Befpre the Music Dies - Documentary on how the talent has disappeared in music


Sound Tight Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 201
?uestlove made a very scary claim when he said that "The Roots" is the last black band signed to a major. Im a big Roots fan, but they have made 14 or 15 albums which means they are nearing the end(totally from a time wise viewpoint).

I didnt think about that and Mint Condition is pretty much done, 1 album every ten years now. All the musicians want to make beats now LOL. Im sure local bands are out there its just not a demand for them right now in mainstream, unless they want a sample replayed. Thats what big label VP's are going to say R&B Bands arn't selling.


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
i believe this doc was discussed on ill before. however, i dont see label politics solely being responsible for whats happening to the music. labels are evil, no doubt. but there are also too many mediocre releases, especially in hip hop. rappers release three mixtapes and two half-assed albums a year, when it used to be a long player in two or three years, only a-class material. and to some degree, piracy IS responsible for this, because you cannot live off of selling records anymore. you have to release, tour, release, tour, just to stay relevant and to get paid. the quality of the music suffers from this. so if i believe in an artist, i buy their album. like the new roots joint.
another point is cheap equipment. it doesn't take as much determination to make music and release anymore. what do you think ?


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Relevancy is the most important part of that equation. People like Diddy and 50 cent STAY relevant and barely release ANY music (Notably puff). He has to be the most relevant person in music today, and is JUST now releasing music. And thats after years of milking that search and and creation process through MULTIPLE shows. THEN he has a movie where he does everything he does in real life except with built in spots for humor.

i believe this doc was discussed on ill before. however, i dont see label politics solely being responsible for whats happening to the music. labels are evil, no doubt. but there are also too many mediocre releases, especially in hip hop. rappers release three mixtapes and two half-assed albums a year, when it used to be a long player in two or three years, only a-class material. and to some degree, piracy IS responsible for this, because you cannot live off of selling records anymore. you have to release, tour, release, tour, just to stay relevant and to get paid. the quality of the music suffers from this. so if i believe in an artist, i buy their album. like the new roots joint.
another point is cheap equipment. it doesn't take as much determination to make music and release anymore. what do you think ?
i believe this doc was discussed on ill before. however, i dont see label politics solely being responsible for whats happening to the music. labels are evil, no doubt. but there are also too many mediocre releases, especially in hip hop. rappers release three mixtapes and two half-assed albums a year, when it used to be a long player in two or three years, only a-class material. and to some degree, piracy IS responsible for this, because you cannot live off of selling records anymore. you have to release, tour, release, tour, just to stay relevant and to get paid. the quality of the music suffers from this. so if i believe in an artist, i buy their album. like the new roots joint.
another point is cheap equipment. it doesn't take as much determination to make music and release anymore. what do you think ?

I agree, piracy does play a part in it, but the money chasing is whats ultimately killing the artform.
When the music becomes less commercial, if that ever happens, then it will improve as an artform. Looks will become less important again and talent will become more important again. Just a matter of time I think.
Personally I have gone off of music, I cant even be bothered to look for shit anymore, cos Im disappointed 9 times out of 10. I feel its just become a waste of time.

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