Best "I'm getting lucky 2nite" hiphop song EVER!

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Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
heh you just aren't kickin it around the right areas... I kept around the places that had tha most peeps with hiphop as the main identifier and eventually found ma lady just chillin and we hit it off like that... I had hella girls before then but most of em just like country and some even discriminate! I was with this girl who was an italian girl and her dad threatened to kill me cuz I was a "spic ni**er lover" cuz he found out my pops was mexican and he noted hiphop as another thing for some reason...

On that note: Many girls were taught to think that hiphop is an evil thing (no this is NOT a sexist post) because mass parents in general look at rap like the devils art form, from our generation anyways, the new will hopefully have a better idea of shit. I have heard so many parents say that rap isn't even music at all and they don't know why people listen to it, shiiiiiiit.

Try changin your locale, there are lots of girlies in the scene, you just hangin out at clubs of crooked tooth femalez :evillaugh


Sir Templeton Peck
ill o.g.
haha...I don't go to "clubs." I do go to shows though. I always be kickin it with the dime pieces, but more often than not I think society teaches girls that they should fit in more than guys. So usually the dimes are into being cheerleaders, sorority girls, jiggy music, or whatever is popular. I think society teaches women to be more stable and to conform more than men. So, I don't usually find hotties that are into underground music, at least until I expose them to it. I'm sure I'll find one someday, for now I'll just kick it with the dimes that are open-minded; so, I can expose them, but I would like to find a girl that has equal my passion about the underground. On that tip, check the Viktor Vaughn track "Let Me Watch." I am not usually a big fan of female MCs (sorry), but I think that this is the best hip-hop "love" song I have heard. And the ending is always amusing too... probably typical of most hip-hop love stories...LOL


i'm sure that, that's all very true in most cases. but my mom taught me not to conform, but to think for my self and persue things that touched me inside and to never just be a "follower" but to check what ever it might be and decide for my self if I thought it was worthy and would help me grow as a person


Sir Templeton Peck
ill o.g.
4NG3L1X said:
i'm sure that, that's all very true in most cases. but my mom taught me not to conform, but to think for my self and persue things that touched me inside and to never just be a "follower" but to check what ever it might be and decide for my self if I thought it was worthy and would help me grow as a person

You should start like a cult of girls that think like you and send some my way.... I guarantee they won't be dissapointed. (I guess that would ironicly be defying the non-conformist mentality though...)


to true lol i'm not like most girl's alot of them mite see my views as insane!


Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
naah girl you just think like a woman should think.... open minded (uh oh, I hope that won't get misconstrued by the feminine population of illmuzik)

this girl is the most real I ever met, she's on my level so many ways the shit isn't even funny... there's like 1 - 1,000,000 girls like this, most of the rest just don't care, use you up, or want to be used up.

kids, we are way off topic here, is that a bad thing? oops. it is... maybe we should start a females on hiphop thread...


Sir Templeton Peck
ill o.g.
Anything with a beat is a good "I'm getting lucky" song, cuz then I can slap that ass to da beat....LOL


It seems to me that our only active woman on here is having a little crush on someone... ;) (lucky you!)


i make beatz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 99
I don't dig off of hip-hop jointz to much. but my favorite choices for getting ur groove on: R Kelly-12 Play, Kieth Sweat-Make it Last Forever. Yeeeaaaaahhhhh!!!!!