Fruity loops piano roll problem

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
I've got my drums laid out in FL and im using a midi controller to play a bassline using a soundfont. The problem is that the soundfont track extends for an extra bunch of time that I want to cut out. Does anyone know how to do this? Basically, what happens is that when the pattern is looping, the drums will loop right, but the soundfont track is like 8 bars instead of 2 bars so the line I want plays once there there is like 6 empty bars, then it loops again. You can see the space in the main view too. If I'm not being clear, just tell me...Can anyone help? Thanks.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Well you could extend the pattern view, but the way I do it is I have my drums looping in Cakewalk, then I go back into FL and play along in there. That way I can play as long as I want, meanwhile my drums are looping endlessly in Cakewalk. I do it like this all the time.

Are you using a sequencing program also?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
Ok I don't think I was clear about what I'm saying - Let me try again. I have my drums laid out in FL (let's say they are 32 beats). I insert a soundfont channel, choose a bass soundfont, click record and play along for a while with the midi controller. When I am done and hit stop, there horizontal view of the bass track extends for the entire part that I played (say 128 beats), but the drums keep looping every 32. What I want to do is cut the bassline down to 32 beats as well. Do you know how I can do this?

Also, I don't really use sequencing software (I don't think) - Just Cool Edit Pro 2 and Fruity Loops. What is the advantage of sequencing software and what exactly does it help you do?



The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I'm not sure what you're saying here.... you're playing the bassline at 128 beats, but you want it cut down to 32. Do you mean that you want to edit out the notes you don't want?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
yea that's what i mean. and when go into piano roll and cut out the notes i dont want, there still remains a bunch of blank space...this blank space results in silence after the line i want to loop....see what im saying?

also, is CEP considered a sequencign program?


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Well the only thing I can tell you is to just delete the notes you don't want, and move the other ones over to the right spot. It's difficult, but that's what happens when you play long sequences like that.

CEP is a sequencing/editing program. By using a sequencer like Cakewalk or Cubase, you're able to do what you do in Fruity Loops, but with more flexibility (plus it looks nicer).


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
word - thanks for the help - so would it make sense to use cool edit pro 2 to edit the .wavs, and use cubase to sequence everything (including the drums), thus doing away with fruity loops?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
by the way, we are like battle of the masks over here...haha

im just waiting for MF Doom to post


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
LOL, ya the masks are cool. Ummm, I'm not saying to get rid of Fruity Loops, but this is what I have setup right now:

I sequence my drums in FL, then I export them as a WAV file and import them into Cakewalk. I then play melodies in FL, while the drums are playing in Cakewalk (like I explained above). I use Cool Edit right now just to edit my samples, nothing else.

This is the way I do things, you might want to give it a try, but maybe you'd prefer to stick with just FL, it's up to you.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
When you play your melodies in FL are you recording them in FL or in cakewalk?


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I'm recording them in FL, Cakewalk is just looping my drum track. And if you follow the examples I give in the FL tutorial I recently did, it will work like a charm.

Chris Wilkes

aye cuz go to sample prop/ ins screen and pull the 2nd knob the whole way down the hold knob up and the sus knob down


Originally posted by Fade
I sequence my drums in FL, then I export them as a WAV file and import them into Cakewalk. I then play melodies in FL, while the drums are playing in Cakewalk (like I explained above). I use Cool Edit right now just to edit my samples, nothing else.

So why do you use Cakewalk to loop the drums instead of just setting the patterns to repeat in FruityLoops? What I usually do is just set the drum patterns for a lot longer than I know the song is, so I can still hear them. Do you feel it's easier just to have them looping in Cakewalk though?


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I prefer to sequence everything in Cakewalk, the only thing I like FL for is to do simple stuff like that ^^. It's just easier for me this way.


Heres How,

Hey dude, the best way to accomplish what you want in Fruity Loops. Is to go to Options -> Midi Settings -> and make sure " Record to step sequencer" is checked. That way your bassline will be recording right along with the 32 of you drums. No longer will you see the piano roll after you record, but the knobs will be lit with the notes you play.