Beat This! - July 14-15, 2021

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The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
@Iron Keys C'mon man, you know how it is. Everyone on here has gone through the same thing trying to place or win. Some get mad and leave, some blame someone else or the voting, but most just continue to battle.

I was always huge into the DMC battles in the 90's and each year it was basically a new person that would win but there were the usual guys that battled each year anyway because they enjoyed battling.

The way I see it is, whether you place or not, it's about what kind of feedback you get on here that matters most. The battling is for fun. The community feedback is what counts.

Look at something like the UFC - there's only a handful of top guys, the rest just fight because they like punching other people in the face.
@Iron Keys

Look at something like the UFC - there's only a handful of top guys, the rest just fight because they like punching other people in the face.
Or being punched in the face, some people are just fucking weird. All I know is battling and losing, over and over again just made me get better. Dont git mad, git gud. Then get gudder.
as long as you come out a better producer tomorrow than you are today then nothing of value was lost and only gained. Was a good turnout at this last battle, was enjoyable to listen to. Having such good strong competition will only make us all better.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
NGL when @2GooD Productions snubbed me my first place BATTLETHAT! (Congrats btw) I was super pissed. I didn't log on for a month and a half lol. But I learned to take the L. I got back in the ring and started battling again and i actually grew mentally. Hey, if I don't t place, at least @nottr likes my music haha. Shout out nottr I see you my g!!.
Yeah it's like a few years ago when the Bthat came down to Bugsy and Sucio. Both were so good and Sucio took it by 1 vote I think.


Battle Points: 77
For the record @KiloOnTheBeat got my vote. That beat just vibed with me.

@Armani dope beat suits the vocal, an easy contender, one of my favorites.
@crog85 needless to say, dope, really liked the pitch shift. Also one of my favorites, another well deserved win.
@DaHomie dope, another banger.
@Face Valid Had a hard time choosing between this and @KiloOnTheBeat, really liked it.
@C4NTK33P5T1LL props for the title alone. Not really feeling the beat so much tbh, didnt like the choice of sounds.
@Delta_Nine this was giving me Madlib vibes and could hear Quasimoto on it.
@Halle1111 really liked the sample on this, but the mix and repetitiveness hurt this one.
@Homsy really liked this one too, i think a better mix will make the components gel together a bit better, needs to be a bit more balanced.
@Iron Keys this is really dope, one of my favorites for this battle, but it is rnb/pop not hip hop. Still real nice production, great track.
@jainehot2 spent the whole track waiting for a drop that never came. Really needs a big drop, will really make it stand out.
@Mahlhavoc the pella fucked this one for me. Some of the sounds used dont sound so great too, they sound a bit general midi. Great choice of midi file though. One of my favorite songs of all time.

If I havent mentioned you, no hard feelings. Just wanted to give some feedback.
Hey man! I appreciate the vote and you really vibing with my beat. I am not much for a sample type beat guy and tend to stay in my own lane designing synths. So the fact you liked it tickles me pink. Again I really appreciate it!
NGL when @2GooD Productions snubbed me my first place BATTLETHAT! (Congrats btw) I was super pissed. I didn't log on for a month and a half lol. But I learned to take the L. I got back in the ring and started battling again and i actually grew mentally. Hey, if I don't t place, at least @nottr likes my music haha. Shout out nottr I see you my g!!.
exactly, its a valuable thing we all have to go through, we have to walk the hot coals to grow to bear it, we need to thicken our skins a bit, because losing a battle among a small group of dedicated producers aint shit when it comes to what shit the vast majority of people might say about how shit they think your music is. Opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one and it usually stinks. You cant please everybody, its impossible. Just do you, thats all we can do, and some will like it, thats all any of us can ask for. I won far more battles doing me than making beats that fit into a nice box that I think people will vote for. And the losing the many just kept my ego in check and kept me grounded. Nobody likes losing, especially me, its that that has driven me to git gud. Me and Nottr met up a few weeks ago, he brought his mpc and we fucked with a couple samples, he won the last beat this with his one. Ive been embarrassed to share mine since his came out so dope. I sort of just gave up on mine.
Hey man! I appreciate the vote and you really vibing with my beat. I am not much for a sample type beat guy and tend to stay in my own lane designing synths. So the fact you liked it tickles me pink. Again I really appreciate it!
I mostly compose these days and maybe thats why your track vibed with me, I could appreciate the melodies and counter melodies and it had a real atmosphere to it that I just really liked, it tipped my vote.
exactly, its a valuable thing we all have to go through, we have to walk the hot coals to grow to bear it, we need to thicken our skins a bit, because losing a battle among a small group of dedicated producers aint shit when it comes to what shit the vast majority of people might say about how shit they think your music is. Opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one and it usually stinks. You cant please everybody, its impossible. Just do you, thats all we can do, and some will like it, thats all any of us can ask for. I won far more battles doing me than making beats that fit into a nice box that I think people will vote for. And the losing the many just kept my ego in check and kept me grounded. Nobody likes losing, especially me, its that that has driven me to git gud. Me and Nottr met up a few weeks ago, he brought his mpc and we fucked with a couple samples, he won the last beat this with his one. Ive been embarrassed to share mine since his came out so dope. I sort of just gave up on mine.
Very excellent points you made. I agree with it. Yoooo, man if I was in the UK I would of totally rocked with you and nottr. Hes getting better for sure.
Hey, @nottr what kind mpc you get?


Back to the Grind...
Battle Points: 836
I'm considering making this my last battle here. Not sure what purpose it serves anymore. Need to think of finding somewhere else to post my beats.
Smh… Here we go again lol
I hadnt battled in like 6+ months… i check the forum before the battles and everyone’s talking about boombaps taking over, traps dead in the battles… Then my empty lifeless trap beat wins (even tho i dont consider it “trap”)… Haha :ROFLMAO:
That beat was fire. I wouldn't call you trap either, I gotta a lot of 36 mafia vibes. I do "boombap", but when i hear a dope beat trap, fusion whatever, I'm going to let you know I like it. That sample you a lot of times my faves are not even boom bap.
Smh… Here we go again lol
I hadnt battled in like 6+ months… i check the forum before the battles and everyone’s talking about boombaps taking over, traps dead in the battles… Then my empty lifeless trap beat wins (even tho i dont consider it “trap”)… Haha :ROFLMAO:


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I really don't care for the labels anymore, never did really. It's like when I do AOTB, I just judge on how good it sounds and mixing. I've picked plenty of Trap beats, so I just wish everyone would just use their ears and pick what sounds best regardless of style.

And who the hell named it "boom bap"?
Man I remember when it was just called hiphop.
I know! I guess someone went off of KRS's album and coined it like that.
Unfortunately there may be some bias. Yeah I really do try to be open these days. If its dope its dope.
I really don't care for the labels anymore, never did really. It's like when I do AOTB, I just judge on how good it sounds and mixing. I've picked plenty of Trap beats, so I just wish everyone would just use their ears and pick what sounds best regardless of style.

I know! I guess someone went off of KRS's album and coined it like that.
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