Chinese-made toxic toys spark mass North America recall

USA, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Russia, China, Japan , Holland, Iraq, Israel etc etc. Its all the same gang, they are married idealogically, the idea is global governance. The methods might be slightly different but the goal is the same, it is factions within one team all steadfastly set to acheive their ends and they are at an alarming rate. China thru its one child policy and with male children being the popular child, there is now many many times more men than women in China, men who can fight in war to balance out the numbers again. China and communism is the plan for the world as that seems to be the most successful method at killing millions of people and getting submission from the masses.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
2good; said:
USA, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Russia, China, Japan , Holland, Iraq, Israel etc etc. Its all the same gang, they are married idealogically, the idea is global governance. The methods might be slightly different but the goal is the same, it is factions within one team all steadfastly set to acheive their ends and they are at an alarming rate. China thru its one child policy and with male children being the popular child, there is now many many times more men than women in China, men who can fight in war to balance out the numbers again. China and communism is the plan for the world as that seems to be the most successful method at killing millions of people and getting submission from the masses.

Taiwan may have somthing to say about that..


Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
Yes. I meant us as in the U.S. First off, I do my research. Secondly, you are completely right,,,it would be a war that the U.S. has no chance of winning. We are in one now. Yes, the United States has alot tied up financially in China. Without a doubt. BUT, the way I see it,,China is a threat to the elite in this country and way too many funny things have been goin on wit China. I think the U.S. (in it's sneaky ways) created SARS. This lead paint thing is just fuel to the fire. The U.S. goin to war is a grave mistake, but so is Iraq. Population control.

And Wars are ONLY about money. The things mentioned above are fringe benefits my man. Anyways, welcome to the site man.

Thanks for the welcome man.

The Us going to war with Iraq certainly isn't too good for the majority of Americans but I don't think that was the intention. I believe they achieved their main goal: monopolisation and complete control of the Iraqi oil supply. Yeah, "it's owned by Iraq and Iraq has an independent government" lmao at that.

Certainly the elite in your country don't want to be seen to be too friendly with the Chinese but as the man said these pricks are all in bed together. I'd be looking at the more likely opponents for your next war.

Look at who's being set up as the next bogeyman by your government now, (this shit is planned well in advance): Iran and North Korea look the most likely now, (although North Korea is a whole new set of problems we don't need to get into here). It's easier to go for someone who is less of a threat and you don't have as much to lose from attacking IMO

Taiwan may have something to say about that..

Lol, Taiwan is too reliant on the US to do anything on their own and as we've been discussing the US is unlikely to be starting beef with China now. Taiwan has served it's purpose to the US as a military base close to China but this independence shit is causing diplomatic difficulties that may be more trouble than Taiwan is worth to your country. Taiwan ain't got jack shit without the US so I don't think that what they say has much bearing on the matter. I know one thing: China isn't going to give Taiwan up.



Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Look if China takes back Taiwan then there wont be any safe toys left , and Santa wont have that!

NOW what you got to say... Cant diss Santa, or you will get coal or leadbased China toys for Christmas!

2good is gonna love you! lol your another "master debator"..
BTW I dont disagree with anything youve said , I just play Devils advocate alot to spark the convo.

But being as your over there, what are they gonna do when we start recalling all they products?
I have thot for a long time that we rely too heavily on China, but I think its important to be friendly with them, its a cool country...Once you get past the Gov. Like this one!


Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
Look if China takes back Taiwan then there wont be any safe toys left , and Santa wont have that!

NOW what you got to say... Cant diss Santa, or you will get coal or leadbased China toys for Christmas!

2good is gonna love you! lol your another "master debator"..
BTW I dont disagree with anything youve said , I just play Devils advocate alot to spark the convo.

But being as your over there, what are they gonna do when we start recalling all they products?
I have thot for a long time that we rely too heavily on China, but I think its important to be friendly with them, its a cool country...Once you get past the Gov. Like this one!

