How far over the line do you let an artist go with there racial content?

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Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
Honestly, it isn't personal against you when an african american or a hispanic says something about white peeps.

most people in the inner city or "racial groups" have never met a white guy worth knowing. My pops is a mexican, so I know all about racism on a level that makes you want to explode in a the middle of a public place. All of my tru friends are black or hispan so I see alot of racism. It makes me sick, and I can relate to it heading right back out.

Don't be offended by it, try and understand, white people have been "terrorists" for 6000+ years, starting way back in Israel when they started looting, raping, murdering the Pakistani people because their skin was darker and they were "heathen". How many black or brown presidents have we ever had?

They killed and captured ever native american here because they were "heathen" darker skinned, etc and not to forget what happened with slavery. The slavery has not ended in any way, take a look at any corporation, you see what i mean. It goes with the territory, how many white folks do you know over the age of 30 who aren't racist on some level??

White people have made entire religions dedicated to racism, like judaism, mormonism (mighty white and delightful), KKK, etc etc

Don't get me wrong, my skin is on the lighter side of the spectrum but I know where I'm from.

America is supposed to be a place of unity. They stated "freedom and justice for all" when every signer of the declaration owned slaves. They raped and pilliaged in the name of god on every front because they were "mighty white and delightful". The racism doesn't stop at history though. We went to war with Iraq over 2 things: racism and money. There was no terrorist threat from bahgdad.

anyways, I remember kickin it at a friends house and he would say something stupid about n***er or sp*c or whatever. I'd be like "I'm a sp*c muthafucca, shut that shit up" sometimes it got out of hand when you see someone's cards play out in your face.

Just put yourself in the shoes for a bit.



Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.

I'm not just slamming whites, but I have studied history alot...

Here's somethin to think about:

Almost every war that has been waged in the world since the beginning of recorded history was started by a predominantly white nation.

You yourself might not be racist, but if you can't see that racism is still the disease of Amerikkka, you're living in a perfect world that I'm not aware of

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Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
white people didnt make judaism.. your histrory is a little skewed. judaism existed before "whitey" became the global force.

jews were from ISRAEL. ISRAEL. ISRAEL. tell me, how is everyone in the middle east be dark and somehow jews are white? the jews were dispersed among the european nations, different climates, different environments, etc., before they became a nation in Israel again.

how many hispanics are racist? a whole lot. i cant count how many treat me different becasue i dont speak spanish. they are outraged that i dont speak spanish. mexicans love people who dont speak spanish, because they have a tendency to talk about them right in front of them IN spanish while laughing at them the whole time. my little brother looks more white than anything and he is half-and-half like myself, and he gets it BAD because he is white and plays basketball and football and just naturally likes hip hop.

raceism goes beyond whites, iit goesbeyond any one people.


Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.

judaism was created by hebrew people. hebrew people are white. they had circumstances and yes traveled abroad and were enslaved by other nations and even walked around in the desert as it was being written, but in essence they are white. Let's not start a forum brawl out of this, it was stupid of me to bring religion into this since some peeps are so "pink passion & touchy feely" about the whole subject. Don't let beliefs ruin what could be established friendships.

But as far as your post, I'm guessing you're hispan too. Like I said, I'm on the lighter shade of brown, can understand but don't speak spanish too well, but still get props from "my kind" as they are always referred to. I'm honest and to the point and I'll spew somethng here and there in the forums. It sounds to me like you're racist against your own... If it bothers you so bad to hear people speak spanish around you and laugh, go learn your ass some espania and stfu.

shiiiiit. you are an uptight individual. free your mind man, free your mind.

like I said


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i'm not rascist against "my own". how is that even percievable from my post? if hispanics feel a need to degrade another simply becasue they dont speak the language, then it is not ME who needs to "learn spanish". I am NOT the problem in that regard. it stopped bothering me once i realized that the ignorance falls on their behalf and not mine. thats like telling a black guy to change his name to toby if the white folks dont like kunta for his name..........

Hell NO..... the black dude needs to keep his name; he isnt the problem. the white dudes are the ones with the problem.

i'm just not going to bother arguing about the jews being "white". you sound like your mind has been made up because of the eurojews we have had in the last few centuries. the hebrews ARE/WERE the jews. it is an ETHNIC thing.. you cannot "convert" to judaism (althougjh people try... and do, i guess...) but it by BLOOD.....the 'religion' is an aspect of that. thats why the JEWISH nation of ISRAEL has so many ATHIESTS. you are a jew by blood, not faith. jews are A RACE. you can believe what they belive, but that does not make you a jew.

and my mind is perfectly free, thank you.


Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
correct, you are right. ignorance falls on everyone at some point.

If you are hispanic (or part) by blood and are complaining about hispanics speaking spanish and laughing, what is that if not (slightly) racist? How do you know that they are speaking of you if you can't even understand them? for all you know they could be lookin at you like "wtf why's he starin at me with that mean mug?"

BUT (IMHO) remember, it's opinion and nothing more....

judaism was a belief system was started and laid down by moses because people were so stupid and did so much stupid shit to eachother.

then one day the israelites realized that it could be used for political reasons as well.

But that's just my opinion, like Mac Mall back in the day.

I don't really agree that the tribes of Israel were darker skinned at one point... A tan maybe, but not darker skinned by blood. It was forbidden for them to interbreed with other nationalities.

but this really doesn't matter, you get good and bad in every race and everything. It all kind of wraps into the whole picture.


Sir Templeton Peck
ill o.g.
Hey, all you people need to stop bickering. Didn't you all ever learn it's not polite to discuss politics or religion with people you don't know really really well. But do whatever you want, I'll talk about music or something a little less volitile. Not that I don't have strong beliefs, I just don't see the point in arguing with people, on the internet, that I'll most likely never ever meet.


Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
debates are good if they are kept healthy and at a minimal tone.

Now when I start getting called names is bad...

Damn... When did the world become so sissapriss?


Sir Templeton Peck
ill o.g.
1d3nt1tY said:
debates are good if they are kept healthy and at a minimal tone.
Now when I start getting called names is bad...
Damn... When did the world become so sissapriss?

Sissapriss...damn kid, bang that slang...LOL. I got no prob wit debates, I'll argue my ass off, I just think its pointless wit peeps on the net. Why do I care enough about what some cat, on the other side of the world, thinks to get me heated? I agree, fine if kept healthy, but many of the comments I'm reading don't seem to be made very tactfully. I'm just basically sayin "chill." I've just noticed that you haven't been here very long and have already managed to offend some people (not me), but that might not be the best approach to take when its time for you to ask for help. People might not be willing to lend a helping hand if they remember you commin at them wrong. All I'm sayin is you might want to choose your words a little more carefully...


Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
Look, seriously I hear you, I really do...

I understand it's a hard concept. I understand that I'm new here. But I always have been real when it comes to what I believe or what I know about. Just tryin to chit chat and peeps make it too personal. I said what I thought, I forgot to specify that it was just my opinion. I think I'ma add it to my sig =)

I was just sayin. I'm not getting heated, just kickin back with my thoughts n feelings. Racials are a huge topic to me, I've seen it, I've lived it, I've felt the problems it causes and the hurt people go through over it.

I briefly went to a school that had one african american and two hispanics, literally. My friend was playin legos with me in tha sandbox and got spit on, in the face, a hock back type loogey. I got sent home that day for fighting.The religion stuff has to do with raciality just because lots of peeps make it their reason for war, murder, etc etc. and in actuality, it just adds fuel for bigots to have god back them up. Any "life handbook" whether it's the bible, koran, torah, can all be construed and twisted to match whatever you want.

but you're right, I'll just keep my concentrated opinion watered down for the sheep of the world, bein led to the slaughter

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The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
This thread has gone totally off-topic, and turned into a racial/religious thread, which always leads to nowhere so I'm closing it.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3

i'm not even about to start a debate with you, 'cause it could have lasted forever.

as i see it, you obviously haven't studied history well enough.

I'm white and jewish, does that make me a terrorist ("white people have been "terrorists" for 6000+ years, starting way back in Israel")? :eek:

and your comment - "most people in the inner city or "racial groups" have never met a white guy worth knowing" is just plain ignorant.

It's not about color; it's about proper education and human values.
it's about morality for crying out loud!
we are ought to FIGHT racism, and it does not matter against whom it is pointed.

what about the current internal wars between the african tribes?!?!
do whites have something to do with that as well?

judging people by their color\sex\religion is ignorant and illiterate.

you have good and bad people everywhere.

during the holocaust, you had germans who were determined to save jews. they were ARYAN, yet, they had proper human values!

plus, do not forget that one's behaviour is always being influenced by the society around, and by the circumstances. but that's advanced sociology.

and for god's sake - JUDAISM is not a racist religion. learn before you talk nonsense.

stop feeling so persecuted, and start realizing things properly.

please, stop flaming the forums with bullshit.

Thank You,
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