Culture and heritage...


The Bastard

DJ Combz said:
I am Native American (Shuswap & Okanagan) and there are alot of people that know their culture and the whole history of it, like for my tribes we have only had about 200 years of contact but still so many people have forgot the teachings or the language through varouis problems that have happed through the years. Hip hop is really big with the native youth trying to get out their messege through the music, our traditnal music is the term you would probly know is pow wow in which I can sing and drum. The first settlers tried to extreminate all nations with small pox in traded goods, tried to take us as slaves (didnt work), alchol is a really big problem with natives, Residential Schools where they took young kids from their homes and made them live at a school where they were beat for speaking their language, molested, got scraps of food, raped, work in the farms and fields, basment aborations and all whole lot more and this was done by Priests & Nuns in the name of God to try made the savages a better people. The Federal Government began to play a role in the development and administration of this school system as early as 1874, mainly to meet its obligation, under the Indian Act, to provide an education to Aboriginal people, as well as to assist with their integration into the broader Canadian society. So the as the generations got older they had lost that family structure and didnt take resposiblity for thier actions and one of the last of the Residential Schools schools ceased to operate by the mid-1970s, with only seven remaining open through the 1980s. The last federally run residential school in Canada closed in Saskatchewan in 1996. Many of my family have went to these school an come out pretty messed up in side had lots of problems. But Iam not here to complain just stating through all of that our nations are still strong, and that the culture is alive but like any other culture some lose their path and forget, dont have the chance to learn it or just dont care. Me I do care an can speak Shuswap and understand Okangan, and so will my son.
and even the native americans arent natives,they came from asia, if im not mistaken mankind originated from africa


ill o.g.
Mankind originated from Africa, but you are correct in saying that the indigenous people of America were originally from Asia.

Towards the end of the last ice age [I think...] people from Asia could walk accross the ocean because huge amounts of the water were trapped as ice. The people first started to settle in North America then continued down into Central and South America; so pretty much all the Indigenous people of the Americas were originally from eastern Asia..

[Correct my if I'm wrong as this is just what I remember from some Geography lesson].


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
DJ Combz said:
I am Native American (Shuswap & Okanagan) and there are alot of people that know their culture and the whole history of it, ...

That's some deep shit, man!

Actually, I know for a fact that Native Americans have a school board in Quebec... I dont know who runs it, but I intend to go work there in a few years (I'm a teacher-to-be)

And, I dont know if there was anyone here (except for animals) here in America, before the Natinves came here... I dont think so. So I guess it's really there land.

By the way, Combs, you said you can play it, but do you listen to your music... and do you intend to make tracks representing your Native roots???

I like that there are people from different culture answering... nice!

DJ Combz

ill o.g.
ya right now I am working on a track with a drum group I almost got the beat done I will but a link up tonight so you can peep it out its got some native drums in it. I am all so working with a few drum groups to sign to my record label to, so ya I am an active part in my cultural music by listening, singing and drumming. My wife is one of the best traditional dancers in north america also.


Reppin V.I.C
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Im a cook islander and i rep dat til i fucken die, as a people we keep our culture and our language alive by teaching our traditional songs, the way that we used to communicate across the island for meetings and shit like dat is with drums, different rhythms meant different things, like a party rhythm or an emergency rhythm, drums are mostly used now for special occasions like a dance or some kinda special performance, i love my culture and my people because it gives me something to be proud of and gives me a massive extended family because you are brought together by your common background, just like all of us here come together because of our love for music and hip hop. I love to play my Cook Island music all day and everyday give me a ukulele and ill rock out all day everyday, i love listening to the emotion that the singers give to these songs because often the songs are about real people and our homeland which we all have a deep connection to. If you wanna know more about this place that i love look up TONGAREVA or PENRHYN


Reppin V.I.C
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
My mum used to tell me about how our people were stolen from their land and taken to Peru

"The missionaries arrived in 1854. Tongareva, together with many other Pacific islands, suffered the ravages of Peruvian slave raiders in the 19th century. In 1863 some 410 of the total population of about 500 were removed by trickery, the Spanish Peruvian perpetrators being abetted by four native missionary teachers who sold these unfortunates for five dollars a head! In fact, three of them accompanied the slaves to Peru as interpreters. The Peruvians knew the island as the Island of the Four Evangelists"

anyone feeling a common theme here??????


ill o.g.
kaivai said:
anyone feeling a common theme here??????

Yeah, a few.

We are defined by our race and not who we are as individuals.

We should feel pride not for what we as individuals have accomplished, but for what the people who look like us and whose ancestors lived where our ancestors lived have accomplished.

We are all just contributing members of our respective races.

We should subordinate our own judgement to that of the race we belong. For example, even if we think the music that they listen to sucks, we should pretend we like it to "get in touch with our roots."


Sshsh-Straight fiya!
ill o.g.
Yo Sigma, i'm a Haitian Quebecer too. I don't listen to Kompa, neither Zook, I can hear them in parties but i'll never bump it on my cpu or in a cd player. I just feel that hip hop is what is best suited for me.

I feel you on that thing that "you're not a real canadian neither a real haitian", it's the sad truth really. But since i never been to Haiti for more than 2 weeks, I feel i'm more of a Canadian, I can identify with that Red Maple Leaf. ON the other end, i can't identify with Quebec even if it's what i am.

I guess we are that new generation : Haitian Canadian