Good Sample chopping program

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Sony Acid Pro 6 and Propellerhead Recycle a.k.a 2 the hard Use Acid to chop it up and Recycle to slice up.


ill o.g.
yo im using adobe audition at the minute , if i move to ReCycle, will it step my game up ? is it hard to use ?


Whats the differecne between chopping and and slice it up i always thought it was the same.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Whats the differecne between chopping and and slice it up i always thought it was the same.

When I refer to choping and slicing I'm refering to when you have the whole song you initially "chop" it up in 1,2,4,8 or more bars as a loop. Then slicing would be smaller sections of that chop or loop that you would use for stabs, hits or what you would use to almost make the sample unrecognizable by play it differently and coming up with a new melody.


ill o.g.
When I refer to choping and slicing I'm refering to when you have the whole song you initially "chop" it up in 1,2,4,8 or more bars as a loops. Then slicing would be smaller sections of that chop or loop that you would use for stabs, hits or what you would use to almost make the sample unrecognizable by play it differently and coming up with a new melody.
what you refer to as "slicing" most know as "chopping". what you consider "chopping" most just consider as "sampling".


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
what you refer to as "slicing" most know as "chopping". what you consider "chopping" most just consider as "sampling".

That's the reason I said "I". It's what I call it based on the programs I use.

If you want to get techncical it all falls under sampling.

In acid pro you have a chopper feature to chop the song up into smaller samples(if u have the prg you know what I'm talking about) Reason you have a slicing tool to slice up what you chopped or sampled into smaller sections or hit points that you can use with Reason(if uhave the prg you know what I'm talking about).

When using Reason after you make your slices they'll be assigned to various keys on your keyboard or pads on your controller depending on what module you load it up in i.e Dr.Rex, NNXT or NN19

My terminology is correct based on the programs "I" use. Yours may be diff't based on what "you" use or what you've come to call it.

No biggie!