Home workout thread


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
So I've always preferred doing workouts at home although I was a gym member not long ago. Anyways, I've been working on a daily burpee regiment recently, and that shit fucking works. I do 10 minutes, usually about 30-40 seconds on, then a 20-30 second break. I do the push-up variant, sometimes adding 3-5 pushups instead of one.

So home gym guys, what do you do? And how do you maintain motivation? I find I often do workouts for a few months then just stop suddenly.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I always hit the gym but ya I know what you're saying. It's much more convenient at home sometimes. Motivation is hard whether it's at home or the gym, it's just a matter of wanting to stay in shape really.

At home you can do:

Body Squats
Just cross your arms with each hand on the opposite shoulder, elbows in front of you. Then squat. There's no weight involved so there's no excuse why you can't go all the way down. Don't be a pussy.

Grab anything heavy, could be water jugs even. You can do two at once or one at a time, but just shrug the weight up.

You can do all your body, some bodyparts are harder to do than others when you're at home.

Chest: pushups (different variations)
Biceps: curl anything, even a can of soup
Triceps: dips between 2 chairs, 1 arm extensions behind the head, kickbacks, etc
Shoulders/Traps: anything heavy just press up above your head, front and side extensions, shrugs
Back: bent over rows (2 hand or 1), bent over extensions, good mornings
Abs: tons of shit like bicycle kicks, crunches, situps, knee ups, leg raises
Quads: body squats, lunges (standing in place)
Hamstrings: stiff leg deadlifts either with just your body or some kind of weights in your hands
Calves: find a staircase and do one at a time with or without weight

This works the whole body and it's something I came up with. Maybe someone else did at one point in time but I've never seen it done before ever. Even if someone else did it, fuck 'em.
  • Get some kind of weights (prefereabbly a bar with weight on it).
  • Pick it up off the floor and stand up straight. The bar should be around your balls.
  • Snatch it up to your shoulder level.
  • Press it over your head.
  • Reverse.
So it should be floor - crotch - shoulders - overhead. Then overhead - shoulders - crotch - floor.

The key is to make sure when you bring it back down to the floor, the weight touches the floor. This forces you to squat low, working your legs too.

It seems like a clean and press or a snatch but a bit different. You use light weight and you have to make sure you stop at each point because you're trying to work the whole body. Especially on the reverse, that's the hardest part.

The reason I call them Suicides is because you want to kill yourself when you're done. It's light weight and high reps. Trust me, you'll be sweating buckets.
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IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
Dope post, the suicides sounds awesome, but I don't have a bar or weights so I'll have to invest in one at some point...


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
You could do it without weights, and actually it would be more challenging if you were to touch the floor with your hands.

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i bought a Power Tower around 15yrs ago.. i have tapered off alot in the last couple of years, but its nice to know that its right where i need it when i feel the urge... the 3rd one in the 1st row is similar to wat i have.. like Fade said, no weights needed... ur body is ur weight.. and when i was goin hard body, i was a HARD BODY.. lol

http://www.fitnessequipmentexpress.com/strength-training-equipment/power-towers/14467 4295069356 4295069361.cfm?source=googleaw&kwid=power tower&tid=exact&gclid=CNbU76n_mbsCFSUOOgodPxAAuA

da relic


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Hey this stuff is great, I am still learning and trying to get in shape. I used math and science inspired by the book 4 hour body to change my diet, and lost 90lbs in about 6 months. But I am really struggling with the getting good muscle tone stuff. Its really hard to get in the habit! Any tips?


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
For good muscle tone and not necessarily bigger mass, do exercises that use less weight for longer periods of time. A lot of guys just jump on the big weights, but for toning, light weights are great. Or if you do at home workouts, push-ups, situps, planks, etc are great as well.


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
i bought a Power Tower around 15yrs ago.. i have tapered off alot in the last couple of years, but its nice to know that its right where i need it when i feel the urge... the 3rd one in the 1st row is similar to wat i have.. like Fade said, no weights needed... ur body is ur weight.. and when i was goin hard body, i was a HARD BODY.. lol

http://www.fitnessequipmentexpress.com/strength-training-equipment/power-towers/14467 4295069356 4295069361.cfm?source=googleaw&kwid=power tower&tid=exact&gclid=CNbU76n_mbsCFSUOOgodPxAAuA

da relic

The Power Tower is awesome, I love that you can do a lot of exercises with it. I don't have room for something like that now, but if I got a bigger place, that would be perfect.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
@slik da relic That tower looks dope. If you have one of those, right away you can hit the triceps and chest. I don't use those towers though because I have a bad elbow.

@thedreampolice @Pug Light weight and high reps is the way to go, BUT - change it up. What I like to do is throw in a heavy week every month or two just to keep the muscles guessing. Another trick is if you do heavy weights - just reduce your rest time. So normally you would do 60-90 seconds rest, instead do 20-30. I tried it once with heavy weight. Once. I thought I was dying because I was sweating so much and breathing heavy. But hey, it helps you melt the fat just like the high reps.

@thedreampolice That weight loss is dope! Diet is a whole other beast to tackle, but that too is all about throwing in cheat days and all that. Cycle your carbs. If you can, find the PDF of "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle".


ill o.g.
Water jugs are not heavy.....Unless its those big blue ones?? But really how can you even lift those properly