drugs legal in Mexico

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
Chrono said:
I ran into that same thing. Best thing to do is to start running, I've noticed that running helps reinforce the quiting of cigarette's and helps combat the fucked up nature of quiting alcohol an herbs.. it's that natural high that helps get you by.. good luck bk

Yeah I've been excercising alot lately...and it def helps. I used to smoke all the time...now it's just when I get nice....and I cut down on that too....


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Benny BuKu said:
Yeah I've been excercising alot lately...and it def helps. I used to smoke all the time...now it's just when I get nice....and I cut down on that too....

have you started to cough up the tar an black shit yet?

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
StressWon said:
lol,,yeah, I used chill out in shaolin all the time. the girls would be like,"Wanna smoke some pot",,and i would just laff. We'de get high then I would have my way wit them, smash there skulls in and throw them in the Arthur Kill,,,good times

"Have my way w/ them"....lmao.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
StressWon said:
lol,,yeah, I used chill out in shaolin all the time. the girls would be like,"Wanna smoke some pot",,and i would just laff. We'de get high then I would have my way wit them, smash there skulls in and throw them in the Arthur Kill,,,good times
Do you play Lacrosse ? For Duke?
nah but which way will you be havin them?
Again NO PROFIT IN THE CURE... They will never do that here. If you study the war against weed you'll see its hipocritical and and stupid.

DJ Excellence

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 285
GRAFIK said:
if it ever does then it wont be in my lifetime i bet, but i see no problem with recreational use in the privacy of your own, not harming anyone, other drugs i could see, i mean how is alcohol legal and not weed, there will always be more deaths with acohol then there ever will be with a little weed

true , it's exactly the same thing.... , but alcohol will always be the "norm" in most societies. People don't generally associate it with health problems and irresponsible conduct.

The Bastard

looks like bush puppeteered this guy into denying the bill and the law was no passed.........