Bombs over Baghdad

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Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
good point. there is a balance to that whole "coboy" mentality, however. It's not a matter of showing off; its about are we the biggest? yes. are we stronger? yes. we are, as a whole, stronger than most if not all other nations. that is a fact that does not get lost on anyone, ourselves or anyone else. As far as "Gods" land- well, no this ISNT "Gods" land- Israel is. We just so happen to be founded by Christian men. the reason why these regimes come after us is in large due to their hatred towards the Jews and our wholehearted support of Israel.


Your wholehearted support of the Jews is partially because of the large amounts of money the Jewish lobbies pay for your Presidents and Senators campaigns, so once again we are talking interests. Also, the Jews are 'worse' than USA at playing 'cowboys' will fail to understand why when they had 'lost' Israel and it was 'given' back to them after WWII.
Is any land really God's land? My reason for the comment about USA being God's land was based on a documentary about USA where multiple people referred to USA as God's land...but as I mentioned, that's probably only a coincidence and a bias documentary. Anyway, TruthTold...we could go on for ages ;)
Let's leave the subject...if any files are released we can always let the thread surface again...


ill o.g.
Sorry to have offended you, truth. I was sayin' that because you missed the point here. I think pretty much the same on most issues you talked about, but I don't see the relation with the war really. But that being said, I don't want to continue on and on this debate, it's just that for some days I didn't come to the board and I feel I had to said this.


Muzik Militant
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Originally posted by Copenhagen

Anyway, the war is almost at a close and we will probably not know the real reason behind it before the government files are released in a decade or five...

The real reason behind the war was money..After the billions of dollars shelled out to the families of 9/11 the clean up and the relief funds to the cities invovled with 9/11...The best way for Bush to get this money is oil....They control the oil that means that they get paid for the one thing everyone in the WORLD needs....Bush figured that Iraq was a push over and the fact that Saddam had planned to assasinate his father gave him even more reason to want to go over their and take what he wants...

Truth Told -- I understand what you're saying about how this country compared to others is better to live in one of the few where we have space and opprotunity to better yourself and become someone sucessful ...I understand totaly but being a minorit myself growing up in a black neighborhood that was and still is drug infested I see how much the american government doesn't care about the black communities of america......I know it's a bit off topic but did you know that Ronald Regan , George Bush sr , and Oliver North were the biggest drug dealers in american history they were the reason of the crack cociane epidemic to hit the black communities in the 80's and only when it strated leaking into white america did Ronald Regan launch a war against drugs.....These men allowed cocaine into North America by way of South America on military planes......Black communities in the states of Claifornia , New York , Phillidelphia , South Carolina , and Florida were targeted for sale and distrobution and the money the South Americans made was used to buy arms.....That was called the Iran contra may be too young to know about that......In South America countries were being taken by communist while Jimmy Carter was in office ..When Regan took over he didn't want communism in his "Back Yard" so the rebels of these countries needed money and weapons to fund a revolution and the only thing they had was cocaine....Regan said why not let the drugs in the country but make sure it only affects the "NIGGERS".......These men destroyed the black communities of america and had us oppressed for years and still have us oppressed...I'm a frim beliver in helping yourself but we all need help from somewhere else!!! If anyone has a chance
(wether you're black white asian arab whatever) check out a book called THE DARK ALLIANCE by Gary Webb it shows how Regan Bush and North poisend black america and you can also see how the saying "APPLE DON'T FALL FAR FROM THE TREE
George Bush sr(tree) George jr and Jeb Bush(two apples) all men evil and no good


Fo-net-ic-ly Spee-kin
ill o.g.
The whole war seemed suspect to me...what were the reasons?

Get Saddam out of power?
Take the oil supply?
Superiority complex that he had to do what his father couldn't?
Make it seem like he's actually doing something about his 'war on terrorisim'?

I really don't know...but, the real question is....1st Iraq, is this gonna turn into a trip?

