How did you like high school? Would you become a teacher?

JP hardboiled

Find Your Fight
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 297
So I'm a teaching of history major, but recently I've been thinking that my reason for teaching aren't really practical or realistic. I want to help kids learn about themselves and others through doing history. You can do this by letting students explore the topics they wish to explore, but as we all know they hand you an awful 10 pd. textbook, which you're assigned reading and you can't go explore Malcom X if you wanted to. You take stupid tests that waste time, and when asked questions you just spit what b.s. the prof. would want to hear to pass. This isn't all students, but when I was in High School it was me and I think only a few kids were really engaged in classes. Also on the downside of becoming a teacher is all the reading you must do in order to stay ahead of your class. That's less time after work to make beats. I was thinking I'd just switch to getting a degree in history, which there isn't any job I can really get with that, and getting a regular 9-5. Like at the post office or somewhere decent.

So I have a few questions. What do you think about the education system and where it's headed? Did you learn stuff in high school besides how to roll a joint and how to buy condoms and use em or did you just hate the classroom/homework experience? Also, what do you think about teachers? And the big question is do you guys think it's worth it to become a teacher in todays world?
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
This is easily one of the best topics we've ever had!

What a great topic...

1. My sister teaches high school English. I taught english (community project, 4-9 graders).
2. Teaching is an art. A good teacher-educator CAN\DOES make a difference. A good teacher-educator shall be always remembered by his students.
3. Teachers have always been unappreciated. That's a fact, A SAD ONE.
4. Personally and generally speaking, i did not enjoy\like school. It taught me very little, i did not really enjoy the company + i've always been an autodidact . School did not supply my most basic need: THE NEED TO T-H-I-N-K. All i was asked to do is: CONSTANT FUCKING MEMORIZING. I DESPISED that.

Now, to answer your excellent questions:

The education system HAS SIMPLY went bankrupt. The system, as a whole, became insolvent - impoverished. It's just disgusting... FILTH!
Personally, i wouldn't call it EDUCATION no more. The contrary... It's very sad to see this constant deterioration. Children acquire very basic and limited knowledge. All they do is simply learn by heart. Memorizing is the key nowadays (actually, that's how it has been since day one). There are no creativeness\inventiveness\imaginativeness involved. Too many - WAY TOO MANY - teachers are WEAK. They either can't control the students \ in some cases the teachers don't even know-master their material \ many teachers have no values-character-moral at all, so they can't really educate properly.
Teachers should be SACRED. Teachers should be the top masterminds, the top educators.
It is worthwhile to become a teacher (for the reasons you stated) that's on one hand. On the other hand, with today's poor salaries (within the education sytem), and they way teachers are treated - NAH, skip it. Instead of being the best percentage of our society, teachers are hardly the AVERAGE part.

Think about it,


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
word 2 wings,,

but since you live in the states i wouldnt go in to teaching, go get your money with something else you can enjoy,, fuck teaching a snake that is eating his own tail..


SP1200 manhandler
ill o.g.
I teach in the Career and Technology department of a High school in Texas. I am incharge of aour communications department. I teach audio and television production, broadcasting, and computer graphics and animation. I came from careers in radio and video production. I love my job, because I love the students and the subject matter. I feel that the course gives students creative and responsibility opportunities that they probably couldn't get in internship situations. My bess friend and the mc that I produce my beats for is a history teacher at the same high school. We have discussed at length the problems with publiceduacation as well as its benefits. We have even discussed the possibility of starting a charter school, a state funded school free to any student (meaning you can't discriminate on any level) that teaches the core curriculumduring the morning session, and then teaches media technology in the afternoon. We could hire our own teaches and develop the scope and sequence of curriculum. Right now, there are alot of weak teachers, weak because they are unmotivated or they are literally ignorant and were able to be hired because of teacher scarcity. As a result they cannot motivate students in any subject and the educations diminish. My school in particular has weak math, science, and english teachers. On state tests we did not pass math or science as a school. So, I as an elective teacher cannot teach my subject on Mondays, instead the Math department prepares a lesson for me to teach to my classes. Real fun for all included. However, despite those negatives I thoroughly enjoy my job, and if I ever cease to I would look for another career. Right now my students create radio and tv shows, produce audio, video, and graphic projects for portfolios and contests. This coming friday we have two students competeing in the state championships for radio production (creating three music beds for three different radio formats, writing and recording the radio copy on top for promos or commercials), and television camera opeation. Winners receive prizes like ipods, tvs, computers, and or software, and continue to nationals. All in all, every business has its bright spots and its weak ones, for me I try to strengthen the weak ones in order to make the whole school better. Then, I will get better students, and they will learn more from each other. Peace.
ill o.g.
hardboiled said:
So I'm a teaching of history major, but recently I've been thinking that my reason for teaching aren't really practical or realistic. I want to help kids learn about themselves and others through doing history. You can do this by letting students explore the topics they wish to explore, but as we all know they hand you an awful 10 pd. textbook, which you're assigned reading and you can't go explore Malcom X if you wanted to. You take stupid tests that waste time, and when asked questions you just spit what b.s. the prof. would want to hear to pass. This isn't all students, but when I was in High School it was me and I think only a few kids were really engaged in classes. Also on the downside of becoming a teacher is all the reading you must do in order to stay ahead of your class. That's less time after work to make beats. I was thinking I'd just switch to getting a degree in history, which there isn't any job I can really get with that, and getting a regular 9-5. Like at the post office or somewhere decent.

