Completely New at FL

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I have owned FL for a couple of days and I need major help! I've never used any tool similar to this and find this whole programm very confusing. How do I start off? I've searched on the web for tutorials, and guides but none of them really go into much detail. I've also looked for books about FL but found just one which got bad ratings. How did you guys learn to use FL?


ill o.g.
Better question to ask is "How many hours you guys spend in fruity loops before you made beats that were worthy?"

Every program has whats called a "learning curve" the amount of time it takes to learn the ins and outs. Then
and only then, do you begin to let whats in your
HEad come through your fingers, into FL and Out the speakers and back into your ears.



ok... thanks guys. I'm already starting to make some basic beats and rythyms. Also, how do you mkae sounds stretch out and increas in volume... like when it's building up and then explodes?


ill o.g.
no no no

Can't help you make a beat folks.

The game is to be sold not told but we will help you with problems.


Gene Flo

"Current Events" OUT NOW!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
RaFa said:
ok... thanks guys. I'm already starting to make some basic beats and rythyms. Also, how do you mkae sounds stretch out and increas in volume... like when it's building up and then explodes?

on the piano roll yo u can do all that.....velocity strectch/cut, quantize, chop, basically you can do everything through piano roll

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.


ill o.g.
like my partner kenwop said trial and error.start with 4 bars lay down a drum line and fuck wit it.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
as an answer to one of ur first questions.

[in almost every instance] If you are just starting out with fruity loops, ur beats will come out as some techno bullshi.. just the FL rule of thumb. gotta get new sounds, and learn how to chop and or sample with fl.

the short answer.


I want Funnel Cake.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 110
like everyone else says i n a nutshell, PLAY AROUND.

play around with it. nothing else will improve your skills. it's like that with anything. the only reason i know so much about FL, and it's not even that much because FL can be amazingly complicated, is because i spent hours just playing around, finding new things, experimenting with new effects.

i didn't even know FL Keys existed until a few months ago!


Will anybody come up and explain just the basics of using the software?


ill o.g.
Sanova said:
as an answer to one of ur first questions.

[in almost every instance] If you are just starting out with fruity loops, ur beats will come out as some techno bullshi.. just the FL rule of thumb. gotta get new sounds, and learn how to chop and or sample with fl.

the short answer.

lol word, thats how i started cuz i never changed the tempo...


ill o.g.
adomav17 said:
lol word, thats how i started cuz i never changed the tempo...

fl should be taken as a sequencer and forget the vst that comes with it. maybe besides th sytrus. just hook up native intruments cuz they come with vst support. trully amazing


ill o.g.

here you go a new thread dedicated to the simple questions and i'll post up photos and instructions to get u thru Rafa, its a lot of work to do this but theres tons to cover...i'll do my best to dedicate a few days a week to add to this thread...FL Studio is huge and theres ton to cover.. I understand theres no better way to learn than to have someone break it down for you in me and you terms