Eminem - Encore, biggest dissapointment of the year

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The Bastard

i think you gotta be a dedicated fan that will like anything the artist puts out just because its them to like this cd


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
i think you gotta be a dedicated fan that will like anything the artist puts out just because its them to like this cd

I wouldn't consider myself a dedicated eminem fan if i rock the bootleg! Plus, i never felt the eminem show cd, this is far better in my opinion... Even though he may sing on alot of the joints, they fit those joints perfect... His production was on point and he definitly came with some unexpected shit, i think thats why not alot of yall are feelin it, like MARKn said he's "gettin older" and wiser and i think he's starting to open up more... All my homiez that hate em said that this joint was one of the most powerful ones he's dropped... I would definitly pay my 15.00 for this, and i think i am going to..


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
id advise to give it a few listens it will grow on you imo, i don't see wot is wrong with it the only reason im a dedicated fan is he puts out consitant albums, im not gonna like sumthing just because he did it ! Im not sure wot ppl expected from this CD but i wozn't dissapointed !


ill o.g.
i liked it...

the lack of effort is intentional, i didn't feel a lot of the songs, but was amused at them, still... i can't hate on the album coz Em did more than enough to convince me that he hasn't fallen off at all, but rather jus has nothing to prove... he says about five times, in one way or another, that he can say whatever the fuck he wants and people will cop it.. and he proves it with his antics every other song... i enjoyed the album... and i have respect for Em as the most powerful/influential artist in any genre in the WORLD...

The Bastard

i think saying he put out a cd with minimal effort purely because he can and people will still cop it is an exuse for eminem running out of dumb shit to say ,if you had the power to touch people in album and you know you can pt out a great album if you want,why wouldnt you, Because you dont have to and people will still buy it? thats dumb

^and a real artist wouldnt do that


ill o.g.
no, thats not what i'm sayin at all.. i'm sayin thats where Eminem is comin from on this, and i don't completely blame him... he's been through a lotta shit, has nothing left to prove, and is flat out tired of the life. i also don't think Encore was a complete waste of time... he says some real intelligent shit here and there on the serious songs, and i guess you aren't familiar with what he tried to do with "Mosh?"

and when he goofs around, he's still charismatic and clever... half the "stupid" shit he does 99.9% of your favourite rappers wouldn't be able to even if they tried.. i don't even like eminem's shit, but i won't front on him either.

i guess i find it tolerable because i think though the quality of his music has gone down, it still communicates as much to me about his views/life/persona than it ever has... and though this is def not my fave album from him, it leaves me very respectful of eminem as an artist who has truly mastered emcee'ing.. he dictates whatever the fuck he wants to do on a song, and does it and succeeds.. even when he fucks around, he communicates more to me than a joe budden ever could. i think he succeeds each time, even when he's doin shit that nobody else dares to... and before you disagree with me when i say that its impressive, you might want to consider if you or any other rapper besides Eminem could pull his stunts off...


Sshsh-Straight fiya!
ill o.g.
Yeah, it does grow on you but...the dissapointment was so big at first, that even if I "like" some of it, i know that it is only because it grew on me. I think there's like 4 great songs on the album and 4 crappy, and the rest is average. So that means: 8 average, 4 crappy, 4 great songs , it means half the album is average so i think it deserve something like 3.5 mics on 5.

Expulse_one, I think you're on HEAVY DRUGS loll, no I respect your opinion, but I can see someone liking very much this album, but not saying it being better than Eminem Show.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Qwerty said:
Expulse_one, I think you're on HEAVY DRUGS loll, no I respect your opinion, but I can see someone liking very much this album, but not saying it being better than Eminem Show.

ExampuL_oNe, SON! Where u get Expulse? lol! Im on drugs? hmmmmm...


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
Yo just heard the whole album on mtv.com its aight its not on the level as his last albums but its a keeper, I like that track were he was rapping about that black girl he dated and she pissed him off and he made a song about her callin her a bitch, and shit ( the stuff he got accused for being racist) and he apoligized and shit it sounds like another cleaning out my closet, its some good stuff, and sounds like he is just having fun.