So I have a few questions. What do you think about the education system and where it's headed? Did you learn stuff in high school besides how to roll a joint and how to buy condoms and use em or did you just hate the classroom/homework experience? Also, what do you think about teachers? And the big question is do you guys think it's worth it to become a teacher in todays world?

Do you think that you could talk to the schoolboard or something about what you just said, and maybe they could do something about it? Tell them a new history system or something might be more effective and easier for you and the students.

BTW im still in high school.


ill o.g.
i was recently studying to do teaching and quit because i realised i don't want to be a teacher. It is an admirable proffession tho...... like anything where you help people....... yes i think it is....


ill o.g.
I am an English teacher(high school), but I do not feel the school system fosters independent thinkers. I believe I would have more of an impact outside the school setting (i.e. volunteer, big-brother, etc.). I want to help my people, but we need help on a bigger level. Not only do we need to teach the students, but we need to teach the parents as well. That is why I am getting my masters in African & African-American Studies and plan to get my Ph. D. as well to be an activist and write and help any way possible.

And make some beats :)



Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
yo high school is cool except i have to take the alabama graduation exam and that is hard and i have to pass all 5 parts to graduate high school if i don't like fuck you by, but thats the only thing i hate about high school, but i could'nt be a teacher now a days i love women to much and these freshmen man you can't tell if their 14 year olds from the 18 year olds, and i ain't tryin to get caught up in dat shit, but on da real i probley would if it had somethin to do with music like a music class dealin wit shit in da studio

J Rilla

Tha Fresh Prince of L.A.
ill o.g.
hardboiled said:
So I'm a teaching of history major, but recently I've been thinking that my reason for teaching aren't really practical or realistic. I want to help kids learn about themselves and others through doing history. You can do this by letting students explore the topics they wish to explore, but as we all know they hand you an awful 10 pd. textbook, which you're assigned reading and you can't go explore Malcom X if you wanted to. You take stupid tests that waste time, and when asked questions you just spit what b.s. the prof. would want to hear to pass. This isn't all students, but when I was in High School it was me and I think only a few kids were really engaged in classes. Also on the downside of becoming a teacher is all the reading you must do in order to stay ahead of your class. That's less time after work to make beats. I was thinking I'd just switch to getting a degree in history, which there isn't any job I can really get with that, and getting a regular 9-5. Like at the post office or somewhere decent.

So I have a few questions. What do you think about the education system and where it's headed? Did you learn stuff in high school besides how to roll a joint and how to buy condoms and use em or did you just hate the classroom/homework experience? Also, what do you think about teachers? And the big question is do you guys think it's worth it to become a teacher in todays world?
Basically what everybody else said...I would like to add though that if u make the decesion not to teach change ur major with tha quickness....The only thing u can do with a degree in History is teach history....which would kinda suck if u dont want to teach anymore

JP hardboiled

Find Your Fight
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 297
Everyone here gave great advice and had interesting views.

Thanks for the intelligent reply WingsofanAngel! Your right, history can be too much about MEMORIZING thus = B.S. and little creative thinking going on. or question raising relevant to the student. I think classical education is the best i.e. old school Greek philosophy, which gave rise to the modern notion of education. However, back then people just talked and were inquisitive. You could debunk others talking but still learned from em. I love Socrates logical question method that he used to break other arguments down. But mostly everyone was just asking questions to each other, being open minded, and learned because of this. Now it's all about lecture from the teacher who hands down the "truth." A truth that is slanted to preach the morals/values of the dominant culture. The education is filth if you aren't a part of the dominant culture and if you are open minded and want to learn diverse topics.

