Breathtaking News: Reason 4, beta-testing has begun

  • beat this! voting starts in...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
TOOL WINDOW makes it easy!

Everything is easier to get to. U have a tool window that rides beside reason window with all the essentials right there in view at all times unless u close it. To bring it up or close it u hit F8. On the tool window u have 3 tabs. Devices, tools and grooves. Under devices u have the snapshots of all modules,effects and more. Click on the snapshot of a module and it's created in the rack. Under tools u got quantize by value i.e 1/16 -shuffle, Amount 5% - 100%, and Random ticks (any value u input)...don't know what the random ticks does just yet. Then u have pitch,note vel.,note length,legato adjust,scale tempo, alter notes, and automation clean up. The last tab is Groove. Where u can select groove channel, groove patch, timing impact, and vel. impact.


ill o.g.
Are there any changes in nn-xt? I mean, can we finally adjust the lenght of a sample (timestretch) without affecting it's pitch? I would rather see that than those fancy groove tools and ish. I can make my own groove, that is what's it's all about, at least I like to think so. I record my hats without quantization anyway.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
New Features In Reason 4.0


Feature Description

Three oscillator slots and three filter slots, with variable Oscillator and Filter types Six oscillator models and four filter models available

Semimodular, with extensive modulation and signal routing Thirteen modulation busses, 52 sources, 81 destinations including CV/audio inputs and outputs

Audio and control signals freely interchangable Modulate with audio signals, etc.

Assignable rotaries and buttons The buttons can also be assigned to note numbers.

Analog-style step sequencer Plays notes or acts as a modulation source, with several play and trig modes.

Built-in stereo chorus and delay

RPG-8 Arpeggiator

Feature Description

Advanced, monophonic arpeggiator with a number of playback modes Including Insert modes and Single Note Repeat setting.

Pattern section Inserts rests into the arpeggios and create polyrhythmic patterns. Includes pattern editing functions such as Shift, Randomize etc.

Arpeggio Notes to Track Renders the output of the arpeggiator to a sequencer track, for further editing and arranging.

MIDI to CV converter When the arpeggiator is off, it works as a MIDI to CV converter, sending out CV/Gate signals according to the notes you play (plus performance data such as pitch bend, etc.).

Other Devices and Rack changes

Feature Description

NN-XT Group Mono When this is activated, zones in the same group will be mutually exclusive - except when playing the same note. Useful for having a polyphonic open hihat sample that will still be cut off by the closed hihat.

NN-XT: edit key/vel ranges for multiple zones You can adjust sample parameters for several samples at the same time now.

NN-XT: chromatic automapping of samples Useful for auto-mapping non-pitched sounds, e.g. drums.

Combinator: Transpose setting Allows you to transpose each combined instrument device freely.

Combinator: Free Source selection in programmer There are still 10 sources per device in the Combi programmer, but these can be assigned freely (e.g. Rotary 1 can control 10 different parameters in the same device if you like)

Combinator: Performance Controllers as Sources in programmer Allows you to control any parameter with the mod wheel for example.

Combinator: "Receive Notes" as target You can turn the Receive Notes status on/off for a combined device by pressing a Combinator button for example.

Combinator: Performance Control filters Individual receive filters for mod wheel, pitch bend, etc.

New, more straightforward Hardware Interface design Fewer audio connections and no "Advanced MIDI" shown as default.

Device Palette Graphical Create Device menu with double-click or drag and drop.

"Create Instrument" and "Create Effect" functions Pref setting, on by default. Default sounds will also determine the default browse list.

Routing pop-ups show which jacks are in use Indicated by *

Routing pop-ups show Combined devices on hierarchical submenus Much easier to find the right device.

All instrument devices have CV inputs for mod wheel and pitch bend


Feature Description

Precount Always one bar.

Positions shown as bars-beats-1/16ths-ticks There are 240 ticks per 1/16th note (960 ppq). However, the internal resolution is much higher - an indicator shows if a position or length value contains fractions of ticks. Ctrl/Command-click the indicator to round down to nearest tick.

Time-based Position display Hours, minutes, seconds, ms. Editable.

Goto Locators buttons Same as 1 and 2 on the numeric keypad

New Overdub function Click this when recording to add a new note lane and continue recording on that.

New Alternate Take function Click this when recording to add a new note lane, mute the previous take and continue recording on the new lane.

Record starts recording immediately You don't need to press play.

Stop moves song position to last start If you press stop in stop mode, the song position moves to the last playback start position. Pressing stop again moves the song position to the start of the song.

