Blue Sound Studios Idenpendent Music School


ill o.g.

Well, I talked to these guys on the phone for a while yesterday, and its making more and more sense as I read more through it, but I wanted to get some opinions from you guys and see what you thought. Ok so the scoop is these people help you build your own personal music studio (which I for one have no clue how to do), and show you how to set it up and use it, and not only teach you how to make beats but also how to start your own music business so you can get your stuff out there, and do it at the industry standards. I was considering going to Art Institute of Atlanta or some kind of college, but this actually seems like a much cheaper, faster, and efficient route and I can have all my own equipment to do everything I need. So does anyone have any opinions from the information given on the website? Or if anyone wants to explain how they distribute their music and make money, that would be great too.

I personally am just trying to get my game plan together and there is alot of stuff I dont know and that I cant figure out on my own or need feedback for, not to mention not knowing what equipment to buy, in combonation with not knowing how to use that equipment, and this place walks me through all that. Also I can get tech support for life, which means I can always go to these guys and talk to them no matter what point in my musical career. Sounds great to me, but again I would like some feedback from you guys, thanks.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
I agree with Holmz yo, keep away from them. Theres no fast/easy way to learn anything in life, it takes motivation, drive, hard work and a little natural talent wouldnt be bad too.

If you dont got music in you already, you cant force it.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
DEFINITE NO NO! old r u? If you're in your late teens to mid 20's you should be interning at a studio that does what you're trying to do. Associate yourself with people that are doing music. Doesn't have to be someone who's one in the game. Just someone who's on the grind on a daily. Latch on to them and milk them for as much information as you possibly can. Tell them "look homie" let me hang around and learn and I'll run errands for you in return. Do what you have to do to get in but don't pay these fly by night company's shit! No one can make you a seasoned producer in a few weeks. It just don't work like that. There are tutorials, information, and producers right here on ILL that you'll probably benefit more from than that company.

You're in Atlanta. If you want to learn some music theory and the business of the music industry go down town and apply at Georgia State. They have an excellent music program. I mean...if you're going to spend money to get educated about the game go to a reputable source.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
lol ..this is funny and slightly off topic but ....... i dont trust anything that has a picture of some operator chick with an earpiece ... instant turn off from buying anything , let alone musical talent lmao .....i dunno to me that screams "cheap" scam. lol .. all them " get rich quick" internet hustle thingies have some fucin chick with an earpiece on the page or commercial ... lmao

and lol at paying somone to tell u what to buy .. take a trip down to guitar cernter and start pressing buttons... or just browse around here with the search function and you can find more knowledge than some computermusic school can teach you..


ill o.g.
Ok, so everyone seems to be thinking no on this... BUT, did anyone actually read the whole detailed informatoin? Not to mention I had a chat with one of the guys on the phone for a while, but im still not convinced, ill be talkin to him again tomorrow.

@ Lil Drama Boi, I'll be 23 in April, I have been lookin into Art Institute, and GA State. I can easily get into either schools, but the music school at GA State is not easily entered (you have to be accepted into GA State, then apply for the music school seperately), and I honestly dont really think its my style anyway, its a very high strung establishment, and you pretty much have to compete with other attempting students trying to get in, and they only pick the best ones. Also when I asked if I could bring in some of my beats to showcase to them, they laughed and said try again when you can come in with an actual instrument and I was kind of offended by it, they got cocky as hell with me, acting like I cant get into the school cause of the type of music I make and it was bullshit. Art Institute seemed great, but $20,000 a year? Hell nah, There has to be somewhere else I can learn how to wield my potential, the music is in me but if I cant draw it out its pointless, I wanna do this more than anything right now, I wanna setup my own studio and get some fucking work done, I am frustrated as hell right now. All I have been doing is writing song after song after song, and no music to put it to, I wanna make my own beats so I can have my own distinct style, I know my chance will come, but damn I feel like I need to get out south metro ATL and get back into the city, I know no one that shares this passion or can teach me the skills I need to know around here, and hardly any idea on how to get started. Drama we should colab.


Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
Seriously mate, like someone already said if you want make music just fucking start doing it. Get yourself a computer with a soundcard in it, get Fl Studio and get a MIDI controller. If you can afford to pay for this ridiculous course you can afford that; then start working at it.

Ask questions, the wealth of talent and knowledge on this site is very impressive and people here are willing to help. If you don't understand something, ask; read the forums there's a shit load of information there. You can't just become an awesome producer overnight, you need to work at it. Keep going at it and you might get there. Listen to what these guys are telling you they know what they're talking about, (me not so much). Check out some of their stuff if you don't believe me.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
yo ... u can started for under 500 bucks.... that school is waste of time my dude .. for real ... just search around here ... look in the studio pics thread in the lab section for examples of some setups ... u can get started for cheap ... like sicock said , get a midi controller, fl studio, adobe audition, and a soundcard... grab some free vsts of the net and your good to go ... there is also a resources section here in illmuzik with links to free sounds and vsts and stuff... way more than u need to get started with the basics... anything claiming u can become a music producer in seven weeks is a fucin joke... 7 years is more like it....... and im being dead serious.

the other thing is that if you write, why not just hook up with another beatmaker or producer? .. there are certainly enough of them around... wearing all the musical hats (producer,emcee,engineer) is hard as fuc... i know because thats what im doing at the moment..... it so much easier if you just concentrate on one area instead of trying to do evrything yourself.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
I have tech support for life...Cant reach em any more though..and they owe me around $4000..Amazing how THAT goes hand in hand.