FT dub - ...You are one lucky cat... Teaching audio/visual production in a h.s. sounds like a lot of fun and creatively educational for students, which I'm sure they enjoy. I respect what you're doing and think it teaches students how to express themselves through another medium. Like you were saying though about your school doing bad in certain subjets, I'm worried about the "standards" getting in the way of teaching how I want to teach and kids doing poorly if I teach. So what would be the point of teaching if I can't enjoy what I'm teaching as you are able to? I was also wondering if you and especially your history teacher friend spend A LOT of time out of school working on lesson plans, curriculum, etc. thus taking away from your music production time. I now realize that's what is most important to me. I want to help others but music is what makes ME happy. I dont' want to compromise as much as possible.

Loose Cannon - That is a very good idea about bringing it to the school board. However, we would need to act as an interest group to get something done and that 's the problem. Parents and teachers really don't know if how the school system is working actually "teaches" kids anything. Only the students truly know and guess what? They aren't organized so their opinion doesn't mean crap to so called "educators." I could bring it up and indeed there are many books by prominent historians such as "Lies My Teacher Told Me" that preach for a new way for teaching. But overall, their is not enough dissention to rattle the system because we would need a mass movement that would include high school students to actually have a voice, which would be hard to organize. Can You imagine asking your friends to stay after school to join a group/club that talks about how to change school? S##t the first thing I wanted to do when I heard the 2:15 bell ring is get the F@#K outta school!!! Actually, they should have clubs/organizations for students voices/opinions to be heard. An evaluation sheet of the teachers and class at the end of the semester just doesn't seem to get anything done. Do you high school students even do that? cause I dont' remember, but in college we get to "evaluate" the class after the fact.

2Nice - any specific reason that made you realise you didnt' want to become a teacher? To me its seems like a very heavy workload, which if I wasn't making music I'd be fine with. But I love music its my only depression suppresant. Besides heineken beer.

Quack- I am impressed with your altruistic ideas. It does seem like volunteering has more impact than school. It just seems like there is SO MUCH potential in school, but it's a tool/method. Like any other tool it can be used incorrectly like T.V., which is used almost strictly for entertainment though it could be used for learning. In the same way, school has so much to offer yet it does so many things wrong, but if fixed it would make a much bigger difference than volunteer groups etc. because it could shape our fundamental thinking about who we are and the people we live amongst. Good luck with your studies!!

X - I'd definetely get my woman loving ass in some trouble. 18 yr. old titties keep getting bigger and bigger. Must be evolution or the water we're drinking polluted with radiation. Yeah, If I could go back and restart my college career I'd focus on instructing Music class or go to cooking school. But too late for me. Tests are definetely a pain in the butt, just took one for would be teachers that was 4 hrs. long. But good luck on your test!!! I had no idea they have tests for graduating h.s. nowadays! next thing you know they'll be testing kids to to pass grade school.

J Rilla - that's the problem..Its really to late to change so I will be stuck with a degree in history. That is a real bummer. However, friends and people have said that just having a degree is good enought to get a job in the real world. I'm not looking to do anything 2 "change the world" mentality has decreased alot. So being a postal worker, librarian, or even garbage man is cool with me. But thanks for the advice!!

Like Arnold Schwartzenegger would say, thanks for the advices. Let me be the bad example of what you shouldn't do if you havent' started college yet or are unsure of what to major in. Majoring in something in which principles/morals were the main decision messed me up. Majoring in a career that fits in with what you love and also fits in with your principles/morals will make you happy. Good luck to everyone in what they're doing and I hope it makes ya'll happy.
ill o.g.

No, we dont do evaluation sheets here. They might in other places, i dont know. I hear you on the having people after school though. And the only people who would actually show up are the people who get straight A's and dont got anything better to do, so it wouldnt be accurate. But imo it might be worth a try.


Posted Up
ill o.g.
hardboiled said:
So I'm a teaching of history major, but recently I've been thinking that my reason for teaching aren't really practical or realistic. I want to help kids learn about themselves and others through doing history. You can do this by letting students explore the topics they wish to explore, but as we all know they hand you an awful 10 pd. textbook, which you're assigned reading and you can't go explore Malcom X if you wanted to. You take stupid tests that waste time, and when asked questions you just spit what b.s. the prof. would want to hear to pass. This isn't all students, but when I was in High School it was me and I think only a few kids were really engaged in classes. Also on the downside of becoming a teacher is all the reading you must do in order to stay ahead of your class. That's less time after work to make beats. I was thinking I'd just switch to getting a degree in history, which there isn't any job I can really get with that, and getting a regular 9-5. Like at the post office or somewhere decent.

So I have a few questions. What do you think about the education system and where it's headed? Did you learn stuff in high school besides how to roll a joint and how to buy condoms and use em or did you just hate the classroom/homework experience? Also, what do you think about teachers? And the big question is do you guys think it's worth it to become a teacher in todays world?

