gettin respect in ya hood

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Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
just stick to making beats, success is the best revenge.

you can do all that shyt that people have told you ^^ but its all worthless against 10 men.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Rhythmikal said:
just stick to making beats, success is the best revenge.

you can do all that shyt that people have told you ^^ but its all worthless against 10 men.


Word Up, I agree.

And X,,,By all means,,,I was jokin' don't go by "Dance wit the Devil",,lol. But I know ya know that. That Immortal is sick man!

The Bastard

Just Walk Around With A Bible And If Sum1 Starts Shit Tell Them Yur Non Violent Cuz Negative Energy Out Means Negative Enery In, Im Sure They Wont Fuck Wit U After That


ill o.g.
Damn U cant even wear Black wat can wear then damn Honestly Inrcty said Go learn Some boxing He right about dat I had me some problems when i was 14 that was wit older manz like 17 ,18 where like 6 or 7 of them cornered me an wud throw coke on me an shit an i couldint do shit but that Summer My Popz signed me up for Boxing i did that for 2 years An 1 of them came up 2 me like over a yr later at the subway askin if i new who he was an shit he was tryna go in my pockets an shit and the OutCOme = He hit da ground b4 he got his hand out my pocket but honestly that really didint help none cuz then next time they seen me They pulled a blade on me an i luckly was able 2 run and get on a bus that was leaving the station IN the end I got older an got my peoples now but that aint even matter cuz most them are in jail an i think 1 of them is even dead .

So straight goodz i wud just leave it alone stick to da beats unless they some Wanksta's that will smarten up after gettin K.O'd