Beat This! - August 26-27, 2020

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Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 704

Okay, so can some of you give me some help?

A lot of your tracks don't sound compressed/limited, but they're really loud (in a good way)... I ran my mix through 2 compressors and 2 limiters and it's still the quietest beat on the whole list.

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 704
Also, if anyone can give me some feedback on the mix of the track I'd appreciate it.

My guess is, you'll point out the same issues I have with it. But I don't get why they're there, as I'm aware of them, so try to be conscious of them and address them but they always seem to be there, each track each mix without fail.

Been doing this wayyy too long to be this shit at making music.

(if @Fade rather this is outside the thread, then can inbox me or i post it elsehwere i dont mind)


Battle Points: 135
@GoldenBoy your beat was cool m8 i really like the harmony in the outro with the singing, but sometimes you dont win and sometimes you have to switch up your style if you know its for a competition i wouldn't post one of meldoic ass instrumentals for a comp for example, sry though i feel complaining about it after is a bad look even if its unintentional.
No hard feelings. I don’t want to take away from the winners. Sorry if what I said came off like that. You’re entitled to your opinion as well. I just don’t like when people add vocals and only speak about drugs, alcohol, and bitches because it’s “popular.” That’s just my opinion. It’s tiring and not original. Whoever wrote that sick piano jazz solo boom bap type beat. Freakin props!


Battle Points: 135

Okay, so can some of you give me some help?

A lot of your tracks don't sound compressed/limited, but they're really loud (in a good way)... I ran my mix through 2 compressors and 2 limiters and it's still the quietest beat on the whole list.
I can help you with that. Direct message me

Vossi Beats

Battle Points: 238
I still don't understand why no one wants to go for ice cream.

Sorry bro but there's a girl sitting on me and she won't let me leave. Next time tho!


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Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 704
here was my short list...

Beat 9 - snoop

beat 12 - trap piano... hats hm? hi end a bit mushy

beat 13 - staccato bap

beat 16 - flourishing piano trap

beat 18 - interesting

beat 22 - interesting trap bells

beat 26 2good? quite decent

@Big moon Muzic almost got my vote. really liked yours but it missed out because of how the track 'pumped' too much, and the vocals disappeared a bit (i relate) but you

@Vossi Beats almost got my vote. really liked this. Mainly cause the piano stabs... originally thought this was @2GooD Productions 's (because of stabs - wahey to the piano stab gang) until that buzzy voicesynthcame in. i was like 'nah not 2's' (when i got to 2goods i was like ahh THAT's 2goods). Vossi I think im slyly a fan, your tracks seem to always pop up on my radar.

'flourishing piano' was obviously @Memento Beats

beat 18 was @Moselly really just quite enjoyed this. was nice.

@huggyHG quite liked the sparkly vibe, reminds me of some dope tracks they used to stick rnb chicks on. always loved those kinda beats

Okay, so can some of you give me some help?

A lot of your tracks don't sound compressed/limited, but they're really loud (in a good way)... I ran my mix through 2 compressors and 2 limiters and it's still the quietest beat on the whole list.
I had no compression on the master bus except my final limiter. why 2 limiters?
All I had on the master bus is an eq then the limiter. And finally SPAN to see how far im pushing the LUFS.
Cut below 20-25hz on all bass instruments, then push the limiter until I reach around -9db integrated for this beat I think.

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 704
I had no compression on the master bus except my final limiter. why 2 limiters?
All I had on the master bus is an eq then the limiter. And finally SPAN to see how far im pushing the LUFS.
Cut below 20-25hz on all bass instruments, then push the limiter until I reach around -9db for this beat I think.

This why i don't get why my shit's quiet then.
So, 2 because often using 2 you can knock off more rather than pushing 1 really hard. I've seen many pros do this. thought i'd try.

If I pushed my limiter to -9dB gain reduction my track would horrifically pump*. would sound like those 'mixtape' tracks that used to come out during those early 2000s.
(*why's your track not pumpmad with -9db?)

Okay, this'll sounddumb, but... when you say 'cut below', do you set the eq node *at* 25hz... or do you start it lower?? 'cause obviously you get a slope off above where you set it right?
I have a slower release on the limiter around 10ms. Gain staging and equing out the unwanted frequencies is what allows you to push the limiter further before it starts distorting. I think I put a small roll off at the top end too, and yes I set the center of the slope at around 20-25hz, listening as I do it. I set it to a sharp Q too so its a steep slope, which on FL Studios Fruity EQ2, creates a bump at around 50-60hz which helps give a boost to the bass.
Series compression is a thing when a lot of compression is required, its better to spread the work out across 2 or more compressors instead of pushing one too far. As for limiting twice, I dont see the point. If the gain staging is done right you shouldnt really have to push the limiter too far
not on a limiter it isnt, its not mega slow but its not very fast either. Release is what controls the pumping, longer release = less pumping. And Im probably pushing around -6db compression on the limiter. Im gonna load up the track so I can be very specific about settings as Im going from memory here.

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 704
not on a limiter it isnt, its not mega slow but its not very fast either. Release is what controls the pumping, longer release = less pumping. And Im probably pushing around -6db compression on the limiter. Im gonna load up the track so I can be very specific about settings as Im going from memory here.

Weird, I find i get pumping with slow opposed to fast.

we're praising your mixing in the discord btw. Well,@Crispifier wants your kicks, I'm praising your mix.

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 704
My limiter release is at 11.89ms, the threshold is at -4.7 and Im getting -6db of compression. And ive set the ceiling to -1db

In SPAN its pushing -9.5db RMS. With a crest factor of 5.1. A low crest factor creates a louder mix too.

I need to check mine, I'm not so clued up on lufs or crest factor. I set my meter to k14 and it was constantly in the yellow tho. as in lowest points
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