Bush is gonna get me killed!!!

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Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
This is fuckin scary cuz i live by nyc and you know it'll be the first target. I can see the empire state bldg. from my crib man.

General Says China Ready to Attack U.S.
Source: United Press International

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A Chinese general said Friday China will use nuclear weapons against the United States if it attacks his country over Taiwan, the Financial Times reported.

If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition onto the target zone on China's territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons, Gen. Zhu Chenghu said at an official briefing for foreign journalists in Beijing.

Zhu, who said he was voicing his personal views and not government policy, said China would have no option but to respond with nuclear weapons in the event of an attack from Washington.

We ... will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all of the cities east of Xian. Of course, the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds ... of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese, the general was quoted as saying.

Xian is the ancient city
in central China where famous terra-cotta warriors are located.

The general's threats were the strongest and most specific by a senior Chinese official in nearly a decade.

Analysts said the remarks were largely rhetoric, but also indicated that Beijing wanted to show the United States it was serious about Taiwan, the South China Morning Post said.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Hey look, the thing is I am not a communist but......Lenin said the capitalists will sell you the rope to hang them with.....China owns stockpiled trillions of dollars, if they wanted to call the united states for the notes used to back the dollars they have it would spark a huge conflict.....us dollars once backed by gold.....but now only backed by the governments ability to pay and back the dollars up with reserve notes.....(not the most useful asset for a foreign government if they want 1 for 1 exchange).........there is some things getting ready to happen in the world once again that probably gonna be pivotal in history...me<......I worked with nukes in the US army......so I know the nature of this kind of threat....its both suicidal and homicidal......Bush is definitely to blame for the animosity we face from the entire world not only islamic nations.......it spells big trouble because we are locked into Iraq and Afghanistan......I was working downtown DC in the first attack on 911 it was crazy....I mean I feel the same way too Clev....I live about 2 miles from the Pentagon and I remember going over there to see the aftermath and feeling and seeing the impact......so I feel like I am in the bullseye too LOL....its crazy but the US is really in some deep shit right now and I dont think there is going to be a happy ending or some quick way out without more pain......Bush was the worst thing to happen to the country and he should be held accountable for his lies.....


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Holy Shit!

Here's an Article I found about why it's happeneing...

China's parliament enacted a law Monday authorizing force to stop rival Taiwan from pursuing formal independence, sparking outrage on the self-governing island and warnings that the measure would fuel regional tensions.

The ceremonial National People's Congress passed the law despite U.S. appeals for restraint. It came a day after President Hu Jintao called on China's military to be ready for war and followed a 12.6 percent increase in the country's defense budget for 2005.

Premier Wen Jiabao said the mainland still wants to unite peacefully with the island and doesn't want to disrupt the status quo.

"It is not targeted at the people of Taiwan, nor is it a war bill," Wen said at a news conference. But he also warned outsiders not to get involved: "We do not wish to see foreign interference."

A Taiwanese government spokesman rejected the measure as a "serious provocation."

"It also brought emotional pain to the Taiwanese people, restricts Taiwan's freedom and democracy, and has a serious impact on security in the East-Asia region," said Joseph Wu, chairman of the island's Mainland Affairs Council, which handles policy toward Beijing.

In a session broadcast on national television, NPC delegates burst into applause after the law was approved by a 2,896 to zero, with two abstentions. The body usually votes overwhelmingly for Communist Party policies, but the emphatic result was meant to send a message of the intensity of Beijing's sentiment on the issue.

Taiwan and China split in 1949. Beijing has threatened repeatedly to attack if it tries to make its de facto independence permanent. The United States is Taiwan's biggest arms supplier and could be drawn into any conflict over the island.

A leading Taiwanese lawmaker criticized the measure as a "savage law." It shows that China "feels futile and doesn't know how to deal with Taiwan's democracy and freedom," said Chen Chin-jun, a member of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party.

"We can clearly see that Taiwan and China ... are not one China. They are two Chinas or one country on each side," Chen said in Taipei. "Whatever law they passed, Taiwan has its own sovereignty, government, country and democracy." The law says China would "employ non-peaceful means and other necessary measures to protect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity." It said such steps could be taken if Taiwan declared formal independence, if "major incidents" occurred causing Taiwan to separate permanently from China, or if "possibilities for a peaceful reunification should be completely exhausted."

The law doesn't give details of what specific developments might trigger an attack. It adds no new threats or conditions, but it codifies the measures for authorizing military action.

Japan warned that the law could increase regional tensions.

"We are concerned about negative effects of the bill on the peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits and the relationship between the two sides, which had been improving," said Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda.

Tokyo and Washington issued a joint statement in February listing for the first time the peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue as a joint strategic objective. China has spent heavily in recent years to modernize the PLA, focusing on adding high-tech weapons to extend its reach and back up threats to attack Taiwan.

Many Chinese are strongly nationalistic and support unification with Taiwan. But because China allows no opposition politicians or free press, it was difficult to gauge the level of genuine support for the law.

On a Beijing street, a migrant from the poor inland province of Anhui who was selling pirated DVDs showed little interest in the government's statements about Taiwan.

"We're ordinary people," said the man, who would give only his surname, Ye. "We worry about what to eat, what to wear."