Sequencer - basic concepts

Feature Description

Tracks with lanes Each device can have only one track. Each track can have a number of parameter automation lanes (one for each parameter), any number of note lanes (if the device supports notes) and a pattern lane (pattern devices only)

Clips All sequencer data (notes, automation) lives in clips. Arrange editing is done by moving, copying, deleting or masking (resizing) clips. To view and edit the data in a clip, double click it (or select it and press Return).

Vector-based Automation Automation is stored as points, connected by linear segments. You edit automation by drawing, moving and deleting points. To show a parameter automation lane, select the track and use the Automation menu on the toolbar. Or [Alt]/[Option]-click on the parameter on the device.

Static Value for Automation If a parameter is automated, the static value determines the parameter's value wherever there is no automation clip. When you first automate a parameter, the static value is taken from the current (non-automated) value. To edit the static value, select the track, select Edit mode and look at the left edge of the parameter lane.

New Pattern Automation Pattern Automation is now clip based - a Pattern clip has a pattern setting (A1 to D8). This is edited directly on the clip in Arrange mode. If a pattern device is automated, it will only play where there is a pattern clip.

Tempo Automation Tempo is automated in the Transport track at the top of the track list. Works as any parameter automation.

Time Signature Automation Time Signature is also automated in the Transport track, in a way similar to pattern automation. You cannot record Time Signature changes, only draw them.

Performance Controllers in Note Clips Performance controllers (mod wheel etc) are recorded in the note clips instead of as separate automation clips. This way you can move and edit your note clips and always include the performance data.

ReGroove Mixer: Apply different grooves to different lanes, real time You can have up to 32 different grooves at the same time. Different note lanes can use different grooves. All groove settings can be adjusted in real time, meaning you can match and mix different components of the beat.

ReGroove Mixer: Commit to Groove Moves and adjusts the notes according to the current groove (makes the groove permanent).

ReGroove Mixer: Extract and save your own grooves You can create a groove from any note clip and save it, complete with settings, as a groove patch.

Clips with invalid data indicated as alien If a parameter automation clip is moved to a parameter lane with the wrong range, this clip is indicated as alien. There is a function for resolving this by scaling the data.

Sequencer - functions

Feature Description

Inspector The Toolbar shows the properties of selected clips, notes etc. as numerical values. You can e.g. edit the note velocity or clip length numerically.

Tool window The floating Tool window contains functions such as Quantize, Velocity adjustments etc.

Razor Tool Cuts clips where you click. You can also click in the ruler to cut the clips on all tracks, or click and drag to cut a range.

Mute Clips A function on the Edit menu (key command M), mutes selected clips.

Join Clips Joins the selected clips on the same lane

Record Automation as Performance Controls Option on the transport panel. When this is activated, parameter automation is recorded as performance controllers in note clips rather than on separate automation lanes.

Fold Tracks Alt/Option-click to fold/unfold all tracks

Fold Automation Lanes only Alt/Option-click to fold/unfold the automation lanes for all tracks

Automation: Edit in Arrange Mode Automation clips are normally opened in Arrange mode, for quicker editing.

Automation: turning automation lanes on/off You can disable automation for individual parameters using the On buttons for the automation lanes.

Clean-Up function for Vector-based Automation When you record automation, the number of automation points can be reduced automatically or manually.

Random Quantize setting Allows for random deviation when quantizing notes.

Randomize Pitch function Transposes notes randomly, within a set note range.

Fixed Velocity function Sets all selected notes to the same velocity.

Scale Velocity function Used for increasing/decreasing dynamics (velocity range) in a group of notes.

Random Velocity function Gives notes random velocity values

Note Length adjustment functions Functions for adding, subtracting or setting a fixed note length.

Legato adjustment functions Changes note lengths according to the next note start, with adjustable gap or overlap.

Colorizing tracks and clips You can select a color for the selected clips or tracks. If you select a color for a track, all clips you create on the track will get that color.

Auto-color new sequencer tracks If this option is on, new tracks will automatically get a color setting.

Add Labels to Clips Allows you to name individual clips.

Crop Events to Clips If you have masked (resized) a clip, there may be notes or other data outside the clip. This will still be visible in Edit mode. The Crop function deletes all data outside the clip.

Merge Note Lanes Merges all note lanes on the selected track into one. Note: if there are performance controller data (e.g. pitch bend) in several lanes at the same position, only the data from the top lane will be included.

