this is my first day on this list and ya'll are officially dope!! no where else have i....EVER...SEEN...THE DJ PREMIERE ALGORYTHM! pure hottness!!
to add a bit, music, as with everything else can be defined by math and lately we've been seeing a bit of the algebraic aspects of that, whereas back in the 50's thru the 70's, it was more...fuzzy logic. like chaos theory. coltrane was pure math, hands down, but his algorythms influenced each other in much more complex ways and because it was improvised, it was like a math equation with an infinite number of correct solutions. i think it is going to go back in that direction as the hip hop generation and its artists mature yet retain the love of the culture, you're gonna see cats comming with crazy beats and crazy lyrics that have to be dissected over and over again. speaking of which...what ever happend to hank shocklee?