How did you like high school? Would you become a teacher?


ill o.g.
DJ Hoppa said:
I took my GED shortly after dropping out and passed it with flying colors, shows how much this country expects kids to know..

It's hella true I know so many dumbasses that have passed their GED's like it's nothing. Im a senior right now. I like being around a lot of folks and all, but in terms of education the school system sucks for sure. I got out of the Oakland schools cause they're trash and now go to a school that's supposed to be pretty good, but really no one learns shit. I don't want to get too into it, but the problem is that there are public schools at all. I've thought about being a teacher when im older, though i doubt it. That would be a pretty tight job though. Im going to Davis next year and Im finna major in history, but not to become a teacher. Do your thing for sure man, you can definately make a difference if you actually sprinkle these kids with some real knowledge.

The Bastard

o-a-ksavage said:
It's hella true I know so many dumbasses that have passed their GED's like it's nothing. Im a senior right now. I like being around a lot of folks and all, but in terms of education the school system sucks for sure. I got out of the Oakland schools cause they're trash and now go to a school that's supposed to be pretty good, but really no one learns shit. I don't want to get too into it, but the problem is that there are public schools at all. I've thought about being a teacher when im older, though i doubt it. That would be a pretty tight job though. Im going to Davis next year and Im finna major in history, but not to become a teacher. Do your thing for sure man, you can definately make a difference if you actually sprinkle these kids with some real knowledge.
sad thing is the ged tests are harder than the tests given at high school


ill o.g.
Highschool was meaningless to me. I dropped out in 10th grade because I couldn't take it anymore. Every day was monotonous and all I really did was sit there and sketch or sleep. I was always smart as fuck and I think it wasn't enough of a challenge. The work was easy but too time consuming for me. I didn't like the fact that you weren't independent and even had to ask to use the bathroom. The teachers were boring and all they really did was read right out of a book. They didn't have any character. Another big factor was the large amount of dousch bags that attended my school. I was always into weed, hiphop and graffiti, and these kids were into dances, football games and mtv. I didn't really have anyone to relate to, intellectually or socially. I always took a real arrogant approach and just put myself up on the 'next level' status past them because I felt they weren't as good as me. There was only a handful of people in the school that I really respected and I am still friends with them now. All in all, I can't say I really learned much from school past middle school and it was a pretty big waste of time.

On the GED tip, that shit was butter. They recommended that I take classes to 'prepare' for it and shit, but I declined. I took it like 2 weeks after dropping out. I got all really high scores except for in math because I suck at math.

I'm 17 now and currently attending a local technical school for Web Design/Graphic Design. I'm not really sure where I'm going to go with it. I'm thinking of starting a logo design business over the summer for some easy cash. Once I graduate in a year I'm going to get a desk job for something related to multimedia design. I'm also doing my emcee thing on the side so we'll see where that goes in another 6 or 7 years. All I know is that I want to be rich somehow.

Conclusion: Fuck highschool. You will get paid shitty, you will get disrespected by students, and you will most likely be wasting your time. If I were to teach, I would teach elementary school so I could try to reach some kids before their minds are brainwashed by society.


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
Didn't know there were other teachers in Illmuzik... I'm a high school math teacher-to-be aiming to become a university teacher (I already teach some classes and help teachers in their researches). To me, high school was nice, not spectacular, but alright. I liked the maths and science classes, but hated history and everything where you had to learn stuff by heart.

I think that a teacher has way more weight than people can imagine in a teen's life. I mean, if you think about it, here, in Quebec, Canada, a student is in school 5 days a week from 8:30am to 3:00pm... Parents usually come from work tired and exausted around 5:00pm to 7:00, if they are commuter (I think that's how you say it... living in the suburbz and working in the city)... and kids usually go to sleep around 11:00... so teachers are with the students longer and when they are still awake and full of energy.

That period in a teen's life is where he becomes who he will be later on, and, most of the time, he's at school, with teachers!

That's my opinion, of course, but I think that, as a teacher, you got to set an exemple. I chose to be a math teacher because I know that maths results plays a big part in the choice a teen can make in what he wants to do later on (and, of course I also love maths...)... and it just so happens that I dont strictly talk about maths in my classes. I talk about technology, science, actuality, philosophy... everything to make them think, so they can see school as, not only a place where you have to perform to have grades, but a place of learning...

That said, to me, if one student comes to me saying that, because of me, he know what he wants to do with his life, that's terrific!

On another tip... I heard by a US teacher that passing grades are not always 60% in exams... I heard that in florida, you can pass with 50 or 40% in a math exam.... is there any truth to that?