Corny As Hell

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Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
jay i havent had a post in this whole fuckin page.... quit crying about it...... i said some shit a page and a half ago... aint nobody on your dick..... thats the funniest thing yuo have ever said to anyone, "get off my dick"... like folks are jockin you.... like that would ever happen...

so you started an "i hate eminem" thread that backfired...and you never answered my question... why is it ok for you to throw hate at eminem, but i couldnt even ask a question about the ying yang twins without you telling me to "erase the hate"? all i did was give you the same treatment.

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i like it when VA cats claim the South... just cause its country and you gots a lot of in bred mugs out there dont neccessarily mean its the south dukes....


ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
jay i havent had a post in this whole fuckin page.... quit crying about it...... i said some shit a page and a half ago... aint nobody on your dick..... thats the funniest thing yuo have ever said to anyone, "get off my dick"... like folks are jockin you.... like that would ever happen...

so you started an "i hate eminem" thread that backfired...and you never answered my question... why is it ok for you to throw hate at eminem, but i couldnt even ask a question about the ying yang twins without you telling me to "erase the hate"? all i did was give you the same treatment.

it aint that serious folks, it's just a few motherfuckers come in on the topic all late and shit and misconstrue what the fuck I said, a we all have our own tastes, at this point I have nothing futher to say about Mr. Mathers, I'm officially ending it here, you were the one to bring up Ying Yang Twins, I would've at least said T.I. but then came the hate for a whole genre period, I'm not the only cat on this site that likes southern music

you see I like good music period!


I Like How Everytime I Look In These Forum Posts, Some 1 Else Has A Beef With Cold Truth.
The Fuck Is That About?
Just Breathe!!
Cold, Not Everything Said In These Forums Is A Personal Attack.

- 0.02

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
um... i havent taken anything in this thread as a "personal attack" and in case you havent been paying much attention, jaydub has irritated all but a scarce few this in these last few threads... but i like how you managed to single me out in that..... its everything i have come to expect from you.


Beat Enthusiast
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100
gram green said:
i like it when VA cats claim the South... just cause its country and you gots a lot of in bred mugs out there dont neccessarily mean its the south dukes....

Come on now, I'm from VA! Chill with that shit.

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
no offense joe........i got mad love for VA and MD and DC.. thats my home and i'm moving back in january... i was just sayin yo... you know they got some inbreds there homie... and alot of my peeps out there think they from the "south" and i allways think its funny... cause they aint close to the south (accept for the similarities i metioned) anyways when im back im gonna find jaydub and let him school me on how to be hip hop....


ill o.g.
djswivel said:
i might need a lesson from Jaydub too....I'm assuming Toronto isn't even on the hip hop map so I know absolutely nothin...I need to be schooled

Toronto is more hip hop than DENVER, Colorado, Toronto mc's work with NOTTZ and DMP a lot, so it's love from T.Dot to 757, plus them West Indians be crazy up there!T.Dot is gangster,

Gram Green you ever think before you speak? VA is a hip hop mecca, why you thinks we got so many rappers and producers, just a min. ago you were all on the Clipse dick, wait till my man MIKE LORD come out, and one of the tightest WU TANG records album came from a VA, SUFFOLKand PORTSMOUTH va to be exact with the WU-SYNDICATE ALBUM, whenever I play that cd for someone they are speechless!!WHAT HAS DENVER CONTRIBUTED TO HIP HOP

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
question is, what have you contributed to hip hop?

i mean, besides wack beats?

your a funny dude... hangin on to the achievements of others to some how give your old, fake ass credibility...


ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
question is, what have you contributed to hip hop?

i mean, besides wack beats?

your a funny dude... hangin on to the achievements of others to some how give your old, fake ass credibility...

hahaha how would you know? How is the weather in Southern CALi CT? Why you delete your location from your profile, feeling a lil embarassed to be form So Cal? I've heard your tracks and you are wack too!!! I hope this aint your only way to make money, cause you gonna be bbbbbrooookkkeee


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
all I know know is MaddSkillz is reppin from VA and is a leftover from the 90's REAl hip hop dayz and can hook up with Pete Rock or any legendary producers for a hip hop collabo on the Tru Skool tip......Timbo is From VA and do a record for anyone on the Planet on the club or even Tru Skool .......Neptunes from Va Can do a record for anyone on the planet....I'm not tryna prove a point but VA has been and will always be known to give birth to cutting edge or music that can get love all over the I need to go on...or take a trip about 2hours to the North around my way and then you Chuckie Thompson who produced sooooo many hits for Biggie & Faith back in the day and now Rich Harrison out of DC doing things for Beyonce and Usher....and soon to be worldwide known Kev Brown...he is the next Pete Rock for the 21st Century keeping it Tru Skool....the mid east is a Mecca for hip hop and we do it our way.....its so in the middle.....there's soooo many styles of production and MC' cannot be pigeonholed into 1 particular sound......I think there are cats who love Krunk out here and who hate it.......there's cats that can relate to up top and Tru skool that love and hate it.......we make music and love it just like anywhere else in the world.....but it's definitly not a new thing ...a lot of kids are just getting into and understanding hip hop that's cool and its spreading across the world you have to respect that too.....all in all though MUSIC is the universal Language we all need to learn each other's regional dialects of how they speak it.....that will help us to understand each other and how they feel about their interpretations....yall feel me?....I am sorry I have nothing to contribute but my wack beats..LOL...hehehe but oh yeah my homegirl Storm is the producer for the Murder Mami's!she is gonna be turning some heads too...Producer Gyrl should get at her... .

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
jaydub23510 said:
hahaha how would you know? How is the weather in Southern CALi CT? Why you delete your location from your profile, feeling a lil embarassed to be form So Cal? I've heard your tracks and you are wack too!!! I hope this aint your only way to make money, cause you gonna be bbbbbrooookkkeee

actually, i didnt even realize it was deleted... yeah, i am SOOOOOOOOO embarrased to be from so cal, THATS WHY I REFFER TO IT SO OFTEN. idiot.

as far as calling me wack..... you are sad and pathetic cause you have ALREADY TOLD ME OTHERWISE.....

you just exposed yourself for how much of a clown you truly are..... you've already told you liked my beats..... you've even emailed me about shit you liked..... and now you gonna switch it up when you get clowned... gotcha...

you're a JOKE jaydub.

*for the record, i got no issue with VA as a hotbed for artists... i mean damn, teddy riley, timbo, alliyah, ginuwine (well, i liked the first two joints) neptunes.... they've made some contibutions..... but this dude is actin like he's a part of that shit...


ill o.g.
I"ve posted a track in the showcase people were feeling,

"the comment was, we need new stuff around here, this is refreshing"

Your opinion of what's good or bad will not get me a check either, I do this as a hobby boy, you taking yourself too seriously,


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
and that was the one you jocked the most.

funny all of a sudden i'm wack now that you get clowned but then you were loving it....
and you havent heard ANYTHING recent.... i dont need to talk myself up though, people here know what i got and respect my work.....cant say anything close to that abuot you... i know i got something good brewing and while you stay trying to impress people with your "i have met so-and-so" stories i am in the lab fine tuning everything and getting ready to make my move...... but you throw that hate, cause thats what it is....and its blatant..... the bigest clown i have ever met..... your a joke and nothing but a racist, i see that now.

wow. someone actually liked ONE jaydub track? wow. suprise suprise. yuo sure they werent just being nice?
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