It is noteworthy that the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan leader, stated that he was ready to stop struggling for Tibet's independence to let the Tibetans gain profit from China's dynamic economic development. The Tibetan leader stated that he was not a follower of separatism: "Tibet is a part of China, it is an autonomous region of China," the exiled leader said in an interview, which was published in Hong Kong's South China Morning Post.

The Dalai Lama believes that the Tibetan culture and Buddhism is a part of the Chinese culture. "Tibetans are eagerly waiting for modernization. It is in their interests to become a part of China, under the guidance of the Chinese government, to have the Tibetan culture, spirituality and natural environment preserved," the leader emphasized in the interview to the Hong Kong newspaper.

The 69-year-old leader acknowledged that he was seeking only religious and cultural autonomy for Tibet. He specified that he declined the political, economic and diplomatic independence for the region.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
hopefully bush will quit supplying arms to tiawan. it'd be a bad end if "hundred's of cities" are destroyed over america making a profitable business deal. from what i've read China's leader simpily wants control over tibet for emotional and ceramonial reasons and is dead set on getting his way. it'd be a good idea to set some emergency cash aside for our families just in case peace


ill o.g.
Fuck those communists. They know they'd get obliterated. There's nothing to worry about from China because they know they can't see us, so they don't want war, and Bush doesn't even have the courage to defend us from the real threats, so he's going to do whatever he can to avoid it as well.

Why does everyone here seem to sympathize with China? Taiwan wants its independence and freedom, and China is a brutal communist dictatorship who wants to take Taiwan back and enslave its citizens. Everyone here should be strongly opposed to China's policies and should give taiwan their moral support.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
sorry to ask, but how does this mean 'Bush is gonna get me killed'?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
what's the difference between Communist China and The USA? We are under theguise that we are free to do as we wish,,,and dont get me wrong,,we DO have many more freedoms then others,,but c'mon,,,Our government is just as conforming as the next. I guess the USA is like,,,,Diet Communism,,,,Commie Lite. We just think we have all these freedoms,,but in reality,,,we don't.

Class is right. In this day and age,,,we can't think like shit aint real. I never thought in my lifetime I would see something like Pearl Harbor,,and what happened? It was worse. Not only that, the death toll is rising in the middle east, people in the UK can't take a train without bein scared, and the Largest Country in the world is threatening us...nice.


Maybe I should join the military. I guess being in Iraq would be better than America if it gets nuked. Then again, I guess 5 arms would make it easier to create music with. One on the mixer, two on the midi, one on the mouse, one on the turntable....bah, who am I kiddin =) I don't own a midi or turntable -_-


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Damn... they have nuclear missiles PLUS they have those Shaolin Monks.

You guys are finished!

Nah but seriously, that's fucked up. Why can't Bush just cheat on his wife and chillout like Clinton? It's like he's got a war fetish.

The Bastard

Fade said:
Damn... they have nuclear missiles PLUS they have those Shaolin Monks.

You guys are finished!

Nah but seriously, that's fucked up. Why can't Bush just cheat on his wife and chillout like Clinton? It's like he's got a war fetish.
he said 4 years ago that he would war with anyone that oposses freedom, apparently he means it.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
It's crazy because back when the Cowboys were running around in the west the Indians only had Arrows....and some bartered rifles to fight back...but now damn they have missiles preprogrammed sort of like the Soviets did and still do also.....ok Fade where did you say you were? they might accidently be off course when they launch.....think about that...


ill o.g.
classic said:
alot of yall talk about war like its a video game or something, this shit is real man, regardless if china can see us or not miltarly(which they can) is irrlevant. Thing about the global implcations of a conflict with china, billions will be effected.

I realize that war is very serious. China is no where near our level militarily, and they know it, and Bush is scared to defend us even against the real threats, so what I was saying was that there will be no war with China. That's all. I realize a war with China would be devastating, but that does not mean that you can appease evil when it threatens good. If China says, "we want to enslave half your citizens, or else there will be war," (just an example) you don't say, okay we'll negotiate, anything but war. In a world of irrational nations sometimes war is necessary when you're the good guy, just like fights are when a bully keeps slapping you around.


ill o.g.
StressWon said:
what's the difference between Communist China and The USA? We are under theguise that we are free to do as we wish,,,and dont get me wrong,,we DO have many more freedoms then others,,but c'mon,,,Our government is just as conforming as the next. I guess the USA is like,,,,Diet Communism,,,,Commie Lite. We just think we have all these freedoms,,but in reality,,,we don't.

I am with you on the fact that the US is not as free as it once was or as it should be. The fact is, however, that there is a humungous difference between the US and China. Just read the article, where it says they couldn't get a real opinion from the Chinese because citizens aren't allowed to oppose government policy there. I am saddened to witness the lack of support for Taiwan on here. They just want their sovereignty, as their relative political and economic freedom have allowed them to prosper while the Chinese have starved and brutally enslaved it's citizens. Now China wants to take over Taiwan to loot what they have rightfully earned and enslave the Taiwanese along with them, and all everyone can say is "Ah man, Bush is going to get us hurt by pissing off China," when we should be outraged at these assholes.
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