Compression with Reason


ill o.g.
Waz good everybody. I was basically wondering the thoughts of those who use Reason, and if they used Compression. For those of you who do use compression, what are your thoughts on the different compression devices within reason.

The purpose of me asking this is because I was making a custom Drum Combi patch, and I thought about giving each individual channel a Comp-01 Compressor, to go along with the PEQ-2 Equalizer.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Thats a good start man....I often EQ or Compress individual drum channels before they hit the drummixer so that i can dial in my drums more......It just gives you more flexibilty when your going for a specific sound.....As far as compression; thats something to be determined according to the drum sounds being used. If the drums are already prominant in the mix then you really dont need compression, but then there are also other uses for compression such as adding a "coloring" to the sound depending on your ratio settings/attack/decay, etc....SOmetimes you may want a more pumping kick or whatever so then u use compression, it just depends.....

But yeah, the compressor in reason isnt the greatest, but it also works very well once u understand its characteristics and how it responds.....the new compressor is a little better but it also sucks more CPU.....that part is yer call.



Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
i still dont understand how to fuck wit the reason compressor effectivly.

I use the one in the mastering suite a bit, but just trial and error. and its differenet every time.


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
YES!!!! Use compressors there the key to making your sounds more full and rich, warm or whatever word fits the subject of good sounds.
Here are a couple of sites that get into the Compressor check them out and see if they give you a better idea!



ill o.g.
yeah i agree with sanova, can't get the reason compressor to sound nice. sometimes it makes the drums really pop, but sometimes it kills their sound... guess i need more practice or something


ill o.g.
THe compressors in Reason are one of my few complaints. Its not as good as what I have on my VS or AW HD records, and for some reason when I use the Compressor in FL with the same settings I get a better sounds. But To get around this I usually compress the snares and Precussion with 1 compressor and do the kick with another. Then I try to balance them out on the mixer. A compressor for every drum channel is not answer that will just be a nusicance, unless you really need that type of control. The smaller compressor is not really that good and I'm glad they added the Mclass comressor, but its deff time to uprade again with compressors and other effects that can add some different colour. RV reverb and Scream4 are sick, but now its time for VER 2.0 of those units, lets take them further, I hate having to stack scream4's to get a new sound.