do Eq drums b4 u load them or after


ill o.g.
after you guys find that drum break sample from vinyl do run them thru the mixer and protools or cubase or W/e or do u load them in the sampler and eq and shit later.


ill o.g.
I got a mv and once i find a break i like and i sample ill use the auto chop function and get every sound on the pad. If i feel a sound needs to be eq or compress ill add it to a sound and resample it. sometimes ill just eq somethings to get the feel and later track the sound and song into the computer with out any effects to add them later. all in all its really your choice and your taste. Understand that once you add effects you cant take them back so most of the time dont do tomuch to sound unless its for sound design reasons


ill o.g.
Ya but sometimes sampling drums from vinyl 50% of the time they need compression or eq i was just wondering what u guys technicues were me i like to add effects and then load so my drums always bang instead changing them later or ill do both.

julio g.

ill o.g.
I like to run them threw a graphic e.q. for tuning, than I compress around 60 to 80 hz with a multi band compressor. Last I boost back up the 80 hz with a parametric around 14.5 bandwith to get them loud again. I'm just very careful on setting up my attack, ratio, and release. Depending on what kind of drum choice, I taylor to it. All this I do after sampleling them in my sequencer before tracking.

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
it comes down to how u want ur sounds to sound, and if u have memory constraints. if u eq them b4 loading them, or even adding an effect, and u like the way it sounds, u can load it already set up, and even add to it later. doing it that way frees up memory. it just comes down to how u want it to sound.

da relic


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
i do my EQing in my main piece, the Motif. i was gettin pissed at it coz i thought it was a shit EQ, but iv now realised that its pretty damn powerful.


i do it after...... i eq the drums after i load them....but thats me

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