Damn.... William Hung listed in the comedy section... thats cold...

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i am sure by now you have all heard the musical atrocity that is William Hung. He is on Real One Raphsody now, andhis album is listed under the comedy section. does this guy know everyone is laughing at him?

he even has a segment talking about how people respect him on the album...

and the thing that PISSES me off the worst... IS THIS GUY HAS GROUPIES!!!!

how many of you have groupies? i dont have a girlfriend. THIS GUY HAS GROUPIES.

i am a hater, in every sense of the word. go ahead, and let me have it... EMBRACE THE HATE.


Oh, that guy...yeah, we have some sites that collect mad corny, funny, hilarious, extreme and jackass like material, and William was on there with his Idol performance.
I see it as making a mockery of Idols by having fan sites of him etc, so in that way I like it, but Idols shouldn't even exist in the first place.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
what is this, a moderator-only thread?!? lol........

its crazy man. this guy has actual groupies though... and he is serious. it isnt like he is deliberately making a fool of himself....

anyways, at least he is good at it and making money off it.

william hung will live forever,for some stupid reason.

tony needles

ill o.g.
Y'all might call me crazy, but i would rather keep my pride and miss out on some money than be famous for having everyone laugh at you for the wrong reason...This william hung actually thinks he can sing, and he's famous for being a poster boy for stupidity


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
Fuck that guy ..... If I ever see him I will take a bat to his fuckin' knee caps......YEAH I'm a hater too.
He goes to school out here by me. He performed at a Golden State Warriors game and bitches where going ape shit over him like he was Michael Jackson. This type of shit has to stop. People with real talent can't even get a deal but this bum can? FUCK HIM! ..... Why are americans so intrigued with talentless acts? I hate this business .... sometimes I wonder why I want to be a part of it.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
MadScientist said:
Fuck that guy ..... If I ever see him I will take a bat to his fuckin' knee caps......YEAH I'm a hater too.
He goes to school out here by me. He performed at a Golden State Warriors game and bitches where going ape shit over him like he was Michael Jackson. This type of shit has to stop. People with real talent can't even get a deal but this bum can? FUCK HIM! ..... Why are americans so intrigued with talentless acts? I hate this business .... sometimes I wonder why I want to be a part of it.

werd the fuck UP!

Tim D

Bitchn' Bout IRS
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
And seriously, who the fuck is gonna pay 15 bucks to actually listen to that, like some people think it might be funny to see him on American Idol, alright, but lets be serious, your actually gonna sit down and enjoy that shit?! And like Mad said about him getting a deal but people with real talent arnt getting shit, this industry is fucked up.


IllMuzik First Lady
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 182
LOLLLLLLLL Cold Truth and the rest of the moderators!!! lollll that guy have a record deal.... and also, i heard that i did win money... something like 25 000$ i dont know if its for his school engineer, but it is sad to see a guy like him having success, and theres some peoples who does have REAL talents and will maybe, never make it..


wait, hol up......LOL, THIS DUDE HAS A RECORD. u cant be serious. at first, i felt bad for him because people made a mockery of him, and he didnt understand. Now, they buggin out givin dude celebrity status, money, and now a record LOL, nah. he looks like he has down syndrome, atleast thats what i thought was wrong with him. thats crazy straight up.....


IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
I want to hear GOD on this one, I'm sure he has an explaination for this. Well I hope so?

And it's really industry's fault, because we accepted the original by Ricky Martin....we laughed at him and he made money too.


Sir Templeton Peck
ill o.g.
We are living in the decline of western civilization...


ill o.g.
There's a lot of wack MC's singers out William Hung is just another wack motherf*cker yeah he's also retarded but if you're gonna complain about him complain about all the other talentless F*cks in the industry. Look at Swizz beats Lil John 50 cent That chick Kia the list goes on and on William Hung is no different he just doesn't have an image to hide behind it didn't suprise me when he got popular the industry's just wack as a whole.


needs more fartnoise
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
we should have a william hung remix contest..... HOOOOOO DOGGIE!!!

I look at him as the asian-american version of Afroman. I think he does have downs syndrome though... but come on, who wouldn't want him on the intro to your songs????

Lil Kim & Willy Hung "We Bang.mp3"... He even has a rap star name!! actually, its a porn star name, but whatever.

I'm joking. Don't burn me.


IllMuzik First Lady
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 182
LOLLLLLLLLLLLL in my point of view, i think he is cute LOL because he seems so fragile and naive...
So innocent... and realllly intelligent. He has fun ... and he dosent care if he look "dumb" on nationnal t.v! :tomato:

He must feel special, now that he is popular.

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