Ever tried to quit smoking?


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
what a bitch. day 5. i already went throught states of petulance, weariness, feeling high, confusion, and hyperactivity. today i just want to smoke. hopefully this is where it peaks.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
first 2 weeks are the toughest. after that it is a matter of ignoring the urges here and there. the cravings DO go away. As much as it will suck man, keep on trucking towards a solid month. cake after that. just dont give in cuz you have to start from scratch and you'll feel like a loser after giving in. your brain and body will have you convincing yourself that you need or its ok to have JUST ONE. dont listen to that shit, thats the nicotene fightin its way back in to your life like an abusive spouse. it will go away eventually dude, just stick to it.


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
Thanks fellas. Not quitting for the first time in my life, but I noticed it keeps getting harder. But not going to give in. no more booze until i'm off the nicotine too i guess.


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
i had a relapse around christmas time. went back on the cig for about a week and then dropped it again. i do cheat. i have an e-smoke, basically vapor with nicotine, and it does get you hooked too, but it's nothing compared to smoking tobacco, i can do without it. but when i'm out and there's alcohol involved, i have that thing with me. the liquids are from china, and god knows what else's in there, but i feel a million times healthier anyway. back in sports, running 3-4 times a week and bball every friday. oh yea, my name is mono. hi mono... :D


Battle Points: 85
Only one thing in the world could make me stop inhale the most beautifull green in the world.... It happend.... Just started.. Cant say im enjoying this, but yeah, lets go... :)


Mad Beats, No Angry Vegetables
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 10
ive been trying off and on for the past year, it's surprising how easy your mind can manipulate itself. My problem personally is that I really don't want to quit, i enjoy smoking, but I'd like to be healthier on the flip side. IDK not in a position to give advice since I haven't pulled it off, good luck though


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
If you stop you can absolutley Never smoke again . . The End.
You can go years and touch one and it will be right back to trying to quit .
Its hard to quit. I stopped eleven years ago, you will always sometimes crave one.
After 2 weeks you feel better but hella tempted, a month it will still beckon you but you are cool , six months you think because you can go this long you can have one..
Never smoke again . PSA from an ex smoker.

Frankie Perez

Battle Points: 3
what a bitch. day 5. i already went throught states of petulance, weariness, feeling high, confusion, and hyperactivity. today i just want to smoke. hopefully this is where it peaks.
hey man i smoked weed and newports since i was 14 years old when i was 20 i had spit up a wop of blood from smoking i went to the doctors office they told me i had an infection from smoking and that i had to stop, i cut down and started breathing exercises to clear my lungs, and i did acupuncture and started drinking green tea bcs everytime i drink coffee or drink a beer i wanna smoke so i had to limit myself from my habit anyway's i bought me a vaporizer which helps alot and im a million times healthier you should give it a try i recommend everyone stop smoking and start vaping its better for your teeth and health no bad breathe and you cant catch cancer also theres no second hand smoke. try liberty flights e-cigarrete website
www.liberty-flights.com and if you smoke weed and wanna stop try smoking hydro weed bcs you dont need to smoke alot to get high its like 1 of the strongest so 3 or 4 hits and you good.

Frankie Perez

Battle Points: 3
I actually weridly started smoking black and milds to quit cigarrettes , blacks are so damn harsh I didnt need much of one, then they didnt call my name like smokes do.
i use to roll my weed in black and milds or dutchmasters but yeah theres alot of thick paper on black and milds it has pipe tobbacco in it


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
i use a vapo now from time to time, i have that little flight box. cool stuff. and as i said, i also do have an esmoke. but in the end, i`d like to go back to just breathing air :) thx for the tips anyway frank


ill o.g.
I quit after 10 was easy.
Had half a smoke a few years back never got hooked on again and Iwould never.

I could smoke a cig right now never get hooked.