Beat This! - June 17-18, 2020

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beats architect
Battle Points: 127
thanks, I go to buy myself a kebab, come back to find out I won. Woo hoo, thanks for the votes.
I think @Memento Beats could have had this if the mix was on point. Pushed it way too far. Hence the enola gay joke, the plane that dropped the nuke
enjoy that winning kebab my friend...

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 725
@Jim B was the one i was going to vote for but didnt...

The Announcement says Emergency services are unavailable during the Purge... so the use of vehicle sirens to me contradicted (i also considered using them, but decided not to based on this haha)

There's someone I wanted to vote for, but I decided against it on a technicality

I'll detail what that technicality is once the results are out.


beats architect
Battle Points: 127
anyway, i enjoy the period when battles
@Jim B was the one i was going to vote for but didnt...

The Announcement says Emergency services are unavailable during the Purge... so the use of vehicle sirens to me contradicted (i also considered using them, but decided not to based on this haha)
the purgers stole a police car, trying to confuse people...

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 725
@Pappas Beats your beat was good btw - wasn't in my list 'cause it saw it as dubstep. good work tho, brother.

@Primz I really liked your one too. Only reason for not my vote, is I didn't feel fully killy to it - it felt "Crimey" tho which I liked. regardless, liked it.

@StoneLockProd loved yours too. Was getting like SPaghetti Western vibes and Star Wars vibes. Really enjoyed it. Was making me think of certain films/vibes I have associated with other things. top stuff

@thangman cool track, didn't feel killy for me tho. felt like a wholesome happy ending to a film where someone maybe survived a killing tho. really pretty beat tho

@ThE_SiRe_BeAtS sick beat, my guy! Really liked the main part of this. Was getting dope vibes from it - just not killing ones. Seem to love your tracks.

@YannFer my dude... in my short list your track was listed as "trap with bounce" haha bounce is good. liked it

Enemy Sounds

Boom Bapper
Battle Points: 68
Yooooo!! @2GooD Productions... Congrats on that W.!! Bruh... That shit was bananas... Pure killing fields and blood soaked streets with that one.. Good, good shit, fammo.. @crog85 .. I always like what you bring to the table as far as the trap shit.. Man, your track was ill too.. "Killy" tracks are cool, but it takes some specific talent to make shit like that.. Which is why Stu Bangas and Vanderslice are in a class of their own.. Anyway -- although it wasnt "killy", I enjoyed it because it WASNT killy.. I like grimey ass shit, and you got it with this one..

And to everyone else who entered -- GOOD FUCKIN JOB, GUYS!!! THIS BATTLE WAS DOPE AS HELL!!! (No pun intended)
Yooooo!! @2GooD Productions... Congrats on that W.!! Bruh... That shit was bananas... Pure killing fields and blood soaked streets with that one.. Good, good shit, fammo.. @crog85 .. I always like what you bring to the table as far as the trap shit.. Man, your track was ill too.. "Killy" tracks are cool, but it takes some specific talent to make shit like that.. Which is why Stu Bangas and Vanderslice are in a class of their own.. Anyway -- although it wasnt "killy", I enjoyed it because it WASNT killy.. I like grimey ass shit, and you got it with this one..

And to everyone else who entered -- GOOD FUCKIN JOB, GUYS!!! THIS BATTLE WAS DOPE AS HELL!!! (No pun intended)


Freedom Seed Spreader
Battle Points: 360
@Pappas Beats your beat was good btw - wasn't in my list 'cause it saw it as dubstep. good work tho, brother
You were one of the ones who told me to give er a go again... so gonna "dubstep" my ass over and do the new style "waterboarding" as @Fade calls it (AKA playing my music over and over)

Ill teach you to have faith in me MWAHAHAHAH!
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