Lol don't worry I don't mind if you do disagree, that's what makes for an interesting discussion. I just hope no-one takes what I say out of context and gets their nose out of joint.

Interesting question, to an extent that is already happening, and they're really worried about it; hence the "stiff penalties". They're not even allowing their cronies to get away with producing sub-standard products for export now as it's just too risky, (of course, none of them will get penalised).

It's a complex issue in such an overpopulated and diverse country such as this: the difference between the affluent east coast, (where I am), and the impoverished rural interior is enormous. the difference between rich and poor in the city is enormous too. Let's just say cats with money here really have shitloads.

For example, my own situation: I'm a teacher and my wage is nearly three times what the average Chinese teacher gets, (which is not a bad wage either), wifey and I spend less than half that and live very comfortably, (although we don't have a car but that's not as big a hassle as it is back home). Anyway what I get is now considered medium level i.e not low but not so high that I could say I'm well off, (although I'm certainly not complaining), at all. Pricks in business or high end jobs are earning ridiculous amounts. the amount of luxury cars, (BMW, Mercedes, Audis are everywhere, Lexus etc), I see around here is ridiculous. These cars cost the same here as they do overseas; I'm talking like 1/2 to a full million chinese RMB cars, (that's more than ten times my annual wage), and they're everywhere!

So the Gov, (who are certainly fucked up, (don't get me wrong)), are trying to find some sort of balance between keeping wages low enough to not scare off foreign investment, whilst trying to keep inflation within reasonable limits; but, with rising food prices the poor farmers, (these guys really are poor, a good wage for a farmer on his own land is the equivalent of about $80 - 100USD a month), are getting more cash so they don't want them to lose that; meanwhile they are trying to direct devolpment towards higher end skills and knowledge based rather than just cheap labour which is what sparked their current economic prosperity in the first place; of course, that means better education for a lot of these poor bastards working in factories too; that's all without taking into account their massive pollution, population control, civil unrest (really), and outside political pressures etc etc etc.

They are certainly arseholes but I do think they want their country to prosper and develop, at least to the extent it's beneficial to them. I wouldn't want to be running this shit nfw.

Mate, I think we're all, (I'm Australian BTW), gonna be relying on this country more and more; once they get their game on they gonna be unfuckwithable, for real.
Its good to see well informed people on the site and especially someone living in China, personally I dont hear much news from China so its good to hear whats happening on the ground there. I like to know whats going on in the world, its just me, welcome to ill. With well informed info like yours I may not seem so paranoid after all.


Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
Its good to see well informed people on the site and especially someone living in China, personally I dont hear much news from China so its good to hear whats happening on the ground there. I like to know whats going on in the world, its just me, welcome to ill. With well informed info like yours I may not seem so paranoid after all.

Thanks mate, as for well informed, well I guess I see and hear stuff being here that you won't but there's stuff you'd hear over there that we're not necessarily gonna get back here as well.

Of course, I should probably add "IMO" to a lot of what I said just to be clear it's only my view on what's going on.



Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Is it meant to be a humorous point?

Yes..sheesh, I mean I caught onto british humour faster...

I think your name is Borat, trying to teach you to laugh is hard..Im gonna start typing in a Melbourne accent and see if it helps..

Its obvious that the plan of attack by the Chinese is to kill off the children sloooowly by lead paint until there wont be an adequite pool of soldiers to fight in the future..Those Chinese are always so forward thinking!

No-one died.

Not yet , but the affected ones cant even operate a simple M-16 either.


Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
Yes..sheesh, I mean I caught onto british humour faster...

I think your name is Borat, trying to teach you to laugh is hard..Im gonna start typing in a Melbourne accent and see if it helps..

Its obvious that the plan of attack by the Chinese is to kill off the children sloooowly by lead paint until there wont be an adequite pool of soldiers to fight in the future..Those Chinese are always so forward thinking!

Not yet , but the affected ones cant even operate a simple M-16 either.

Alright, so I'm a dum cunt; I thought he was for real.

I do have a sense of humour, really; you believe me don't you? guys?