Usability & Misc

Feature Description

Numerical settings use a single control Numerical value fields such as the position displays on the transport bar (or inspector) now use a single control (spinner) to the right. To change the value of a segment (e.g. the "beats" position only), click that segment to select it and then use the spinner. You can also click and drag, or double click and type.

Better Key Commands Reason now has support for unmodified key commands (e.g. "M" for Mute Selected Clips). There has also been an overhaul of the entire key commands list, to make them more useful and logical. See separate list.

Keys for selecting Tools Use the QWERTY keys to select tools in the sequencer.

S key toggles Snap on/off

Selected track gets Master Keyboard Input setting By default, the last selected track will always have Master Keyboard Input (indicated by a keyboard icon and a frame around the device icon in the track list. You can select "Separated Mode" in the preferences if you like - then MKI is independent of the track selection.

Clearer Remote names for generic control surfaces The generic remote control surfaces have been renamed since they were a bit confusing.

Program localized to a language near you Reason can now be run in English, German, French or Japanese.

Internationalized - uses local fonts Text fields such as tape strips or patch name displays now use local fonts, and can show any character set.

Comes on DVD One disc to rule them all.


Pressure Makes Diamonds
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
EXCITING STUFF, but SHIT! i have a mac and downloading a cracked version for mac is going to be tough


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Are there any changes in nn-xt? I mean, can we finally adjust the lenght of a sample (timestretch) without affecting it's pitch? I would rather see that than those fancy groove tools and ish. I can make my own groove, that is what's it's all about, at least I like to think so. I record my hats without quantization anyway.

In one word.......NO! It sux I know.

NN-XT Group Mono When this is activated, zones in the same group will be mutually exclusive - except when playing the same note. Useful for having a polyphonic open hihat sample that will still be cut off by the closed hihat.

NN-XT: edit key/vel ranges for multiple zones You can adjust sample parameters for several samples at the same time now.

NN-XT: chromatic automapping of samples Useful for auto-mapping non-pitched sounds, e.g. drums.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73

question is
can reason4 record an input?

Ummm....u need to clarify "input" as in what type of input. If you're referring to a mic input for vocals etc...NO. I personally don't think Reason will ever have that feature. It's one of the reasons why Rewire was evented. Reason is more geared toward music production. There are too many other prgs that u can drop vocals in and slave Reason to it. Less things that can go wrong with Reason and less taxing on your computer.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Rumours of a significant update to Propellerhead’s popular Reason software have been circulating since January’s NAMM show, where the Swedish company were demonstrating Thor, a new synth device for Reason (which they said wasn’t going to be available for Reason 3). But don’t all rush to the shops just yet: Reason 4 is still in beta testing stages, which means that it won’t be officially released for a few months. Here’s what you can expect in the new version.

The aforementioned Thor, a polyphonic modular synth instrument, is one of the hottest new tools in the Reason 4 rack. It has six slots that can be filled with a variety of modules, including six different types of oscillator and four filters, as well as envelopes and effects. It is very light on CPU usage, according to Propellerhead.
Also new is the Regroove mixer, which enables the user to apply groove quantisation to sequences, using a mixer-style GUI. Reason 4 will ship with a library of Regroove templates, some of which are extracted from original records. If that’s not enough, you’ll be able to add even more spice to your sequences with RPG8, a monophonic arpeggiator that can apparently be connected to any of Reason’s sound sources.

The main GUI has been overhauled in the new version, and improvements include vector-enabled controller data, allowing for incredibly smooth automation, plus a multitude of new ‘lanes’, which can display alternate takes, automation data, and ‘folded’ information for each track. There are also ‘fully localised’ versions of Reason 4, in German, French and Japanese.

The Reason 4 public beta is available now, but you must apply to become a beta tester through the Propellerhead web site to get a copy. Pricing for the software (once it becomes fully available), will remain the same as the current version, which is £329 in the UK. Upgrades will be available for current Reason users, but those who bought Reason 3 after June 1st 2007 will be eligible for a free upgrade to the new version. The official release is slated for Autumn 2007, although this will depend on the length of the beta-testing stage. For the latest news, check out the Propellerhead web site.


Best Regards,


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
There already up the 4th build. I've been testing it since the 1st build. It's really nice. Sound quality is excellent. They just released the manuals for the diff't new devices at build 3 so I really haven't had a chance to dig into just yet. Before the manuals u had to figure out what the new devices could do. I'm definitely coping it the day it comes out!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
I think reason 4.0 and the roland mv8800 will be the staples in my production studio by years end. As soon as I move a couple more beats in the street the MV8800 is mine!