Chopping Samples

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ill o.g.
Does anyone know of any tutorials on recycle or NNXT on chopping up samples. Most of them Ive seen are chopping up drum loops bu tthats not what Im trying to do. I have an old record (in mp3 form) that I want to chop but I want to isolate the different sounds. Like seperate the drums from the instruments and vocals. Any ideas?


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
depends on how interweaved sounds sit in the mix. you can try to isolate certain sounds with an eq, but you wont achieve this with recycle, its meant for chopping, not filtering. get audition, soundforge or wave lab and try out eqs.
chances are weak you get a sound isolated a 100%, since instruments always share certain frequencies. you cut off a horn in the mid-his, you cut off the drum sections mid-his as well.
did i get your question right ? lol
Does anyone know of any tutorials on recycle or NNXT on chopping up samples. Most of them Ive seen are chopping up drum loops bu tthats not what Im trying to do. I have an old record (in mp3 form) that I want to chop but I want to isolate the different sounds. Like seperate the drums from the instruments and vocals. Any ideas?

The art of chopping is finding individual sounds from the track you are sampling, and then applying filters to enhance a particular frequency(the sound you want) and filtering out the frequency range you dont want.
There are vocal removal programs, but I find the results on the ones Ive tried pretty poor standard. As for isolating indiviual instrument tracks from a track, that requires the original master tracks. Once a track has been mastered and finished you only have that to work with.

Like I said, some of the art of sampling is in finding the very small parts of a track that you can chop and then recombine to make something totally new. Another part of the art is in the cleanliness of the chops(with minimum clicks/pops from poor cutting accuracy)

Chopping an instrument is pretty much the same for any sample, the process is very similar to chopping beats, only with long sounds the chop points are not so obvious and it takes a little trial and error to get it spot on.

Soundforge is really really good for chopping, its what I use, and the ability to use waves plugins on the samples to get them just right before using them is another great positive.

Its really a matter of practice, keep practicing, and then when you are bored of practicing, practice some more.
Most of my learning has come from hands on fucking around and making mistakes(which actually sound good).

Recycle is good for samples that have obvious hitpoints, ie drum samples, instrument solos. It isnt always accurate using the slider to extract hitpoints, and I would recommend doing it manually by hand by zooming right in, then when you play the chops out of sequence or you requantize them, they fit nicely together.
Recycle is a very simple program once you get to know it. One of the best ways to learn a software is to read the help from the menu.


The Wizard Of ODD
ill o.g.
Sometimes you can get certain sounds out by sampling only the right or left stereo channel depending on how it was mixed sample these in mono.and sometimes you just have to re-create the melody or soind you ewant if there is no break.

The Arkitekt

yea thats a good tip izodone. theres many tracks that have certain instruments panned only on one side, you can seperate and just mono it so its in the middle, or keep it panned if you want. it's usually useful if let's say you got the track just playing, and in the sample theres a lead instrument panned to the right, you can seperate, mono, then you have all the other stuff to play for verses and you can put the lead instrument on like choruses and shit, just an example of how you could use the channels seperated, theres no limits to sampling though


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
The Rule For Sampling!!!


That there is no rule, chop up the ingredients, put 'em in a pot and add your seasoning. Feed it to the beat and if it comes out tasting better than chicken you win first prize. First prize is a dope ass track to barter for money, pass off to a Rugged Emcee or serve to a hot Vocalist!