Does the ugly girl in a group of hot friends know she is ugly?

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J Rilla

Tha Fresh Prince of L.A.
ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
so next question: how many of ya'll have called up an ugle on that friday night when you came up dry everywhere else? be honest mo fos! aint no pride up in here!
Yo I banged ugly chicks and i have no problem admittin it thats what dark rooms are for.......I mean shyt a piece of ass is a piece of ass...not like i gotta be seen in public with her....


Hip Hop Apprentice
ill o.g.
gram green said:
of course she does... but more often i been seeing groups of ugly bitches with one super hot chick... what the fuck is that about...

That's probably because although that chick is Hot, she has a low self esteem. So she surrounds herself with those "ugly" chicks for need of relating to someone. OR..................She know she hot as hell, and stuck up as shit, and surrounds herself with them to make them her "bitches" if you know what I mean. And no ya'll I don't mean the word in a derogatory manner. LOL.


Hip Hop Apprentice
ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
^^^^^^^^ lol at leftovers

guys tend to be nice to the uggles so that when they have a fight with the hot chick they can call her and get a guaranteed piece saturday night.....

Haven't we all done that? LOL.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
To me EVERY girl in the maryland DC area has the "ugly" chick click mentaltity.

There are some cute girls here but they are NOTHING compared to florida chicks.
What makes it worse is that these avrage/ugly chicks have attuides like they are fine. This is becasue the dudes have been "gassing" this girls up. Making them think they are a 9 when they are really a 5.

Shit is pathetic

Hear are some names we call those "ugly" chicks back home

swayback-girl so fat when she walks her back sways from side to side
scallywag- self explaintory
dirty foot - in my old hood, the hootrats would always have on flip flops with ashy feet.

Slum dig'um- old school term for hood rat i got from my dad.
Foot solider- a modifaction of the word "dirty foot" Also a girl who is always walkin around in other folks business
OH KNATS- stank ho spelled backwards, its pretty fun to use casue i will say it to a girls face and she will have no idea what im talking about.

Now keep this in mind also, ugly dosent nesccarly mean looks to me, I know some o..k looking chicks that have great personalitites and are cool to be around, and i know some fine women that i cant fucking stand

I much rather be with girl who is an 7.5 or 8 with a great personalitity and knows how to cook. then with a girl who is a 10 but dont know shit and is dumb as fuck....



ill o.g.
Not all the ugly chicks think there ugly, the worst ones swear they are the flyest things on earth, then they wanna catch an attitude when you tell them they're not, then a fight might break out...LOL. I've seen it happen ;).


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
serious you know you wil be trying to crack on to the fit bird and then BOOM out of nowhere her ugly m8 pops up wots up with that ! Like you'll be dancing liek yo im in here then BAM ! next thing you know ur on your own and the fit birds gone off with her ugly m8 ! DAMN UGLY M8S !

J Rilla

Tha Fresh Prince of L.A.
ill o.g.
classic said:
To me EVERY girl in the maryland DC area has the "ugly" chick click mentaltity.

There are some cute girls here but they are NOTHING compared to florida chicks.
What makes it worse is that these avrage/ugly chicks have attuides like they are fine. This is becasue the dudes have been "gassing" this girls up. Making them think they are a 9 when they are really a 5.

Shit is pathetic
I got the same issue when i leave Cali runnin into so so girls that think there dimes.....I was chillin with my cousin in chicago and he was tellin me about this chick that swore she was the finest thing that ever step on the face of the earth and even my cousin was uppin her like she was bad...when i saw her i was highly dissapointed....In L.A she probaly be considered a duck......I want her to come out so she can get a reality check and realize just how average she is


Hip Hop Apprentice
ill o.g.
Damn a fool man...LOL.....Oh Knats...What the fuck..LOL.


Wax Fondling Since 420
ill o.g.
The ugly girl knows shes ugly...but you know what I hate is the hot girls that think they are the shit and they should have everything handed to them just cuz they look good. Ive heard girls say "look at me" when you ask them what they do as if since there hot thats there job haha. Can you believe that shit I smack ho's like that. Its rediculous they obviously watch to much of the simple life.


Stupa Hero
ill o.g.
This has gotta be the best thread in the whole lounge! Ha ha. The ugly chica gotta know she's not on the same level - but she's gonna get the bottom-scrapins'

Feel me?


ill o.g.
lol u lot r jokas, but yeah ugly chicks always hang out with fine chicks to utilize they cock-blocking degree to throw salt on a niggas game. lol

and in London u will see the worst cases of wack girls thinking they fine as hell

Im at the stage now where this shit is just funny to me, now


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
^^^^^^ man!
That's the worst!

when you seea girl from the back, you see the ass and her curves, your like "Daaaaaamn! that's nice, I gotta holla at that giiiiirl!" You step up to her with your A game, ready to do your thing and then, when you see her face... whaaaaaaaat!

Crooked teeth, messed up face. THIS is the worst!


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
StressWon said:
how bout,,,,the group of chicks where there is one with a nice body and a fucked face. and the rest are FAT! Thats shit is crazy. So you have to drink a few shots to bang the ugly-faced-nice-body chick,,,,,
Ahhh.. the Butter-Face.


Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
double bag it, one bag over her face, and one bag over your face in case the one on her face breaks.

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
berserk said:
double bag it, one bag over her face, and one bag over your face in case the one on her face breaks.

YO MAN! That shit seriously had me laughing so fucking loud in my office!! FUCKING CLASSIC!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
lol damn you guys are harsh. i gota admit though, that point cleverwon made, does work alot of the times. you gota give the ugly ones some love too lol, then the fit girls will stand becoming insecure n shit