How Do You Make Samples Cleaner?

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ill o.g.
Hey I was wondering how do you make a dr. rex file that I created through ReCycle less gritty. What I mean by that is that the sample ends abruptly it doesnt fade out so it sounds like the entire song is "popping". Any idea how to solve that problem with Dr. Rex and ReCycle.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Yea the stretch, and you are not chopping properly.

You are not creating full loops for the tempo if ur shit cuts off like that, It should loop cleanly.

But like Kontents said, use the stretch knob. I usually make the stretch 100% even tho that wont be needed, I just do it anyway so i know i will never be short.

Then if you are doing some chopping, add some reverb


I find the stretch nob in recycle just add kida like if you would add release in the rex why is that? Isint time stretch suppose to strecth the sample.

Da IllFellaz

Knee Deep In Da Beats
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 125
better chops:

- chop when the the wav is at 0 (in the middle, not above or below). if you chop anywhere else it might pop.

- fade out samples too if you cant get it done the other way

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
u just gotta be more precise with ur chops and ur tempo ... zoom in and look for the hit points and dont put a chop right the middle of hitpoint generally u want ur chops at the very start or very end of a hit. also ur tempos have gotta be straight .. obviously if u have short chops and the temp of the song is slow ..the its gonna sound wierd with the samples cutting off abrubtly like that. It really suprises how rough some peoples chops are ... esp with software cuz u can zoom in to exact start of a hitpoint... even as a brand spankin newbie it should be easy to get smooth accurate baffles me how "off" some peoples chops i hear are...


ill o.g.
CAn u fade out every slice??

Slices in recycle don't need a fade.It is the slices you make in the audio editor
before bring them in Recycle that need a fade.
Cut the loop rite before bring it to recycle.
Cut at zero crossing points or add a fade.


So you cut them before recycle? With what? and why can i put in better effects or so different things?
ill o.g.
^--- sound forgeeee. or if the hits are clean, take em in sound forge and manually loop the parts u want extended. if you listen to jay-z's 'show me what you got', the sax is extended manually like that.
u can clearly notice it when during the intro, but once all the other instruments kick in you can't really tell it's extended.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
good needle, good element, an apogee like 2 track converter...its a sample, mostly eq' en compressed already so its often a matter of remastering your material or mix around your samples to obtain the same character ( meaning, leave as is and work on all the other stuff to balance your mix ).