Do any of you have food restrictions?


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Oh it’s scary easy to be a junk food vegan. Oreos and French fries baby. But being conscious of the fuel you put in your body is a pretty awesome thing. Although as per OP pizza has been a big miss for me as well.
LOL yeah. That's why I refer to it more as plant-based now instead of vegan. Vegan could really be just oreos. This is why there's always someone saying they tried to go vegan but they got sick. People have to do their research.


Battle Points: 3
I went vegan this year. It’s been tough but worth it.

I tried it for about 6 months and I didn't like it. It wasn't bad, I just feel a diet with a little meat is the way to go. I eat meat but I try to limit it to one serving a day at most, I usually eat two meals a day. (An actual serving of meat is about the size of a deck of cards BTW) I try to eat more vegetables and also have occasional smoothies with fruit and vegetables. I eat more fish, 2-3 times per week, then eggs, beef. I very rarely eat a little pork because too much of it upsets my stomach. Also been eating more rice and beans, lots of fiber there. Overall meat is a small portion of my diet, maybe 20% or less.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
That’s cool, for me (and I’m not trying to preach to anyone) it was three reasons

#1 it seems wrong to kill/torture a sentient creature when there is simply no need anymore at all.

#2 the evidence for the health benefits of a plant based diet is overwhelming at this point.

#3 the best thing an individual can do for the environment is go plant based. Factory farming of animals is the single greatest cause of global warming. By not participating you make a difference.

So for me there really isn’t any going back. Although I do miss ribs and proper pizza etc.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
There's also plenty of documentaries about it that should make people really reconsider what they're eating.

Game Changers is an awesome one, and it's great they did that because it's focused on athletes, so that should get people to pay attention because if athletes swear by it, there must be something to it, right? Not like steroids of course!

Cowspiracy and What the Health are really good too. But if anyone checks any documentaries just look it up first because there's a few out there that show slaughters and terrible stuff, and it's awful.
since my heart attack I dont eat pizza or drink energy drinks. I wouldnt do anything so outrageous as eating the food of my food.
Humans are omnivores, a balanced diet is the best diet. I eat extra meat so that vegan that thinks hes saving the world, really isnt. muahahahahahahahaha
There is a mass culling of the human population starting right now, environmentalists rejoice.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
It's always the same argument:

Vegan: "Hey I don't eat meat and I feel great!"

Why do meat eaters always get so defensive? LOL. Nobody is forcing celery up your nose.

I don't care what others eat, I'm just worrying about my own health. And those documentaries plus all the latest research (not backed by the big corporations) shows that plants are the way to go. One of the best parts of Game Changers is where they break down the whole herbivore vs. carnivore debate. Those little fangs humans have lol.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Well humans certainly are omnivores for sure, and we know two huge stages in human evolution were when we stared eating fish. The oils in the fish over time changed our brain chemistry. Then when we learned to cook meat over a fire. Those were huge for the development of mankind. But in todays current climate it makes no sense whatsoever to eat meat and if you read books like "How not to die" You can see the evidence for the health benefits of a plant based diet are just overwhelming.
If it wasnt for the moral grandstanding of vegans I wouldnt have even had a response like that.
How do you know somebody is a vegan?
They will tell you.
Then you have groups like PETA, that literally do want to force celery down your throat, in the name of animal rights, when they execute homeless cats and dogs themselves.
Ive seen Earthlings, that was eye opening. But I still eat meat and probably will until I die, because I like burgers, I like steaks, I love bacon, I love chinese barbequed pork. I love a roast dinner.
The way things are going with the food processing plants being shut down to covid and the gates foundations investment in lab grown meat, food from insects and other such "advances" the choice will probably be soon taken away from us.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
That's always the same saying over and over again "you know how someone is vegan?" - YES we all know the joke. There's a difference between activists and someone that is just vegan.

PETA is bullshit.

You can eat whatever you want but I just don't know why people can't be more open-minded about such things. I've been working out a certain way for years and I like it but if someone came along and wanted to show me another way of getting a good workout, I'd be interested and give it a try. I wouldn't be screaming at them about how my workout is the best ever and everyone else needs to die and leave me alone.

If anything, it's the meat eaters that are the ones being super defensive yet aggressive at the same time.

It's good if the processing plants start closing down, it's a cesspool of disease anyway.
@Fade its not really a good thing if we dont have enough alternative means to feed everybody. There is only so much food to go around. Im arguing for nothing more than a well balanced diet. There are some crazy proposals that I will rather do without.
Im not in favour of torturing animals or making them suffer, I think our food should be treated with respect along with all animals. We become detached from the whole process of where our food actually comes from and whats involved in its production when we are packed into cities, where meat comes pre-packaged, our vegetables come all prepared in little bags. We have become detached from the natural world that ensured our survival up until now. The famines and adaptations in our evolution that allowed us to thrive and become the masters of this planet. We have a tendency to think that because things are relatively good right now that disaster isnt right around the corner. Ive learned not to put my eggs all in one basket.
If people want to eat meat then thats fine, if people want to eat vegetables thats fine. Its called freedom of choice. When that choice is taken away by scarcity no amount of moral grandstanding or anything else about what people choose to eat will stop a starving vegan from eating a meat product if it means they get to live another day. If I was to take it to the most extreme, in the Holodomor the Ukrainian famine, humans had to resort to eating dead humans just to stay alive.

None of us can tell the future. Also things like palm oil farming are tearing through the rain forests. Everything has a downside too.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Of course, I get what you're saying. Just last year when everyone started panic shopping at the grocery store I had buy stuff with meat because that's all that was there. It sucked but it's not a big deal.

You're right about the palm oil and that sucks because it's fucking in everything! You can't avoid it.

I just hate to see both sides going to the extreme like a vegan activist lying in the road blocking a truck. WTF. Didn't some woman die doing that? Then there's meat eaters that show up to a vegan protest and eat raw meat in front of them like it's supposed to prove some point lol. Yeah, you're about to die from salmonella.

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