How can i get rid of air gasps in vocal takes?


ill o.g.
I was thinking having my artist rap until he would normaly be out of breath and stop. Have him go back one line, and then continue on untill he runs out of breath, and repeat. That way it would sound like he never took a breath. I would have him go back a line so that when I actauly edit it all together it sounds a little more natrual. The power in your voice decreases as you run out of breath, so having it sound natrual is the tricky part, but if you stop at the right place, like before he completley runs out of air, I feel it is doable. Has anyone tried this?


Beat Enthusiast
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100
I say take out the "big gasps" for air. Leave in short ones. You don't want the artist to sound like Buffy or even worst ....JOHNNY GILL!

Hi Johnny!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
i actually now just leave the gasps in..... I've kind of coached my homie a little better on how to breathe while rapping... The problem was that i was overcompressiong the vocals and i didn't use a gate... After a little bit of wrestling around with everything i found that the breath issue was standing out more because of how i was adding the effects and also from the effects i wasn't adding... Now that i've hooked my hardware compressor up and learned a little more about adding effects to vocal tracks everything is going good... Sometimes i think i become too much of a perfectionist and it comes out too studio (As my homie STEEZ says)... So now i've learned to just leave that shit in...

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