Anything that says:
Is not a true statement. nice scam though!

NEVER pay for a CONSULTANT... I got scammed like that. This forum is truly bout the only consultant you need.


ill o.g.
to be honest i havent went to the website i just everyone post and they all seem consisant. DONT DO IT cus once u pay for it and ur unhappy then u will be really piss cus u didnt get what u thought. Now i pay 19,000 a year to go to school for audio engineering/music business/audio visiual(double major wit a minor lol) ur not jus paying for the school but to work wit experence people. now there are other way to get help and learn. but from my expernce people are more willing to help a student then jus anyone. I go to columbia in chicago all my teacher are part time teacher bcus their real job are in the industry so my prod one teacher has engineered for rkelly, arthea franklin,etc.. .so he know tricks that u cant learn on some website. so for im paying to learn from people that are up to date in the field that im trying to enter. and that makes it easier for me to get internships and possible future jobs when i graduate cus i know what they know cus taught it me. so those overnight program prey on ignorance. Sorry for the rant but i hate those overnight plus they got me too. so stupid me. hope this helps


ill o.g.
So there are a few other colleges I have looked at in Atlanta, 1 being American Intercontitental University, which has music production. And also SAE seems great as well... thing is they are all $20,000 a year schools. I may not like it but I may end up going the route of student loans so I can make this happen, this is what I want to do and to me there isnt enough money in the world thats gonna stop the persuit of my dreams, so thats pretty much the bottom line.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
So there are a few other colleges I have looked at in Atlanta, 1 being American Intercontitental University, which has music production. And also SAE seems great as well... thing is they are all $20,000 a year schools. I may not like it but I may end up going the route of student loans so I can make this happen, this is what I want to do and to me there isnt enough money in the world thats gonna stop the persuit of my dreams, so thats pretty much the bottom line.

do you want to be a producer or an engineer really do you research before u throw money like that. You may be better off going to a tradinal college and majoring In business. Get a couple of music internships and your in. Seems like ur kinda lookin for an all inclusive easy way to get on or get good. It don't work like that



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 141
hahaha u want to spend 20 g's in school!!hahah!! hey i can teach you music for a less price!!lol
sound to me you looking for a easy way out!!
2.stay log in into illmuzik and look around
i use to be log in all day just so i can more!!
3.get a book or some dvd's
u will be surprised just for 20$or what ever the bok or dvd is$
they teach the same in the book and dvd as they would do in class but its a few g's less hahah
5. well huh... u should know by know after reading 1-4
that under a g' u can obtain self taught know material to educate ya self
6.don't ever underestimate the knowledge that u cna collect from ill muzik itself
we are family here and its like a big class room!!!


ill o.g.
I am not worried so much about the actual music stuff as I am the business aspect of it, there is alot of stuff I cant learn on these forums. I mean after all they are just forums, its not the best way to learn, and I am not gonna stick solely to one place to get all my information. I think advertising/promotion and distribution are just as key as the music is to be successful, thats the other side of the coin that I dont know hardly anything about.

Bottom line is I am new to this, and dont really know exactly what I am doin yet, maybe a mentor that can show me the ropes, I dont know. I'll be honest the person that got my into all this is in jail, and I dont know when hes comin out, he was my mentor until that incident, and now I dont have much way of hookin up with my old crew. I am lookin for a new crew to work with whether it be the people I meet if I go to music school or people I happen to run into.


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
I am not worried so much about the actual music stuff as I am the business aspect of it, there is alot of stuff I cant learn on these forums. I mean after all they are just forums, its not the best way to learn, and I am not gonna stick solely to one place to get all my information. I think advertising/promotion and distribution are just as key as the music is to be successful, thats the other side of the coin that I dont know hardly anything about.

Bottom line is I am new to this, and dont really know exactly what I am doin yet, maybe a mentor that can show me the ropes, I dont know. I'll be honest the person that got my into all this is in jail, and I dont know when hes comin out, he was my mentor until that incident, and now I dont have much way of hookin up with my old crew. I am lookin for a new crew to work with whether it be the people I meet if I go to music school or people I happen to run into.

You need to pick a spot and roll into the others eventually. I mean we all want to cover all aspects of the game, but you cant expect to learn it over a short period of time. You need to stick to one thing and then let yourself eventually roll into the next. I would say if your more concerned about the business aspect of it then drop the mpc or whatever and pick up some business books from the library. Or take some business class at a local college. If you feel that its somthing to dull to want to do, then pick up the MPC again and get back at it and let someone else help handle the business aspect. You need to just stop thinking about the entire aspect of the music business and start small.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Thought I would chime in on this. I just looked at the site, stay far away. Not only are some of there facts wrong (32 bit??) but they have google ads all over the site. I studied at Berklee music and when through Sweetwater U. Both are great but you must hustle and keep learning yourself. This school is a waste of time.

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