DJ Will Kill
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
This is crazy, The Best tracks are the damn singles. The Production is so so. Dre is doin his thing. Em is tring some new stuff like the sample in Crazy in Love, But it doesnt work for me. Some tracks is fire but the Em Fs them up by talkin bout nothing, like rain man and Ass like that. I hope this is a joke album that he released and the real one will drop on friday.

Whats up x-squizet. Good to see other people from cinci.


ill o.g.
i checked out the new em and i was a lil dis-a-point-ed. the production was lacking!!! and he had no real bangers, nothing even close. he had a few good songs(the azz trax) was catchy
i think he is try-n to put out a sub par album and show that he can sell what ever.

The Bastard

TBERRY said:
i think he is try-n to put out a sub par album and show that he can sell what ever.
why make exuses for him, he tried his hardest and he made an album that sucks get over it


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
bastard you said this alot of time we know you don't like the album so can you just be quiet about it, their is nothing you can do about it, if its wack its wack, you can't make people have the same opinon like you.

The Bastard

x-squizet said:
bastard you said this alot of time we know you don't like the album so can you just be quiet about it, their is nothing you can do about it, if its wack its wack, you can't make people have the same opinon like you.
im not sayin have the same opinion, im saying why the corny exuses like '' he did it because he can and itll still sell'' there must be a reason this dood gets a get out of jail free pass ,know whut i mean guy

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
im not sayin have the same opinion, im saying why the corny exuses like '' he did it because he can and itll still sell'' there must be a reason this dood gets a get out of jail free pass ,know whut i mean guy

well said... if an artist someone likes comes weak, there are a milion excuses for it... and they are like "well, he did it cause he is mc so-and-so and he can get away with it" or "you just dont get it" or "he made this album for radio/girls/clubs/mtv/etc", or "*insert excuse here*" .........

it would seem to me, if you have to rationalize what an artist does, if you have to look at it from a certain perspective in order to appreciate it, that greatly defeats the point of "accesibility", does it not? if i have to reac hfor perspective in order to like something that i DONT like until i see it from tha tangle, chances are IT REALLY ISNT ALL THAT GOOD.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
man i agree with wot bastard and cold sed in as much that if sumone makes a record purposely weak then thats wack, theres no room for that when theres so many people how would kill to make an album !


Thats bollocks that eminem made an album purposely bad, just to show he can sell give him some fucking credit, the album is good imo as good as the eminem show probably ! if u dnt like it just say dnt like it just coz its eminem and come up with sum bullshit story of why u like it !
I like it coz its good music lol funny that aint it !


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
I get what you sayin bastard its just sounds like you are parading around saying the album sucks, i like it but its not his best but its a keeper to me, i ain't given no excuses to me it just sounds like he is havin fun and does'nt have alot of pressure on him, its just the need to take that freakin just loose it song off the album.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
wow, i just heard it.... and this album fuckin sucks... badly... umm... big weenie.. ok... riiiight... he even took one of the few passable beats on the album and turned it into one of his corniest songs ever. fuck it i aint a fan anyways... but as a fan of hip hop... fuck...... this shit is disrespectful...... this is fucking garbage. GARBAGE. G A R B A G E. . . . . . A T R O C I O U S. . . . .W R E T C H E D.

can this fool PLEASE stop singing?

fuckin trash, and people will eat this shit up and call him a "genius" and the "g.o.a.t" okay, maybe the hailey song was cool.

GUARAN_DAMN_TEED... if one of us released this album as an ep and tried to get some buzz off of this..... we would get flatly turned away..... if one of us made this album, put the tracks up on soundclick... and asked for feedback.... we would get the "it's ok, you have potential" treatment...

but hey, if this is what you like, go for it... but fuck the excuses, if you like this just say its dope... just say you like it... dont sit there and make excuses for a wack album... cause some of you sound like you are convincing yourself its good, not the rest of us....


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I didn't hear the album and I don't plan to but I'm sure it's going to be pure shit like his last few albums because he's just plain terrible. His first major release was his best stuff if you ask me, and then Stan from the other album.