Eminem ...

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Like I said even eminem sez he would have sold half if he was black...I think that pretty much sez it.


First off, I'd like to address HELIOS on some of the comments he made here. I don't think that you realize that most of what you said is very racially biased and comes from an uneducated point of view as far as Hip Hop goes. When someone makes such hateful comments about race, it sets something off in me and I gotta speak on it.

You made the comment
...he really had to be in this industry cause lil white retarded, dumb idiots need somebody similar to them. They need somebody just like them.

Now for you to say that would be like me saying 'they needed Nelly cause dem ign'ant chirrens need dat funky jungle music.' One thing I can't stand is how racially biased hip hop has become, not to mention Rap music (yes, there's a difference). Music is universal, without color boundries, and it shouldn't make a difference whether some brotha from the ghetto or some sub-urban white boy makes it. You cant tell color on the radio. So why should it matter. Good music is good music... period.

Now on the Eminem issue... Face it, on the business tip, every now and then it takes a "white boy" to popularize rap music and bring it into the sub-urban environment. True, little Julie Blue Eyes probably never listened to Rap before Eminem came out, but the fact that she and millions of her friends now do is marketing genious if you ask me. And maybe she won't stop with Eminem. Maybe she'll pick up that new 50Cent CD, or look into finding that old Naughty By Nature LP, and maybe even pick up the latest by Birdman cause he bangin the charts now too. That's especially good news for the artist cause that's that much more revenue their CDs are generating. You gonna hate on him for that? I hope not. Rap is the marketable entity spurred from real Hip Hop from back in the 70's and 80's. Everyone wanted to rap and now everyone is. Now, it aint so hard to get a record deal because every major lable is signing everything that comes their way if they think they can market it and make millions off of it. So, you think it matters to Interscope or whatever lable Em is on now that he's white? Shit. He has only one color in the industry and that color is green... money green. But besides all that, it wasn't the "white" industry that brought him out in the first place, you have Dr. Dre to thank for that. Hmmm... A Black producer brought a White rapper into the game. What is this world coming to? (he said sarcasticly)

The fact is Em is a great talent and only the fact that he's white is why he gets so hated. He's taken it farther than any other white rapper and he's still going. And the fact that he's doing Rap music and strictly Rap music is why I respect him. He's a white rapper that is being nothing but a rapper. Unlike earlier tries from Marky Mark and (gawd, should I even say it...) Vanilla Ice.

Take a trip back to the 80's and dig up a crew called The Beastie Boys. Hip Hop's first white rap group. But they weren't truly rappers. They were a new wave/rock band that Rick Rubin experimented with to see if he could make a crossover Hip Hop band that would appeal to both whites and blacks alike. And he was highly succesful at doing so. But they showed their true roots as most of their music was rock oriented and their stage show only proved the same. But you know what? It brought Hip Hop officially out of the streets and into the homes of the suburbanites where little Betty Blonde grew up and first heard about rap music.

So what if Eminem wasn't white? Would you still hate him then? Would he still be as popular as he is now? Who knows. But I like him just the way he is. And think about this... he's one of the people responsible for bringing out 50Cent, and 50 is the hottest thing out right now. Still hate him? Okay. You're entitled to your opinion. But it's a fact in the music biz, the ones who aint makin no noise are always the ones hatein' the most.

You wanna hate on somebody because they got no skills is one thing, but if you gonna hate on him cause he's white well, then you're basically a racist. And most of the comments you made here are totally racist.

...lil white retarded, dumb idiots...

( those white aged people who go to church every week lol)
How about those black aged people that go to church every week? What you laughing at?

I don't know where you come from or how you came up, but it's obvious to me that you just plain got a problem with white people and you're just using Eminem as an excuse to air your racially motivated comments. So feel glad that you got this much out of me from this thread, because most other times I'd have simply just laughed at your ignorance and left.


ill o.g.
I don't know anybody who hasn't got his own prejudices...
If I would be like that I would hate on Lil Wyte... I respect him more than rest.


I'm sorry Helios but your opinions and comments about white people (which are odd considering your own color of skin) has got me imagining that you rub your face in black shoe polish every morning before you head off to meet with your friends to sell weed and be crazy cri-mi-naaales...sorry once again, but the joke's on you.


ill o.g.
Thatz borin... that shoe pollish shit... we are steady tellin this bout others, I dont give a fuck about colours but I prefere to chill with foreign people... I prefere to go to a dominicain bar than to a bar with techno or other music like that. I don't think you see the point. I enjoy culture with more passion in it.

That german rapper KOOL SAVAS is one of the best, he's a white rapper and realer than them fake rappers in Germany. And his ego is large hehe. And other german white guys like Bushido are keepin it real. He's really street. I feel them like they brothers.

My best rapper is white, he was in jail and at the moment he's fucked up... snorin caine but for me he's da best. He's respecting eminem thaz the only thing that I don't like. But he's real, he's motivated. But he's kickin hard lyrics no funny shit.

All I can say is, I will always remember that track "real slim shady"... the lamest raptrack I heard in my lifetime.
White people like ICP are real, they are hatin on this fag. They did a track with three six mafia, and those boyz are really crazy. I don't like their music but I respect them.

I did some crazy shit... I won't tell anything cause you gonn be like : yeah yeah he's a crazy criminal. I feel rappers that are just like me and I dont fuck with the rest.

You're the type of man that we don't like. I'm damn shure you understand german... Einfach kleinkarriert, steif, langweilig, bieder und konservativ. Ich glaub nicht mal dass du mit deiner mentalität irgendwo erfolg haben wirst, nicht im hip-hop business. So leute wie du kenn ich viele, sie behaupten unsere tracks wären zuviel gangsta, aber solche jungs machen so 'nen scheiss langweiler hip-hop, keine sau will so nen scheiss hören.

YO just like those lame german rappers called : Blumentopf.

Geh mal ins rapz.de forum. Da siehs de was die Jugend vill.


Man, this dood got problems... leave him alone in his own little racist world. If I was admin here, you'd be long gone for that isht...


Well, Danish is my first language, English my second, German my third and French my fourth...so don't be so damn sure about what I understand...my German is limited but let me see if I can do a translation in short.

You're writing something about me being plainly stiff, smallminded, conservative and boring in my opinions. Also, you don't believe that I'll have any kind of success with my mentality, especially not in the Hip-Hop business. Then something about the youth not wanting to hear crap, boring Hip-Hop but gangsta or something I can't quite make out??? Any Germans feel like translating the last part...

All I want to say is that remember that I'm not the only one in here with my opinion and I would have thought that that would at least have made you think.
My producer partner and I are having plenty of success but maybe that will go down hill from now since the "prophet" has spoken...

And I hardly think that I would shut up if I was passing you...but I don't understand where you want to go with that comment.

This will be my last comment to this matter. I regret that I didn't just ignore your submissions...but I had hoped that I could save one. No further replies will be made to this subject from me. Obviously, its a waste of time.
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