumb shits and the rest are so politicized that there is no way they could agree long enough to actually pull something off. Even if they pulled somethng off you better believe that someone who hated someone else would expose them for their own political gain. Thats why I dont believe shit like the 9-11 stuff, or that this Boston thing was pulled off by the military ..smh...
All that being said , I DO have one nagging question about this latest terror attack...
I think it was Wednesday or Thursday they said that they had someone in custody and that there would be a press conference....Then ....Nothing...
It was never mentioned again and no one ever explained wtf that was all about.

Did anyone hear an actual SANE explanation for this?


ill o.g.
I dont get why people ccant except the truth as it is.
Why does everything have to be a govnt conpiracy?
I work for the gov and I can tell you that most people are dumb shits and the rest are so politicized that there is no way they could agree long enough to actually pull something off. Even if they pulled somethng off you better believe that someone who hated someone else would expose them for their own political gain. Thats why I dont believe shit like the 9-11 stuff, or that this Boston thing was pulled off by the military ..smh...
All that being said , I DO have one nagging question about this latest terror attack...
I think it was Wednesday or Thursday they said that they had someone in custody and that there would be a press conference....Then ....Nothing...
It was never mentioned again and no one ever explained wtf that was all about.

Did anyone hear an actual SANE explanation for this?

Exactly!!! the whole conspiracy, illuminati shit is getting old.

I have a friend who wont stop with this shit i tune him out.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Seriously no lie I think every single one of my friends wont stop with it actually. 2Good included I like listening to 2good though he has interesting stuff going on in the rabbit hole.
I have another friend/business associate who says that you know that this was planned because its the exact plot of the TV show Jerico(sp) .She is all about conspiracies.
im not too into theories either. i put facts together. not make shit up. the govts of this world make up enough fantasies for all of us.
heres one that is so fucking much of a stretch its very laughable.....he has been charged with using a weapon of mass destruction.
for fuck sake. now a bomb(an IED to be precise) is a weapon of mass destruction. after all these years of trying to find wmds and finding nothing in iraq. domestic terrorists now use wmds. lmfao. what a fucking joke. even omaha was claissed an ied and that killed a lot more people. say hello to newspeak. and if you dont understand what newspeak 1984. and yes i have shares in bacofoil. and also if there was no drill. and there wasnt a fuck ton of mercs/ spec ops at the scene before it happened and if the govt wasnt making political capital from it. then i wouldnt even be blaming the govt. i dont automatically cry conspiracy. but will do when the FACTS point at one.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
This goes all the way back to the Vietnam war, probably even before with Pearl Harbor. There's so much shit the U.S. government has lied to everyone about, it's ridiculous.
Exactly!!! the whole conspiracy, illuminati shit is getting old.

I have a friend who wont stop with this shit i tune him out.
old or not i ask you this...what if its true?
have you stopped to consider maybe your FRIEND cares enough about you to try and inform you so you can at least weigh up the information and make a balanced judgement for yourself. and you repay that by "tuning him out".
im not about converting anyone or making them believers. im about sharing very important information. what you do with it is your business. but please dont shoot the messenger.
This goes all the way back to the Vietnam war, probably even before with Pearl Harbor. There's so much shit the U.S. government has lied to everyone about, it's ridiculous.
the burning of the reichstag was before that.

I understand but i just dont think everything is a conspiracy.
not everything is a conspiracy. but when you follow back to see who stands to gain. you will normally find the culprit.
as the greatest detective who never lived said "its elementary my dear watson"
any persons position with regards to any govt in the world, should ALWAYS begin with distrust.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
2good! lol, There were a bunch of military there yes , your right . There were !
Thats because it was PATRIOTS DAY and there is a harbor right there , thus Navy and Seals and all that and then some , ALLOT of people in and out of Uniform were there.
As far as WMD's thats always a stupid thing here in how they classify that.
Even a sawed off shotgun is considered a WMD , which is stupid because yes Iraq ( which is an actual conspiracy that I will agree prolly to the ends of the earth with you on) but then like a shotgun...
The two dont match up as far as classicifcation of a crime.
You can look in any criminal system and see plenty of charges of possesion of a weapon of mass destruction and you know the military didnt need to invade to capture the perp.

Anyway its really easy for regular people to just up and decide to do stuff like this.
Im shocked that it doesnt happen more often actually.
As far as martial law of course people were cool with it, no one knew who the hell these people were or how many overall were involved so I mean I would stay home and let people do their job too !
They lifted all that even before they caught the last guy.

Since the conspiracy right before this one was "They are trying to take our guns because the GUBERMENT can subdue us ! No gun control!" I dont believe that the gov would then pull off an elaborate thing like this (only elbaorate because the amount of people that were allegedly involved and how they would all have to keep quiet when the SEALS could stfu about how Bin Laden was killed) which would only serve to make people want MORE guns !
I mean this is the EXACT gun fantasy every gun buyer has as to why they need a gun !
Thus it would subvert the first conspiracy you see?

"any persons position with regards to any govt in the world, should ALWAYS begin with distrust. "

So you distrust ME? LOL
A low level nobody yet with a position in government?

REAL Conspiracies that I believe :
Vietnam War (They admmited the Gulf of Tonken Incident never happened)
Iraq war 2 (I still think Bush should be held accountable for war crimes)
The Music Industry isnt interested in talent they sell Brands . All these brands MUST have sex appeal or they wont touch it.
Facebook does a huge load of work for the CIA and govts around the world.
Facebook does a huge work load of research for Coorporations about their employees.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Don't forget the infamous "IllMuzik Beat This! Competition Winners" conspiracy for the past few years. The winners were apparently all pre-selected.
the mercs were working for a private company teaching crisis management. it was all part of the drill. they werent seals. maybe ex seals but not current ones. their presence had nothing to do with patriot day. as for conspiracies you believe try these...
operation northwoods. planning using planes as a means of terrorism to justify invading cuba.
the testing of nerve agents on underground passengers is another example.
then there was the whole testing aids by injecting orphaned black children at a convent in NY.
yeah and the infamous rigged beat this conspiracy.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
People should read more about stuff like carlyle, then draw their own conclusions.

For the most, people just assume and stick with that for truth, whatever that may be. I know for a fact that whatever the media throws at you is not enough for anyone to be certain about anything. If it was anything in the likes of a conspiracy, even if facts for it are presented to you in the most obvious fashion, there's still a great deal of people who'd choose denial because they cant cope with the reality.