Give your props! its free and it feels good

  • beat this! voting starts in...

mr mello

ill o.g.
Finaly I am a Muzik fiend

I would like to thank my girl for letting me chill at her crib late night and run up her telephone bill using the internet. Love you sugar!
I would like to thank Fade for the site + All the Beatmakers who have given me valuable infomation (for free). I would like to thank Kellogs for providing me with the essential nutrients and irons while I stare at this computer screen.

And like Charlize Theron said when she won that golden paper weight : SOUTH AFRICA THIS IS FOR YOU !

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i knew something was fishy when i saw them go into the hotel room, with just themselves and an Economy Size JAR of KY jelly...........

The Bastard

StressWon said:
Props to ME! I dont give a fuck,,,I'm so fuckin talented it's scary,,,yeah thats right! I'm gettin "Jersey" right now! Straight GRIME on ya bitches!!!! Yeah, I aint all fuckin Hot Air muthafuckas,,,,Thats right FUCK YALL,,,Especially in the Battle That Comp. I know when ya saw me,,,all yall was like, "EEaaasssy Win, fuck this Punk!" But NAW SON! I brought that shit! I should of went on thru, Class aint get that man! Fuck this! Fuck the props, Fuck the site,,,and all the members can sucka dick......

Fade: Ooooo, ya so scary! "I'm from Crystal Lake,,,,I run a Hip Hop production site! ",,,pathetic.

Wings: Stop with the love already ya fuckin fairy! We all know ya dont know shit and you paid to lose your virginity to a one legged hooker with a lisp.


Freak: A real Las Vegas tranny "Showgirl". It got outta Vegas,,Bitch!

Steezo: Heroin addict, sells half ass beats for a "Fix".

Hoppa: Says he has mad porn,,,,Gay,,,,porn.

Formant: Has cybersex with lesbian gym Teachers.

P Girl: Bull-Dyke

Guevara: When he says City,,he means his favorite part,,,Chelsea!

BigD: Thats what the boys call him,,,,

Class: Everyone says ya talented because ya just started producin.,,,,,they're bein kind,,,you suck!

Holmzini: Went to Montreal, and went to every Gay Bar with Fade. Woke up the next mornin with a Hockey Mask in his ass!

Merc: De La called, they want their style back!

Rigamortis: No, I'm not that stupid,,,,,,you are the best,,,phew

Excellence: Premo-style-jacker

Bastard: Closet Yankee fan

Clev: You my dog son,,Jersey up in,,,,awww Fuck you too!!!

anyone I forgot,,,,fuck off!

Just playin, I've never net a group more talented,,,,dont ever quit,,,ANY OF YOU!
i got baby pictures of you wearin a redsox cap