Beats from the Heart

ill o.g.
Do your beats reflect who you are overall, or do you make your beats on how your feeling at that present moment?


The Lovable Rogue
ill o.g.
Both, when im mello i make mello beats, when im pissed off i make dark beats etc.
ill o.g.
basically a little of both. But mostly how i am as a person, or how i feel is how my music sounds. I try to paint that picture.


ill o.g.
i sometimes make a beat through how im feelin at that moment. often i jst start out wit somethin n the beat makes itself.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
mine always reflect how I'm feeling.... I've always made music to express how i'm feeling and that's usually how I make beats... But, a couple times I've made some bangers without going by the feeling, usuallt sampled joints...
ill o.g.
who knows Im the type to be like kay im gonna make a beat.I don't have any clue as to what it's gonna be like or how it's gonna sound.I just get a melody or a drum loop goin and take it from there.Alot of my shyt sounds to happy but I think I subliminaly made it that way...Im not a happy person.


ill o.g.
I think my mood affects the process but in the end my production has a sound, and if you look back at the work there really are some chracteristic traits. So I guess in the end they reflect me as an artist.

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