Help with Reason.


ill o.g.
wuttup people i have always used fruity loops but getting tired of it so i just picked up Reason and i can tell already it is the shit but i need some tips to get me started cause i dont want to spend a year just learning it like fruity loops.I guess my first question is how do program the patterns just get it to go from like pattern 1 to 2? Also how do i get the sequencer open like the thing at the bottom on the demo when you first open it? i hope i explained myself well im not good with the technical terms. any help would be greatly appreciated.


Etrack Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 6
to get the patterns laid out you can either record it and change patterns while its recording or click on the pattern you want and then right click on redrum and select copy pattern to track. im not sure if i understand what you are askin the second question but all this is in the manual, i suggest reading it. and i pretty sure these questions have already been deeply discussed in the forums, just do a search


ill o.g.
ok i figured out how to record my patterns now my question is and i apologize if this has already been answered but i searched the forum and couldnt find anything.When i try to use malstrom i get no sound the level meter moves but no sound, so i started a new project and opened malstrom first and i got sound, then i open redrum but now i get no sound from redrum can someone tell me what i am not doing?


ill o.g.
hit the tab key and make sure the 2nd machine is connected to the mixer. there are virtual wires in the back of everything, which is great for running certain sounds through mutiple effects, etc.

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