So from what I can see you're not a teacher yet, right?

Anyways, I don't think this route is for you. You are already complaining about having to read to stay ahead of the class...what do you think a teacher does? It would get easier though after you've been teaching for a few years.

I currently work 40 hours a week, attend college, complete all of my homework (reading and programming), spend time with friends and family, and make music. Trust me there is always time to make music.

Why can't students explore Malcolm X if they want to. Peeps that only complete the work that is assigned are not trying to advance themselves and that is their problem. The teacher should encourage them to exceed the general high school requirements.

I learned a lot in high school, but that is because I pushed myself to succeed and I guess my teachers were great motivators.

Here's my advice to you. If you like history, get a degree in it. History is an essential part of lives that the future needs to be taught. Don't teach high school, though, teach at the college level where you will have more freedom as an educator. Be aware though that college level teaching positions are generally "part-time", but you could teach at several colleges.

When deciding on whether or not to become a teacher, don't think of money because chances are you won't get rich. However, I believe teachers have some of the most personally rewarding careers available on this planet.

History majors can also work for the government or in Journalism.

And to finally answer your question, yes I would become a teacher, but I'm focusing on a different career right now.

I think I'm just ranting.

Hope this helps.


Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
hated School... I only went to school on test days lowest grade on a test i ever got was a C :) and whats sad is kids that attended class Daily was still gettin D's and F's

and no i wouldnt Become a Teacher

The Bastard

i hated school wit a passion , i went to a trade school and studied hvac there was absolutely no classes i liked. i ended up droppin out and getting a ged. the teachers were assholes wit no character, read pages 1-30 then come in and take a test was basically all the discussions .shop was pretty ill but u couldnt pass just doin good in shop. and all the good hockey players in the school basically just slept thru every class and got an A cuz the school does good in competitions and all that and they need a good grade to play.but that was jsut that school. i go to community college now and ive liked almost every one of my classes, cuz im studying sumthin i like ( audio video production) but id love to be sum kinda lab teacher,prod. or shop teacher .


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Yeah, back in my highschool days, i have to admit it was on some major bullshit....I actually couldnt wait for it to get over with and be able to move on with my life....It was waaaay too clicky and everybody was sooo cool and all that bullshit, and i remember all the hot chicks, which was like a miniscule amount were already played out and bitches anyways, and the chicks i did date were either freaks, psychos, or 2-timing sex freaks on the, i hated highshcool....hehe.......Shit, bout the only thing that didnt truely suck was the fact that since i accumulated enough units to graduate before my seniour year, i had the option to bounce earlier from school than others, soooo me and my homie ben would go and light up a splif every time after we got out which was right at lunch time and cruz over to his house to kick it and play resident evil loaded off our asses.....ahhhh those were the days....Now everythings soo bizness.....sometimes i wish i could rewind in that repsect.......All-in-all tho - highschool sucked a dick along with the people that attended that thought they were soooo fucking awsome...dam self-absorbed zombies!

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
I hated high school.

It was a popularity contest/fashion show, not an enviroment in which I ever "learned" anything special...

I was in highly gifted magnet schools since first grade, but once I hit High School it was over.

I have a ninth grade education. LOL

I took my GED shortly after dropping out and passed it with flying colors, shows how much this country expects kids to know..

I think teachers are so important, yet the pay is so low it doesn't really attract the best people.....

I would personally teach younger kids, kindergarten or elementary, because I really think you can have a serious impact on kids when they are at those impressionable ages...

by the time they hit high school, they are just a bunch of jaded kids...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
High school was alright. But there is no way I would become a teacher. I know managers of fast food joints that make more dollaz than teachers do. And that is a crying shame too. My 2 cents. Love, Peace and Hairgrease!


ill o.g.
I'm still in school - I don't enjoy it really, but I know its important for my future so I tr to keep at it. I've got a long way to go too, I got 2 more years in my current school then I hope to go to uni. I hope its all worth it. Anyway - it would be nice to have some teachers at my school that are actually passionate about what they try and teach people - its really obvious when they're not and I believe it affects the pupils in a major way; teachers basically tell you the fact and you have to pretty much regurgitate everything in exams.

The system in the UK pretty much means that most exams are pretty much based on memorising facts as opposed to actually having some kind of insight into the subject at hand - so most people don't actually end up learning much apart from improving thei short term memory.

Anyway - If you want to teach and help kids go for it, it'd be nice to have someone who cares to teach. Otherwise just leave it and partake in something you enjoy.

Fuck, I'm nuff lean. I really hope I didn't write a load of bullshit...Harboiled - I'm sure deep down you know wether or not you want to teach. Just listen to your er, soul or instincts or something.