Bush drunk!


Cook Classics
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 39
anybody heard what he said last night in his speech "our enemies do whatever they can to hurt our country and our people, and so do i"...some shit like that. what an ass. i hate that man. slipup or not. all those republicans. i saw some straight lying bullshit on cnn this morning -- an ad that bush supporting vietnam vets made slamming kerry and saying he doesn't deserve his purple hearts and how he's dishonorable and a traitor. the men who made it were never even anywhere near kerry during the war when he earned those awards and are straight lying thru their teeth and they know it. everything those fucks say is straight up slander. not based in anything. the man they had on even LOOKED like a liar. the problem with those negative adds, even tho us educated types know how its just meant to slam kerry and isn't true, is that so many americans are so gad damn stupid that when they watch the news its like watching a reality show or some shit and they just believe whatever they're spoon fed by either party. tho in my opinion its the republicans doing more of the spoonfeeding of bullshit not backed up by any truth. ...scheming motherfuckers

benny beatz

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
both sides can be guilty of what u said orpheus... i hate all motherfuckers involved in politics...

bush is funny tho... hes such a dumbass... its so incredible that hes president... what a system we got here...


Cook Classics
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 39
half the country didn't support that war and just as many don't support the war going on right now. i personally don't support this war and i have no problem with kerry not supporting the vietnam war either. fuck my commander in chief. i'm not so patriotic that i stand behind my country no matter what it does. and i think that anybody who does so without questioning their country's policies first is a sheep. just because i live here doesn't mean that i support everything this country stands for. in fact, there's a lot that i hate about america. but odn't get me wrong, not so much that any other place is much better. we just have some of our values backwards. and at least kerry can say he had a position on the war, while bush was just fucking around and probably wouldn't have even gotten the republican ticket if his father hadn't already been president

The Bastard

Im Also On The Fuck All Politicians Ballot, They All Out For Number 1

sammy beats

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
Bush is definitely retarded. I'm glad most illmuzik people see that. As for Kerry's service in Vietnam, you have to walk the walk if you're gonna talk the talk. Bush is just a drop-out daddy's boy and although Vietnam was a horrible war Kerry served his time and when he realized how fucked up what the US was doing in Vietnam was, he came back and took a stand. That's very respectable. Finally, those of you saying "fuck all politicians" I understand completely and none of them are perfect and are going to represent you perfectly. Still it's important to choose the one that you agree with the most and vote for him because I'd rather have the lesser of two evils in office.