FINALLY somebody lays it out!


ill o.g.
Yall dont have any idea how many arguements i've gotten into trying to explain this exact point...Props to luda man, real emcee shit.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
Yea I was just talking bout this very fact yesterday. These young rappers, I swear. niggas think drake and big sean created the stop and go flow when its been around waaaaay back in the late 80's early 90s.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Yes!!!! Let's get it!!!!!

Fuck yes!!!!!!


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
They won't take the bait, because they PUSSY!!!!!!!

Camron's version is the closest way of spitting it today....


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Luda is not to be fukk'd with PERIOD...most dudes know that though.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I wish people would actually say some damn names, this would be alot stronger. Game is the only person actually dissin niggas and sayin who he's talkin to. It was wack at first, but now living in the subliminal era, I have to respect that he has the balls to actually step out there like that.


ill o.g.
Oh he said names and broke down his motovation in an interview...It was on, them guys know its for them.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Oh he said names and broke down his motovation in an interview...It was on, them guys know its for them.

More people gonna hear the song than read an xxl interview. And this is Chris, he's a pure bred through and through MC. He knows to point these dudes out on record with his grievances. Thats a code of conduct. Jay gets away with it because all the people dissing him are pretty much already on their last legs, mentioning their name would basically restore their life lol


ill o.g.
Dude but by you saying that buddy is a through and through emcee kinda negates your whole point about a "code of conduct"...There is none, only a fans prefrence.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Dude but by you saying that buddy is a through and through emcee kinda negates your whole point about a "code of conduct"...There is none, only a fans prefrence.

That doesnt make sense. He slipped up once, how does that negate 10yrs of work?

There are rules, just cause you dont know'em and our culture doesnt honor them anymore, doesnt mean they dont exist. lol


ill o.g.
Yo dox...ur a comediand bud! I just about died reading ur response...just cause you don't know hip hop police over here lol...

But seriously, on a logical tip...if a law isnt enforced in x amount of years then it comes off the those crazy sodomy laws and interacial marriage laws that existed in southern and western states up until there was a big push to "official" legalize that stuff...

Lets take biting for example, that was one of your oh so cherished "rules" for a nice 20 years then Jay-Z decided he was never gonna let us forget BIG so he started throwin dudes lines all up in his verses during a time when he was the most emulated emcee in the game, thus lil dudes started ripping lines from their favorite emcees and within like 3 years your precious lil law was abolished...Krs One made that shit "official" in countless interviews when dorky lil backpack bloggers would ask him his thoughts in hopes of getting the teacher to go off on a full diatribe...Instead the teacher embraced it and even gave emcees PERMISSION to use all his lines...So your lil rule disappeared...

Wake up and smell the new decade guy, there are no rules anymore...and its not really a bad thing for those of us who dont have a bad case of the thirty's.

I will never understand why some heads just get stuck on their era like its end all be all...It used to be the 80's heads giving me shit about the 90's sound, now its the 90's guys with all their nostalgia...Just vibe people, life is more fun that way.
Lets take biting for example, that was one of your oh so cherished "rules" for a nice 20 years then Jay-Z decided he was never gonna let us forget BIG so he started throwin dudes lines all up in his verses during a time when he was the most emulated emcee in the game, thus lil dudes started ripping lines from their favorite emcees and within like 3 years your precious lil law was abolished...Krs One made that shit "official" in countless interviews when dorky lil backpack bloggers would ask him his thoughts in hopes of getting the teacher to go off on a full diatribe...Instead the teacher embraced it and even gave emcees PERMISSION to use all his lines...So your lil rule disappeared...

Since when was dox the official rule maker for hip hop? I havent heard that anywhere.
Not in any "teacher" speech or article have I ever seen unorthodox mentioned as the rule maker for hip hop. But that aside.

