FL 4 midi quantization...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I'm using Fl 4 and i just hooked my mp-7 up to it midi to use it like a mpd (controller). The problem i am having is that the drums are unquantized and i can't seem to get them on. My question is, Is there a way to quantize your drums when using a controller? OR do i have to do it the wack way and fix them through the soundbank?

P.S. I have no manual for FL!! If this seems like a newb question, that's why..


Sir Templeton Peck
ill o.g.

benny beatz

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
if you mean they are like a lil bit off, then u should try the snap function... its a drag down bar on the top right side of FL... it "snaps" whatever you input to the closest beat, step, half-step or whichever one you pick...