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
of course i know full well the things that our "great" leaders have done. we have the absolute greatest platform for such underhanded tactics; as the saying goes, absolute power corrupts absolutely. anyone here object to my saying that the U.S has the clostest thing to Global absolute power than anyone else, ever? i.e., finances, geographic location, size, technology, military power, etc. -and that is our ultimate downfall. I am a minority, in every sense of the word. my family is in shambles; i am 22 years of age and the oldest of 9, and the one with the responsibility of attending school meetings to handle academic placement and discipline for my brother, i am the one who goes to court dates and speaks to judges, P/O's and attorneys, the one who buys clothes, makes visits, writes, and in general does all the things my mother is to selfish to do. i am brother, father, mother, counselor, provider, discipliarian and friend. i have struggled my whole life; off and on the streets since i was ten and had every reason to bang, slang, fiend, YOU NAME IT. i must say, the current foster care/welfare system is horrible, and i am still suffering the effects to this day, and dealing with the effects it had on my family. now i am neither prideful or naive enough to believe that this equates with the plight of other places; the point being, however, is that while i see, know, and understand the many ailments of this country, iam making the choice to be productive, to harness that anger, pain, and resentment towards making a change in the small sect that God has blessed me with amazing influence in. i currently WORKK for a foster family agency, believe me, it ws hell just getting here. you ALL have great, valid points. heres the flaw: as long as we exist, these things are FOREVER. night and day, hot and cold, time to kill and heal, to love and hate, and ultimately, war and peace. that is not me, but Gods words. when i read and began to understand that, my perspective changed. i use to hate everyone and everything here, and i at one time had a .... hm... whats the word? ill just call it the "rap" mentality, the "victim" mentality that says i got screwed, we're all getting screwed, its all messed up... but you know something? im NOT going to be a victim. i am bigger than that; God is bigger than that. i wasnt created to be a victim, but a CONQUERER. so, that said, as messed up as this country is, i will continue to support my leaders, and pray for them, because ALL LEADERSHIP IS GIVEN BY GOD, and biblically, i am to pray for my leaders, regardless of their sins. God honors that and blesses me for it. so guess what? i have a calling of Justice on my life. thats right, Justice. so instead of being a victim, i will be one who creates and enacts change in my generation. Martin Luther King died for these same ideas. America itself was founded on this. say what you will about the slaves; we all know that was a terrible part of our past. but look at Africa. do you really wish that was your homeland? you werent a slave; neither are you now. oh, you and I may be discriminated against, stereotyped, and chastized by BOTH sides of the fence. we may suffer hardships, we may even suffer on a level greater than we know, at some point. but the one thing that you cannot deny is that this country is the only place where someone like me or you can be the ONE MAN whom God uses to bring that about. think you are better off anywhere else? there may very well be a p;ace where your life in particular is better off. as it stands, howver, you are in the one place where you have the oppurtunity to make it that much better for those JUST LIKE YOU.


Muzik Militant
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Truth told I must say you have a way with words ...As far as you growing in forster care means nothing to me
(no disrespect intended) I had it bad myself and I know what it's like to struggle I didn't come up in foster care for the simple fact that I wouldn't let them take me.........You are the oldest of 9 and I am the youngest of 5 and would have been misdirected my whole life if I wasn't the stubborn no nonsense person I am today
here I have two brothers career criminals with wrap seets long as me and you one brother who died in 87
(the same day his daughter was born) a sister who is just getting her life together......You get nothing but respect for being a person that didn't turn into my brothers and you are teaching your siblings the right way you're taking on a major responsibility and for that you get nothing but respect from me....As for Africa do I wish it was my homeland? No I don't , but if slavery didn't happen it would be my homeland and I'm sure that it wouldn't be what it is today....That doen't change the fact that we are still in a bad position ....Do you know all Black people really have now is sports and entertainment ......Are you from New York? If so did you hear about people trying to get reparations for slavery ?It's a process that will be long and hard but on another side of things did you know that all native americans in the state of new york get to go to city and state universities for free!!!!!!! We as balck people are being cheated out of a lot here it is we have to aplly for financial aid get scholarships and pay out right for a college education ...They didn't even want us to learn how to read they took our people from homeland by force and made us build their country.....sure they robbed the native americans blind but they di us far worse than them They took us from our country to a country that didn't belong to them and rape tourtured hung and whipped our people to work the cotton feilds tabbaco feilds farms and whatever else they wanted to make us do but yet we can't get a free education ....I guess the skin color of the native americans are closer to theirs than ours besides this is the place where African imagrants can come and get shot at 41 times by the police while un armed and have the police get away with it