Firstly Jay Z has been jumping on bandwagons biting peoples styles for a very long time. I have never liked him, and thats one of the main reasons, all done to be a commercial success, jay z is a business man first and foremost, not an artist.
I think the no biting law should still exist today for the simple reason it might go some way to stop everything sounding exactly the fucking same these days. Innovation is dead, yes the kids are getting dumber, so dumber music for dumber kids, just makes sense from a commercial perspective. I personally like to listen to music that is thought provoking, not thought stifling. I dont want to be brainwashed into the mentality that what I own defines me, I am not what I own, if that was the case Im fucking worthless with nothing to offer the world. As for using KRS 1 as the embodiment of hip hop, I learned alot of the "teacher" in the past but the fact is the culture of hip hop was always much more than the words of KRS 1, it was just that he took it to heart, and took it upon himself to promote hip hop as a culture and to promote black history to the ignorant masses. He is just one mouthpiece for hip hop, and hip hop has thousands of those. All the shit I hear being touted as hip hop these days is hip hop, it follows the path laid out by the pioneers of hip hop and rap for the corporations to use as a tool to make vast amounts of money, nowadays its just that the people are so dumb and ignorant they cant even see when they are being mocked and made fun of by the same people they give their money to in the name of "entertainment".
People that pay for the materialistic bullshit called music these days are being taken for cunts. Promoting drug abuse/ crime/ violence/ dehumanizing our women into sex objects destroying communities with false ideals, all in the name of "having a good time".
You have your fun, I wont hold it against you or anyone else, but also know you are being taken advantage of, to make a few white people very rich, while they point and laugh at you calling you many names that I wont even go into for fear of causing offence, which I probably have already done by calling fans of modern "hip pop" ignorant dumb fucks who cant see when they are being manipulated for the financial gain of a few corporate WHITE PEOPLE. Versace = White People, D&G = White people, Hummer = White People, I could go on and on but I fear its a waste of time anyway as people will defend their own stupidity until they either smart up themselves through study and education of their own, or they just take their stubborn defence of their belief system to the grave. Religion is a great example of this.
I really wish I could find the evidence I once had for the creation of the "music biz" as a tool for social manipulation with the stated goals of a music type to capture the public get them hooked and then to use the power of the music to guide people through social engineering, subliminal messages which are no longer subliminal but right there in your face. Rock n Roll music was the first music that did this, then it was rock music closely followed my rap music. Nowadays its all mainstream stuff. The evidence of the effects of the music along with every other form of media to do this is blatantly obvious, and anyone that denies it is blind to the truth in front of their eyes.
There are many videos on youtube that call out the satanic nature of the music biz these days with blatant satanic imagery with many many groups and artists being used either with or without their knowledge. The pop music culture owes a lot to Aleister Crowley, self proclaimed the most evil on earth while he was alive, his slogan from the Book Of the Law(written by channeling spirits) "Do What Thou Wilt shall be the whole of the law". Now this man claimed to have murdered hundreds of children in ritual sacrifice, he was a member of many secret societies and was once in charge of the "order of the golden dawn" and the ordo templis orientis. He is also said to be the inspiration for the beatles "Sgt Pepper" with him being mentioned on the album and is even pictured on the album cover. No one single person has had so much influence on the music business than Aleister Crowley, he called himself the beast 666 also.
I wont go anymore into detail because there is so fucking much on this subject and this is a long enough post already, anyway people should do their own research on him for themselves. Above all he was a satanist, he died poor and destitute but his legacy lives on everytime Jay Z wears his "Do What Thou Wilt" t shirt, and every time you see the nike slogan "Just Do It", and everytime you see all the egyptian imagery in a Lady Gaga video not to mention all the other freemasonic ritual portrayed as a music video.
In fact the whole legacy of Aleister Crowley is so pervasive into our modern lives and the people are so fucking ignorant, that when they are told the truth that is right in front of them, the first thing they do is deny it. Because it conflicts with their belief system that the people that rule over us have our best interests at heart, when history time and time again tells us they dont.
So there, now I laid it out.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Yo dox...ur a comediand bud! I just about died reading ur response...just cause you don't know hip hop police over here lol...

But seriously, on a logical tip...if a law isnt enforced in x amount of years then it comes off the those crazy sodomy laws and interacial marriage laws that existed in southern and western states up until there was a big push to "official" legalize that stuff...

Lets take biting for example, that was one of your oh so cherished "rules" for a nice 20 years then Jay-Z decided he was never gonna let us forget BIG so he started throwin dudes lines all up in his verses during a time when he was the most emulated emcee in the game, thus lil dudes started ripping lines from their favorite emcees and within like 3 years your precious lil law was abolished...Krs One made that shit "official" in countless interviews when dorky lil backpack bloggers would ask him his thoughts in hopes of getting the teacher to go off on a full diatribe...Instead the teacher embraced it and even gave emcees PERMISSION to use all his lines...So your lil rule disappeared...

Wake up and smell the new decade guy, there are no rules anymore...and its not really a bad thing for those of us who dont have a bad case of the thirty's.

I will never understand why some heads just get stuck on their era like its end all be all...It used to be the 80's heads giving me shit about the 90's sound, now its the 90's guys with all their nostalgia...Just vibe people, life is more fun that way.

Hahaha dog, I just turned 23. And no where Ive ever been takes laws out just cause they're old. You trying to paint me as some funny type ILL police is cute though, and I appreciate the essay, but That isnt me at all. In fact, I dont really mess with the 80s/90s like that anymore, Im way more focused on making 2011+ a whole new era, but I've obviously hit some type of nerve so I'll let your rant slide.

PS. I dont know how you take me saying "Mention the nigga name" and blow it up to this big rule book lol nevermind, rock on dude

Shouts to 2Good saying what I was too lazy to say. Specifically the hiphop part lol

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