Copenhagen, are girls in Denmark really THAT beautiful?


" Killah! "

I keep hearing good things about the beautiful women of Denmark and the Nordic/Scandinavian countries... is it true? Is there an insanely large percentage of hot girls in the population, or is it a myth?

From what friends have told me, it seems true, but I have to ask a person living there if it indeed is so...


I would like to think head is in constant rotation whenever I go to clubs or even when I cruise Copenhagen's #1 shopping street...but still, you never appreciate what you have always think that girls in other countries are more interesting...or what?

My problem is that I grew up watching YO! Mtv raps etc, seeing these beautiful dark skinned females showing all their goodies and me liking it. Seeing that there is a lack of dark skinned females in Denmark that also makes them even more interesting/exotic...the I-want-what-I-can't-get-syndrome...

Anyway, some guys from different places in Europe was discussing the same issue...which European girls were finest and each had a link to a page showing some 50 odd pics of their ordinary native girls in clubs...I know they ended up agreeing that Danish girls were the prettiest but I only have the link to the Swizz girls.
However, these pictures are pretty nice, so if you just imagine that there is a larger concentration of pretty girls in Demark and that they are a more prettier than these girls you are about to see...then I guess you get the picture.

If I can find the link to the Danish girls, then I'll post it

Now, I heard that American girls are pretty easy...are my friends who have visited USA talking bullshit or is it true...please confirm...or does it maybe have something to do with the fact that they are foreign and US girls just like that...or what?


IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

I've lived in the US, England and France, plus visited all sorts of countries around Europe and took in a LOT of the sites...

I was the most impressed with the girls in Germany. Not the pure white Germans, I mean the girls who were half German/Turkish! My God, maybe I was just horny, but everyone was beautiful.

England does alright as well, there are lots and lots of people from all over the world, my favorites were those half Indian/English...all delicious.

There were a few good looking French girls, mainly the Algerian mixes, and the native French were alright.

American girls? Yeah, I'll have some of that as well. Especially Mexicans, I love Mexican girls. Not the short fat ones you see selling stuff in the markets, I mean the tasty ones you see on Univision and Telemundo. I've had a few white grilfriends here, they've all been very attractive in my opinion...

As for American girls being 'easy'...I'll put it like this: America is a country of extremes; we have a huge population of right-wing religious fanatics on one side, a huge porn industry on the other. It depends on the girl and how you treat her; some are up for it, some aren't.

I wouldn't say that they are more easy than anyone in Europe, but they are more likely to be charmed by someone with a foreign accent who is going back home than by some ordinary guy who lives across town.

I will say this: in my limited experience American girls are more open to 'stuff' than Europeans....I had this French girlfriend a few years ago, the action was pretty boring. I've yet to have a bad experience with an American.

Nice site, Copenhagen. Honestly, though, any of those girls could be found here in the states if you went to the right clubs.

But while we're here thinking about girls, let's take a moment to bow our heads in worship:



I know these girls ain't that pretty...but still, as far as I understand the pics were taken on one night out and only at 1-2 small clubs. I would like to think that Danish girls a prettier, the link I saw proved that...and that was from 1-3 small clubs even if they aren't prettier, maybe the concentration of them is larger.

But I agree with you V-man...I personally think the Turkisk, Morrocan, Half-african, Latin etc girls are nicer.

I think Danish girls are a lot like Americans according to what you mention...damn some it, love it, love it.


I haven't done much travelling but I have found that in many other countries (such as the picture you have posted) girls that dress nicer always look prettier. So any time you got a richer area the girls will look better. Most of the girls in that link you put would probably be a lot uglier if they weren't dressed up.

On an ending note. Southern California has a plentitude of fine women. It's like 10% of the population :p