How long have yall been producing ?

ill o.g.
How long has everyone here been producing, and was there ever a turning point in ur producing careers that changed the way u produce.... I've been doing this for 8 months now... idk whether or not my beats r good to say I've been doing it 8months, but I'm just curious how long did it take everyone here to get as good as they got.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Minus all the techncalities. . . Im just gonna say 3 years. . .

There was a year when i was tryna learn.. but i only made 2 beats in that time.
ill o.g.
Haha u made 2 beats in 1 year sanova? Whilst u were learning dam now I feel better... I've not really made 1 beat in this full 8months, I've just been experimentin. All the beats I make I never feel like I've finished, but I feel the 1st official finished beat is gonna be comin soon though lol...


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
D.O.S.A.G.E 06 said:
Haha u made 2 beats in 1 year sanova? Whilst u were learning dam now I feel better... I've not really made 1 beat in this full 8months, I've just been experimentin. All the beats I make I never feel like I've finished, but I feel the 1st official finished beat is gonna be comin soon though lol...

haha yep. my first year, i didnt really have the software or hardware so i Just went over this dudes house who had fl 4 (or 3), and i was able to crank out two or three beats, after i got my own version i was a monster lmao.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
Just over 18 months, what part of the uk you in?


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Relic said:
since 97 really been on it but I had a bunch of early drum mach in the 80's synsonic and boss dr rhythm and what not.

Hell yea... this nigglet here was beatin on drum machines n shit before i was born. ill shit


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 27
its been about 12 years for me still pumpin tracks makin moves but to answer your question it will prob take 2-3 years for you to develop your style and be comfortable with the craft


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
KENWOP said:
its been about 12 years for me still pumpin tracks makin moves but to answer your question it will prob take 2-3 years for you to develop your style and be comfortable with the craft

Im buggin about how everyone is talkin bout it takes up to 3 years to develop ya craft... if thats the case then im JUST NOW gettin the hang of it. . . which i don't think is no guru..but yea.. I think it just depend on you. When you first start out ur gonna make some wack shit and think its hot, thats a given, thats just cuz its the first shit YOU MADE, kinda like buying ur first car.

It depends on the producer in question.. you develop at different speeds, but just search the ill for knowledge and you will be nice in no time.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
About a year and a half, got about 115 beats to my name.

Only really got serious about 3 months ago, I'm learning the craft, taking my time. I see a lot of people trying to sell beats after a few weeks of messing with FL.

I haven't sold one beat, if someone likes one of my beats i give em away, as long as they can do it justice. Well one dude gave me a 8 pack for a beat ;)



ill o.g.
a year and a month basically... i started with fruity loops, now i got fruity loops, cool edit pro, reason, a few vsts, a turntable, monitors, and an interface....

and what sanove said about your first beats are true... i was nodding my head to my first beats... with the default fruity loops techno shit... and i clicked in random buttons in the step sequencer... i thought i was the shit!....

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
Sanova said:
Minus all the techncalities. . . Im just gonna say 3 years. . .

There was a year when i was tryna learn.. but i only made 2 beats in that time.

shit thats me now. about 4 years
ill o.g.
Been producing for about a year...I'd say there've been about 3 of those "major changes" you're talking about. Honestly, every track I work on teaches me something first few months or so I consider to be hugely experimental. Things have really started to click in the last two months or so. I consider a lot of my beats from the middle section to be so-so.

I've only done about 35 beats total. I like to take a lot of time on my work. And, trust, I'm nowhere near as good as I'd like to be yet. Honestly, just take the time to go at your own pace and explore your own style.


Well, in my case it will ne about 1 year with few stops...gotta familly, job wich takes a lot of time....usually i produce or let´s say I try to produce some beats at weekend. Anyway, producing is not that easy as we all can takes time to figure out how does it works with the software we use....

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
been producin for about 5 years now give or take... rhymin and writin since i was like 14 or so (eleven years ago) started w/ fruity loops and presets .. i fucked with that program for like a year before i figred out u could sample into it lol.. i was using them presets like a muthafuca
ill o.g.
A B said:
Just over 18 months, what part of the uk you in?

I'm in manchester, but I'm hoping to get to the states straight away when I finish my education.... lol I'm writing this right now in college, dam this place sucks azz gotta get my education tho.

oh and I agree wit Sanova y's everyone sayin it's gonna take me 3 years to get started I'd say that right now next year that's really when I'm gonna get started on this production thing... I only just bought my first midi keyboard the other week along wit reason 3.0 at an educational price lol (cudn't get no cubase 4 or shit not enuf money to add on vsts and all that)... B4 that I was on the FL Studio 5, so I'm just gettin used to this reason thing... I'm on it everyday there's no reason y next year I'm not gonna be makin hits... idk whether or not the 1 beat on my myspace is playin yet or not lol I jus put that up the other day, but yea right now I'd say after 8 months I'm just starting to learn a lot about how to make my own sounds and what type of sounds to use on different types of tracks.... I also learnt A LOT this week about how if I lay down my drums right and take my time pickin them and EQing etc... then it really helps me to finish the rest of the beat.. Still worked with no artists tho even after 8 months kept myself to myself, so right now I'm lookin to work with ne1 out there that's usin reason... get at me on the PM.

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