Best era of Hip Hop Fasion.



LOL! Maybe you have the MPC in a big gold chain like some Flava Flav ish...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
I think that what happened is that when Karl Kani tried his hand at putting out street level clothes along with fubu and a lot of other companies with big names saw that this stuff sells and what you see nowadays is the evolution of the same type of gear baggy and street except with some fresher looks on old gear except there are soooo many other companies and brands......oh yeah jerseys have definitely been around for a long long time I seen Bel biv and devoe...LOL rockin em almost the same way they do now and you could get high quality or cheap ones back then too.........and then tims evolved into all other types of boots......I mean I can remember tims all the way back to like 90 or before.......that's nothing new but I think that there are so many fashions now that are geared to the streets than ever.... but hip hop culture is changing I think the biggest impact is the media, especially the internet because back in the day when everybody didn't get bombarded with cable and satellite, every place had their own twist on the style and how they interpreted what is in from music all the way to the clothes now the world is a lot smaller where people from all over the world can instantly see what's hot and they can probably order it and have the gear that used be impossible to get..........I mean even the hip hop slang is known just about all over's crazy


Muzik Militant
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Who is Hip Hop a Way of Life to?
I noticed that a lot of people are saying hip hop is a way of life but who is it a way of life to?Now don't take this as me playing the race card but to a person like me a black male that grew up in
what white america calls the "hood" well the hip hop life style in the "HOOD" gets people like me harassed by cops they even go as far as checking some guys butts for drugs Hip Hop is not a lifestyle or a way of life hip hop is music....somewhere down the line it got mixed up but if you would listen to the classic battle songs that Mc Shan and Krs one had hip hop wasn't a way of life it was music...All you young kids in the suburbs have no idea what you're talking about Break dancing and Graffiti are just what they are , dancin and art....I sure in hell don't hear anyone saying that the running man is a form of hip hop....Hip Hop is the music and rap is the lyrics a singer sings and a rapper raps That's that Hip Hop is not a way to dress if you look at the old videos by sugar hill gang grand master flash and the furious five , and any old school(real old school) acts they wore tight pants and and tight shirts so if hip hop is also a way to dress then people would still be in tight leather pants with michale jackson thriller jackets...It's not a way to live....You live your life the way you live it if you like hip hop than you like it...Do you hear people saying the live a R&B life ?? No you don't hear that , people live life the way they feel their life should be lived....So for all you people that say they live the "Hip Hop Life" spend the day in my negiborhood and you'll see that , that is just a line of crap......If you brake dance you're a dancer ,if you draw grafitti you're an artist , if you rap then you're a rapper that makes hip hop music...Just cause you wear FUBU , Phat Farm , and Sean John don't mean you dress hip hop Just because you wear baggy pants that hang below your ass doesn't mean you dress hip hop.Just because you wear Polo ,Nautica , Eddie Bower , Ambrocombie and Fich doesn't mean that you're not hip hop You dress how you want......The next thing we'll hear is You eat hip hop.......Please it's time to stop saying Hip Hop is a way of life because it's not



The other day, im walking down the streetand I see this group of white kids wearin tshirts down to their ankles, and hats about 4 times the size of their heads. What the f*** is with this idea that this looks good? Is it just me or does this look retarded?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
91-97 for me cross colors,skidz,starter jackets,thick cotton button up baseball jerseys,british knights,free mike tyson t-shirts,camo pants,military vests,echo tshirts,guess,hoodies and those face warmers

yall remember jams those half pants with all the crazy colors,kinda looked like those pants bodybuilders wear except with shorter legs


Muzik Militant
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5

Originally posted by Brainstream
The other day, im walking down the streetand I see this group of white kids wearin tshirts down to their ankles, and hats about 4 times the size of their heads. What the f*** is with this idea that this looks good? Is it just me or does this look retarded?

That has nothing to do with hip hop.....How many rappers do you actually see in videos with their shirts down to their ankles and hats too big for their heads when the thread was started metrosoul had a valid point but I still say there is no way to dress hip hop and the shit you seen was just plain ol ridiculous and it does look retarded I agree with you on that but don't put hip hop in a bad dress catergory like this one..What you saw was a bunch of white kid trying to act like they were from the hood , a bunch of wannabees


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Hey look I mean I think in the beginning like innrcty said that hip hop only meant the music.....and before the world of suburbia tried to come close back in the day with Vanilla ice and failed miserably....but then now today we have emenim....not to knock him but to me he definitely ain't hip hop he is a very good emulator though...this trend has always existed though...look at elvis....hahaha....I mean there was lil richard and a lot of other rock n rollers out then that until there was a token or rubber stamp that wasn't black to give the music acceptance and mainstream recognition as being in.........LOL anyhow but the main thing is hip hop possibly might be a way of life but I doubt that you could compare the way of life in the hood to the way of life that say someone in an upscale neighborhood lives but they attempt to emulate what they see in a video or maybe wear the same gear as they see peeps in the hood wearing and study real hip hop music that in the beginning no white people would even listen to somehow identify and say they are hip hop but now we have experts that can break hip hop down for you...hahahahaha in some suburban town or even in some other country........


Definitely not this era right now. I can understand wearin jerseys because you are a sports fan, but come on, these rappers are just killling themselves. Evryone looks like everybody else. Pharell really did his own thing. Look at his style, no Jerseys, he does his own thing. Thats what people need to do more of!!

Equality 7-2521

i dont know but i agree with philsiarri......streetwear doesnt make you more hiphop.


Look all im sayin is iff you dress like everybody else, then you just another rapper on the mainstream belt. To set you apart, you have to have your own style. Fuck the mainstream, you gotta be


theres lots of styles from each era i like from gazelles and kangols to mitchell & ness jerseys but the best style has got to be between 92 and 98 that era was just so classic from the hoodies to triple fat goose to man just eevrything felt so authentic and original, plus back then kids in the suburbs had no access wutsoever to these ill ass flavors and styles which made it exclusive and feel better now that i think of it thats wut made it so special the fact that it wasnt mainstream and it was one of a kind not these days i work at a sneaker store in a mall in the suburbs and they sell air forces in my stores, but these kids come in asking me for air force 1s when theyre right in there face, meaning they dont even know wut it looks like but they still want it cause its in rap videos and shouted out so much thats wack


all i know is that these are the sickest kicks of all time!!!!

now thats gangsta!


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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 34
how come everytime i see metrosouls avater i think "proof" from D12???
hes a clown too


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 34
i meant that your fuzzy pic bears a resemblance to proof from D12, the fact that hes a clown had no bearing on you it was a separate statement.relax kicko.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 34
if it werent so fuzzy i might be able to tell, besides the fact that i could care les, if he was a somebody im assuming ou would have done a better job in tryong to make him recognizable, niggas get so touchy over a statement all i said was that he looked like proof, so who the fuck is it???


its the cover of j-lives album "The Best Part" hes my favorite underground emcee.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 34
yeah hes dope, he aint fuckin wit Ras Kass though


rass kass is nasty, his latest shit is not up to par butt his 90's shit was insane.